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5gL SPECIAL I Í$S-_J O- -ííb J I NATURAL FRUIT SjgMyTirCANS' t I fLAVORS MOST PERFECT MADE rmpurod v. Ah etrlct resani In Pnrlty. Strenirtli. nnl IIcaltüfuln--. I ir Price'i BakiBgPowderconttlne no Aniiin)ni:i,l-iiii'i.Ahnn or PhOApfaates. Ur.Price'ë Extracto, iiiulla, Limón, cu ., íluxonloik-iouely. FfíCE BAKMS POWOCR CP1_Cwcír_AHL_Sr1_LousMATTiMTP CIITMXEYS AKB ofítered lor salo renrcsented as goodmtbe Fanioua PEARL TOP BIT T1U' Y ARE NOT! inri likc nll oiiiitcrfcils lnk tito Kciunrkablu L.lSTIXi lunlifíivi ot' ïiii: ExnivE, ASK FOR THE PEARLTOP rnt.Oct. 3U,!ss:;. The PEÁKLTOP is iUaiinftK'ttirod OLV by GIO, A, MACBTH & 00,, PfTTSBURGH, 1A. S Vlhe Best and Purest MedicincS [jl'SL EVER MADE. II feXWRwlUclriTctbe Ilumorfromynurlll I ¦áj.chyti'm, and nwke your t-iil IB''j' '¦ k. clcsin and BUnooth. TIio. I II íriin.i. ini'i iu.i.ii,kJ Q ,'i .Jtwlíoli mar yonr beautj rg IV, . l)e .% VL.1'1'""'' ;""' '¦'" '"III . a' í , 'e , A.ri'iiivi'illnasliirtl mmmm fmmmé tn Tlio Pose ik V% Rl I i .p,.oiiful. ItUthofTV 'V I ll,.Kt aivl rliral'tXo. V '"III DI medicine. Try it, an.lV, {, I JjJ' Cictituf your Druí.L'lat. " - - S Q !1OX-Tff.UT. GETITATONCEk ''U I( vou are eiifrorint.' trOB Kiii III llnc-v Dlsease, and wlh t" llre tci Illultl mho, dm BULPHÜK BllTKlíN.k I Hl Xbey never íail to cute. II Send : ¦-'¦int tamp to A. P. Ordway OI :. loo, -Mai8., for beat metlii-al vrark pulilUkvü? FOR DYSPEP&tit MENTAL AND pkyscal:exhaustion, nervousness, weakened enercy, indicestion, etc., etc. U m uomforís ACID PHOSPHATF. A i . ¦ i - 1 1 preparation of Hip ihoslmtes il I iliosplioric iicld. Recoramcnded ly PhyMclana, 11 makcs n ileliulous drink. Invlgoratlng nnd BlmiRthenlng, Pamphpi free. KOK HALE BY Al.l, DfcALKRfl. Rumford Chemical Works, Prorldeuee, - Rhodè Iiad. ar RRWARB OP I.MITATIONS. BE AL i:siA7E INSÜRANGE" AGEN6Y. J. A. SESSIONS. A.TTOKNKY AND NOTARY PUBLIC Kaal Kxtate gold or rented nnd renta collected os reasooable terms. N int bilt ol(l and tirst-clnss Insurance Coinpanlr-s r.iresentel- willi Insurance capital of ilO,(XuiOii. K:ite as low as any other Insurance coiapany and lonen promptlj paid. unfoe OV6r AmeriCHii Express oMo6t Main street, nn Arlior. Mlch. RUPTURE, tKfiAN'S IMPKRFAI, TRUS8. Splral sprliiK, graded froni 1 to (i poDádi In prewore. V()K DAY AM) MGHT, by au lnfant a week oíd, oran iidult SO ypara. Ludics Trussos a perfectton. Enclose stamps Tor testimoniáis of cures, etc. EUAN LMPEBIAL TRUSS CO.. Ann Arbok, Mich. INSURANCE iCAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OK A.W. HAMILTON iltlci', N,i. '., Kirst Kloor, Ilamllton Wook. Part les (leslrlnK to buy or sell Reul Kstate wil I Ilti'l il to tliclr ailvantage to cali on me. 1 lliniWHI l'it'nsl class Klre Insurance Companles, havlng mi aggregate capital over jwi,. n(j(),(ioo. Rates Low. l.ossoM llberally adjusted and jtromptly pald. I also Issue Life nnd Investment Pollcles In tlie New York Mutual I.lfe Insurance Compaoy, Assetts, $".5,000.00. Persons deslrlng Acridcni IiiHurance, can llave yearly pulirles wrltten for IIiimii ur Traveler's Coupon Insuriinci' Ttoketi liaaed at I.ow rateH. Money to loan ai ('iirii-ni líatí's. OfHce íiours from 8 a. m. lo U ni. and 9 to S p. m. ALKX. W. HAMILTON, Hsmiltoii Block.


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