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For Rickcts. M.iiavmiis. and VTutlttf Disorders of Children, SpofCs EiiiiiIkIoii of I'inc ('ml Llver 011 wlth Ilypopbospliitcti s unequalled. Thp rapidity oblldwB pain lle.-h nnd rtrengtli npon il is very wonderful. Read the followlng: " I hare uwd Seott'i Emulsión n rii-.-s n( Kirk.'is umi MarnHïniis of long itnndtnir, nd Mavc been more llian pleiiscd witb tlie reïults, as in vri v QRM llic iinirvemiMit w:is imirkcd "- J. M. M.iin, M. D., New York. Wrklag :i lotter is, feo iminy pcuplc nn irksome task, but lt isu't lmlf so iNtnome :is it Is to liesr a lawyer rendinj; ynur letter aloud five yoars nfterwsnl In open couit.- Boston Journal bf Edueation. Druiikcnnesü, or Mquor lluliil. enn lic Cnrod by Adiiiinistcriiii; I)r. Haines' (Jolden Speette. ít poalilvelv can be fftren In a cup ofcoffeeorteawitliouttheiirawleilfeortheper nou takinir it; is iibsolutelv liiiniN'ss aml will efl'cct i permanent and ipeedy cure, whetlier the patiënt is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreok. Tliousauds of drankardt ban been nade toniparata men wlio bare taken Golden Speel flo in tlieir ooflee without thcir Irnowledge, and to-day bclicvf tliev qnli driiikiiür of thcir own freewlll. IT NKVKl{ PAIL8. The systcin once impregnited ith the SpeeHk it beoomet an otter impossibility for the liijuor nppetitc tn cit. For full particular, addiess GOLDEN SPEC1FIC CO., 185 Race st.. Clnclnoatl, Ohio.


Ann Arbor Courier
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