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Xotlce to Credltors. STATB OF MICIIIG AN.County of Notlce ie hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Wuhtenaw, made on the twentieth day of Jum A. U. 1S(7. aix moQths from that date were allowed forcreditor to prevent thelr claims apainst the estáte of Lucy W. 8. MoruHii, late of smd county, do and that all creditorg of eaid deceased are required i to present their claims to said Hrobale Court, ut the i FrobateOmce, in the city of Aun Arbor, for examiiiatlon an( allowance. on or befare theSiMb day of! i December next.and that Kuch claims will be tu nr.l before sald conrt, on Tuesday, the 2Oth day of September, and on Tueeday.tne 2()th day of Detentar uvxt, ai teu o'clock in the forenoon ol each of said days. Dated, Ann Arhor, June 21, A. D. I8R. Wll.l.lAM II. HAKKIMAN, 1W7-1S81 Judae ui Prolwte. FRANCIS L YORK, M.A., Wlll receive durlug THE COMINO SUMMER A Limited nurnberof raplls In PIANO, ORC AN AND HARMONY, At greatly ttttTDTTCttlD EATESApply by mail or at NO. 30 SOUTH IROAItLS 8TKKKT : DOK'T USE BIG WORDS ! : In proinul-ratin Motoric cngitatloai or articulatiiig MlperfioUl sentimctitalitios and pliilosopliicnl or psycliologlcal ' vations, luwire of plalituditiotis poniliTosily. Let yotir statements pos-ess a ' claritied coiicUenesf, compacted cotnprehensibleness, coalecetit consistemv and eoiioentrated cogency. KEhew all ooiigloinerations of flatnlent eimulity, jjuue b.'tbblement and! asinine iiffectations. In tryitijf o impress upon otliers ' the snperlority, reliab'dity, and purity of ] all medicines and chemiciils at Uoodye.ii'.I)rug"Store It is not neecssary to use jiw brenkers. Let your eztemporaneoin deseantinga and unpremedltated . ong have intelllgibillty and veraclous vlracity, without rhodomontudc er tlirusonieal bombast. Sedulously avoid all pollysylliibic profnndity psitUoeOUl vacuity, ventriloqual verbo?ity vandiloi[ueut vapidity; slum doublé entendre prnrlentjocosity and pestifeiou pi otanity obscurent or apparent. In other word, talk plainly, niiturally, sensibly, d truthlully, say, thnt Goodyert Drtii; Store is rcally the bes-t place in Washtcnaw County to buy pure drugs, etc, il low prices; also that especial kttentlon Is glyeii to the careful preparation of irsoriptiong and faiuily uiedieincs.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News