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The Great Meet

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Tlie olllciul program for the 5ili anima BMetoftlM Michigan División TtMglH "I Aniericaii Wheelinen, to be hield in Ann Arbor unü Detroit, July S itnd il, luis been issued, and ia an el9gint pnmpblet of 20 paes. Tlie Animal Butlntn Meeting ot li Michigan División, L A. V , will b lielil at 10 a. m. at roomi ot ilic Anti Arbor Bicycle Club, 17 aml 18 Masonic Ulock, corner of Main aul Hurou Streets, wli ere will be the Uexdquaftera ol uil tlie VVheeliiKMi. Here allarearu ri-cjuiated to report aiul regUter uuneilintelv iipon tlieir uriival. Three f rom eacb club shall constiuile a team in tl. e Ypsilanti race. The bil] climbers will be started one-half minute apart, with no dismounts allowed. In the evening a receptlon will be tendercd the Wheelinen ut the house and grounds of Junius E. Beal, the SecretaryTreasurer. ]' Ui Mi KAM. 10:00 a. m. Business meeting. 11:00 a. m. HUI cllDiblug contest. One-bair inlle. 12:00 a. m. Picture taklng. 12.:iO p. ra. Dlnner at Hangsterfer's. 1:30 p. m. Parade. 4:hi i. in. Campus race (novice). 3:00 p. m. Triante race. Vla Saline and Ypsilanll (28 miles.) 3:1(1 p. in. Trick rldlng. 4:30 p.m. Team race Krom Ypsilanti to Aun Arbor (8J miles.) 8:00 p. in. Ueceptlon. PRIZKS. 1. For the team race three cyclersfrom each club. A photograph of the meet framedlnau elegant minimi style, size 10x20 luches. 2. mil Climblng Couteat, tlrst prlze a gold, medal conslstlng of cross bar wlth " Ann Arbor BI. C." across the face and large pendant wlth picture of cycler climblng a hlll for dear Ufe, wllh a golden belt surroundlng lt ou whlch are the word "11111 Climblug Contest." Seoond prize a gent's slik umbrella, elven by Chas. W. Waguer, und upproprlalely eugraved. 3. Triangle Race, first prlze a gold medul conslsting of a cross-bar wlth eagle pendant, from whlch bangs ft trlangle wllü blcyeler on wheel inounted in tbe water, each slde of the trlanglo contalning name of on; of the cltien, "Aon Arbor," "Ypsilanti," "Saline " The second prlze will be a Klrkpatrlck suddle presented by the Pope Co. 4. Campus Race, (one mlle,) Flrat prlze gold medal with a large square frame containlng an etching ot the University hall, h inirlni; by two clialiis from the cross-bar, Ihe words "University Campus Race," betng above the etching. betond prlze a L. A. . pin. 5. Trlck Itlding. A copy of Stevens Book. All of these prizes are ven by the Ann Arbor Bicycle Club except hen otherwise desinated, and are elegant pleces of woïkmaninlp. They are on t'xliibition in (". V. Wagner's window. tuk, will start at 1:30 from tlu; club room, rtde uround the Square, up Muiu to Liberty strect. on Liberty to Fourth streef, thence ;o Huron, up Hu ron street to División, thence to William, down William to Main, thence to Packard, up Packard to Madison, thence to State, down State via circuit of campus to Ann, ilown Ann to Fiftti, up Fifth to William, thenee to Cimpas, aroiunl wulksto S. W. corner where races start. People alonr ;he line are roquested to decórate tlieir muses, und to iprlnkle Ihe ttreeta during the forenoon, not later tlian noon. OFPICEKS. Tbe (illlri'is of the races will be: Referee- II. M.Snow, lietrolt. .Iuil(?e8- .ƒ. H. Johnson, l'rof. H. W. Rogors nul Kvart Scott. Time keepers-W. W. Watts, II. P. Ellls. Starter- Theo. Iluss, Kimt Salnaw, Scorers- Qeo. H. Pond and Horton Byran. The umpires will be uelected on the day of the races, 2 Tor the hlll climblng,? Tor the Campas; ti for tlie Trlangle; 2 for the Ypilitnu team race. Tliecomniirtoc men for' tlie Ann Arbor meet are as follows : Oeneral arrangements, J. J. Qoodyear. Badges and Medals J. E. Deal. Entertainment C. W. Wagner. Races and Runs „.H. A. Kyer. Parade G. Frotiiinliam. Reception Clarenee Berry. Decoration H. P. KIIIh. Flnance „ H.C. Nlckles. The hill cliinbinir contest takes plaee n Lower Town up Rroadway from the sinall bridge, one-liall inilu. SECONl) DAY - AT DETROIT. Leuve Ann Arbor at 7 a. in. and wheel :o Detroit. Arrive at Di-troit at 12 m. Dlstance 40 miles, neirly all of which iü excellent gravel. Those who wish to do so can reach Detroit, via. M. C. R. H., lnavlnir Ann Arbor at 0:08 aml lt):J" a. ¦n., arriving in Detroit about one hour ater. 1:00 p. ra. Dluner at the Brunswick. 2 15 p. m. Parade frora Urand Circus Park. 4:iiu p. m. Races, Bicycle Park. 6:00 p. ra. Hupper, Brunswick. 7:30 p. ra. Moonlightezcurslon on steamer fortune. At Detroit there will be nine con tests, ind sixteen pries in all. Saturday evening the Detroit Bicycle Club pive the meet hu excursión on the steamer "Fortune '' lenvhiL the doek at 7:30. On July loth a party (in cliarire of Lieut. Bowlby) will leuve foot of Woodward Avenue at 7 a. m. over iine gravel roads to Leamingtoi;, Ont., 24 miles. Those irisbing to do so miy reiiinin at Essex Jenter, U inili's, ftnd juin Leamington arty ni tlieir return. On name d.iy ut ) n m , another p irty will leaveBrunswick forshurt run throuj:h Canada. Heturu at noon. Hun to Grosse Polnt at 2:30. A number of Normal School girls were capsized at Wliitmore Lake Monday, but were finnlly rescued after being in tlie water 8ome time. The Easts and the Wcsts will strujrgle n mortal combat with a bnt and ball on :he falr {round this p. m. Several ambulances have been ordered for the occasion. George Stockford, a farmer living onelialf inili south of Uexter village, died very suddenly last Monday, of apoplexy. He was a man abbut 86 or 40 years old, :ind k-aves a wife. Daniel B. Greene, of Ypsilantl, state igent for juvenile offenders, will be In the city to-inorrow morninf; to look after ¦ome voungsters who have developod destructive propensities recently. The Detroit Tribune tlirew itself In its report of the Univcruity celebration, rlviiiir the most complete report of any piiwr. Mucli credit for tliis is due to W. W. Watt! of thi city, wlio is local correspondent here, bad charge of the work. A quiet wedding occurred it the residence of Thcodore McDonald in tho (itli ward, Mondiiy, Miss Annie K. McDonald bein? united In marriage to Dr. Edward B. Oibson, medie, of "87, of Sarniü, Ontario, Hev. Dr. Ramsny perfonniiiü the ocremony. Only the imnicdiate relativos were present. Jcilin Webber, of the 2d ward, attempted to end nll of his rniincrous troubles Monday by tuking the Paris Green ronte to eternity, but Dr. Kapp, was notified in time and pamped the poisoD out. Webber is a man 50 yenrs old, and has not lived a happy life for some timi'. Last Mondiiy Milo Pulciplicr was made one of the hajipiest men In town by liuvnC a tine silver watch, Kliii nioveinent, presented {t him by lu; "boys" who were his aasociates in the olllce here, together with sevcral who learned telesi-.ipliv under him. Milu will lakc llnpleasing memento of jfood will and affectlou to his new weeteru home, and it will be s joy forevcr to him. The Fourth of July was a Tery qalet all'air in Ann Arbor, excepi ut the depots ut train time. Htlndredt 61 OUr cilizuiiit took advant:tge of the half-rates to "i ¦omewhere." Many went to Detroit, many to W'hitmore Like, to Soulli Lyon, some to Dundee, and others scattered to various otlier places, (juite a number of boys remuined in the city, howevcr, and the explosión of fire ernckr-, hi and lltüe, greetad om f rom mornng u n til niiit. whlle at many homei Hoiiian candles and sky-rockets were Indulired in in the evenin;;. Tlie stores and places of business were quite fínerally closed, and everybody took a rent, the semi-centennial fetivities baylnf worn thi'in out pretty thoroughly last wet-k. Ncxt yrar, probably, Aun Arbwr will be ou hand with a great eelebration. The above cut representa a society hall tliat is a liew feature in churcli education which has been introduced in Ann Arbor. The society known as the Hobart GuilJ was organizeU Oct. löth, 1886, largely through the iifluence and cuergv of Hev. ' Dr. Earp, rector of St. Andrew's parish of tliiscity, and has nowgrown to a membership of 1,50. The object of the society is to promote the spiritual welfare of its members by brlnging them together in social ways, and providing for tliem courses of lectures. To tuis end various amusement have have been provided, the rector. Dr. Earp, believing thatby thlg methocl m;iny yomg men can be induced to seek innocent amusement without the tempt;ition for wrong doing there is in the resorts of the city. The Society s open to all students of the university and lo such members of tbe hi,'li school is mny be recommended by the rector of St. Andrew's churcli. The building cost $25,000 witli furniture ind lixtures, and is entirely p;iid for besides it has an endowment of f 11,001), with which to pay running expenses. Gx-Gov. Baldwin and wile liavc endoweil a lectureship with $10,000, which is named n tlieir honor, "The Baldwin lecturesbip," and thcre is another one half do wed- $5,000 being already raised for it. The Baldwin lectures will be delivered next fall, during Jíovcmber and December by Prof. W. Clark, of Trinlty College, Ontario, Canada. Some of the mcmberg of the guildre already carrying on missionary work, a school having been organized at Geddes, and the work at Dexter again taken up. In the Hobart GuiM there are 243 studenta under pastoral care Hiere are 96 student communleauts, and 19 have been confirmed duriug the year. T. ANDBEW'S 8OCIBTY. Rev. Dr. Earp read his annual report last Sunday evening, showing what liad been MQomplbhed diiring the year pnst lu that parish, from which we gather the followlng inforuiatioii : No. of families In Uie church 217 " Individúala " ' i;0 " commuulcants ad led duriug year un ' dled or remov'íl " ... 38 ' " baptlsm _ " ' ... 51 " " ciintlrinatloiis " " ... 5(1 " marrlages " " " ... 1 " " burláis, " " " ... u " " Sunday services held 161 l week day, " 1X4 " " wiitii'ii eennons and addresses... 245 " ' vislts ly rector 1,799 " " sclielars In Huuday school 221 " Bible class 100 " " teachers In Sunday school, 4íi Aniountcontrlbuted by 3. school t 200 Total am't of coutrlbullons and offerIngs, JW878 35


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