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Washtenaw Pomology

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Vice President Baldwin presided over tlie July meetinjr. Air. Ganzhorn beinj; absent tbc cor. sec'y was cho9en to take his place. The commlttee on fruit preserving factory reponed that Allmendinger fc Bchneider had erected the larjrest size of the Acme dryer and are ready for any surplus of black raspberries. The chairman and Rev. S. Clemente were appointed a committee to investígate at what price raspberries could be dried protitably. Mr. Baldwin stated ttiat dried black raspberries were worth 25J cents per 1b. at Chicago, lt takes three quarts of berries to make one ponnd dried. Ile would send his berries to tlie factory if they would not riet him 0 cents per quart. S. Mills: Knapberrln do not pay if sold below 8 cents. Tlie report on transport.itioii will be publlstted next week, Prof. 15. K. Nlchols, tin; seiretary of the commlttee being absent. Tlie bral report by the ehairman TO very favorable to nilppen of fruit The rato of the Express Co. on the different routes of the Midi. Central, Toledo, Aun Arbor & ííortheni Michigan, and Pere Mnrquette roads with other valuable statistics to the fruit growers who were mostly absent were fjiven by the chairman. The work that the liotne eommittees have accotuplished la tnuch rea ter than the (ruit grower.s generally are aware of. If to nothins; else these mQtlemen wlio have glven tlii'ir time, talent and nioney, are entitled to the sinceren thanks of the hociety and every frnit grower. Why the majority of fruit groweis nerer pay a cent nor give an hour's time to organized work of thU kind whicli has beconie a necessity is a profound mystery to the writer. Evart H. Scott read a letter from secretary Gartield asking this society to contribute at least 150 platos of fruit to the pomological exhibit at the coininjr Btate falr. Mr. Scott stated that the exhibit was cut down by tbe offices of the fair from $2,400 to $14,000. The society resolved to contribute 150 piafes or more if no premium was paid. The society had the great pleasure to to have L. A. Goodman secretary of the Missouri State Hortieultural Society in tueir midst. Mr. Goodman is an alumnus of the State University. His class was present to rejoice in the honor and jubilee of their Alma Mater. He is one of the leading men in horticultura In the l'nlted States and representa with the president of his society a fruit orchard of 5,000 acre. We had the especial pleasiiro of a personal inspection of our pear orchanl and vineyard by this gentlemr.n, who was especially pleased with the pyramldlc l'onn, we give our standaid pêsr tiees, and the success we have with Missouri gripes fn this northern latitude. The absent fruitgrowert of Watbtenaw tnlssed a yreat treat, so did Mr. Goodman. The thanks of the society wei e tendered to judge Noah W. Cheevertor a donation of hls claim for services for the society. Mr. S. Mills exhibited Fay's Prolitlc and White Grape currante. Ut' itylted that Fay's Prolilic was one of the exeptions (if the maiiy new small frults that had been sent 'out of late with high praises provln; mostly failures. Mrs. E. l$aur exhibited her rwpberry shrub of whlch all present, were invited o partake as a pitchor of ice water was procured. Hev. S. CHnicnts had his U. S. ('ook Stove Drier on exhibit It welgh 85 Ibs. and eau be u-eil tor dryini; benies, vesretablea and fruUs of nll kinds. E Baur ordered one at once. Every family oujrht to have one. Palmer and Bon of Dexter exhibited hi bushei round ba-ket. 4 quart basket, berry enites for (u:irts and pjnta, berry baskets and their fruit basket with batidle, which j.'ave last year such good satisfaction. Mr. Evart Scott was of the opinión that we should sliip by the the Michigan Central as soon as we have 200 bushels of berries to ehip per day. We have time to load the car untll 8 o'docfc p. m. and tlie II. R. Company uarantees the delivery oi the car so that the oomniission' men can get the fruit early in the mvrnlng, The fruit irrower of Washtcnaw are respectfully requeWed to Bttend the next meeting 'of the society wlilch occurs on the 6th of August. E. U.U'it, Cor. Scc'y. P. S. llaving had a conversation with Prof. Nichols wu understand tbat a car to Detroit costs 18 dollars To tbis lias t.i be addcd the tare aml expense ot a man who takes chafge of the car, delivers the fruit and returns empty nrntet and baskets. BhlppiOR by tlie KKl pounds costs í!í ets., bat paokagei are not returned gratis as is the ase ,vhen a car is hlred. Khlppers can deliver their fruit till 8 p. m.


Ann Arbor Courier
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