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ücuun MOFEE!! I i.sTini.isiiKi i"-.i. Merrill UNTILBETTER í DETROIT.MICH. f Block. ( 3S(v S Th Rognlar, Old-Eítablishod CjíJ PHYSIC1AN & SIRGEON ftMf ! tul trMtlllí lth ttt Er"ttrt ! SL SXILLAND 8UCCE88 YOUNGMEN.MIDDLE-AGEDMEN i nd all persons who by their nwn acts of Imprudcnce or Folly at nny period of ufe have. hrought upon thamsclves, the evil effect following closely upon the heel of tran (ffreaaion of thc laws of nature shnuld consult the erlebrated Ir.Clarke at once. ReinemberINervoua diaeoea(wth ot without dreims) or debllity and loss of ñervo power treated icientifically by new nwfhodt wiui never fsiling success. arlt makes no diffcrirnce irliat you have taken or who has f ailed to cure you. jj-7;ie terrible polcan of Syphill and all bait blood .indakln diaeuara. rompletelv eradicted without mercury. Brinember that tln-ono horrible dlieau, if neglectcd or improperly ve ated, curse the present and coming gent rutions -All unnatural discharges cured promptly Viihout himirance tobiistncftS. Ntt experimenta. ïtoth sexc coimult ccnliliitlally. Au aml exriertence Impurtnnl. A ritten cuarnntio of cure tc're" 1 '¦'¦¦ cuio undertaken. 0y-SurTerer; from any chronlr diipaaewrite History and Syniptoni of your case - plainly. Cues solicited which others have failed to cure. rj-Send two atamps fnr cí-lebrated worlca on Chronic, Herroui and Drllrate Diseases. You have an cxhauntlve ay iu ptouintoloRy by which to studv vour own oase. OmsultiUion, personally or hy Mtter, free. Consult the olil Ioctor. Thousanda curecl. Olllees aml purlora private. Vou see no one bui the Doctor. Itefore confidini your case consult I11. l'LAKKi:. A íriendly letter or c:ill m:iy save future suftcring anu ¦haute and add gotden vears to life. Medicines gent evcrvwliere secure trom expoaure. Houi-, $to 3; Sundays, 9 to u. Allure-, F. D. CLARKE, NI. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. Mlch CURES Coughs,Co!ds,Asthma,Tickling in th Throat, Whooping Cough, QuIniy.Sore Throat, Consumption, Bronchitis, and all Pulmonar Diseases. YOUNC'S jCoucHj ImiiHvilU-.MicIi Ê % Howell, Mich., Aug. la, IW4. ! ot. í. I(f7. - 1 I wa attut kfd t m $ lllv" tr""' 1)r K. v. itti a tereré! m $ A.Yountr's L'ough cold and ihreat-J J and I.unir Hyrup ened wiih Iuhk i $ ("r "i"r" than tover whlle on 11 mw % year. as I had oo vtsit to IfufUon, f m caslon.HH a reiueMlob.. about a dy fpr 1.1m and tu' 'ii t ti ago. io( iCoujíhi. and much no that I f found (tareliable waa nnable to tlll ha ! medicine. 1 havo an appointuient i $ used bis Agua to prettch on j M and Livor Syrup account Of tu v f tu iuy famlty witb Hevere coughing, í ¦ m $ tbe best of tucbut managed . $ ceas, curtng my get home and S ¦ ¦ ! mother iwhone modtatelT too , a((e wat over orne of í)r. E. A. i , seventy years) of SfSnS Ü El luycouith leftme! . rever and Apir. a oon aa I 1 ,fv after the rn.-n i -'.i uikintí it, l Ê t chili and lever. tin! I fiiid fl take pleuüura nsnt relief when ! ( in repoiumemllnic I urn mtacked i tbe Hbuve reineby ooimh ml Jdles tu W,g liiv. Uoht. Cupe. Itiv. g. B Kimmill. Pold by all drurel!t. PTIaa, 25c., 60c. and $1 LU Inrjie bottles sent free on reeelpt of prlee W. JOHNSTON Sc CO., DETROIT, MICHICAH. Etaio of I.iicy W s. Xorgaa. STATíH MIC'U.OAN C nuily ol V:iihtcMi;r.v. . ¦. At taaatull of ilm l'robaie. UoqM for 'he i'unnty o) Wahteimw, huLüun t the Hrobnlo Ortlce, Iu the eln ol Anu Arbor, on Mondar, the tweniy-ihlrd day oi M iy. in th' v'.ir ooa thoiitiind elgbt hund'ed and elsrhty avven. rraa)BI VA'ill ímiu 1. II:irtirnin. Jndeol Prohnte In the mattot of Uw umale ol l.ucy V. S. viorL'nn. (Iei-eai-i1, I n rndtliK and rliimrthepetl liuri, iluly veriil 'd. ui Pnaakñil L. Parki r prftyinp th tt eerhiin niirutn--nt MMV on Ule in Ihu eonrt pi rpnrtlu titbe the !-t wtilHlul teflameut of uaid ilecea-ed, roay be fldmi tel to probate, and that he it nd lith C, Ja4inMHi mui Kilwart) l. Ktnne m iy be npiKiiiiied axaewton ih reoi. Thereiiiiin ii la ordared, Monday, the twen tieth day ot' -liine neil, t le.ii o'clock in the foreuoon, a-iL'iu-il lor the. hearing of naid petition, and thnt tiie deviant, leñateen, and helrs at law ol Muid daaeaaed and all tther paraoofl interMtad In unid enlu'e, re reiiiired lo appear at a -(¦--uu of stitd oourt, th.'n :u lic liuiili'ii at the ProIwte OIIKe, Iu the city of Ann Arhor. In naid Cutiuty and kIiou caiirie. II any there be, tthy IhtpniyiT i( dm (H'tiilo'irr nhould nor be írrauted. And it li lunlier ordered, that aid p-tiiiouer ive nollee lo tbe perpone intereated in -:i h! estáte, of the pendeucy of naid petltion.aud the heariuu tbereot, by caaiiltu copy of thlt order to be publiehed Iu tbe Ann Arbor ('oaritr, n newspaper printed and cirriihitiut' in Httul couuty. three f nc CSMIve weekf Pfwvioofi to fHUl day ot hearing. WIIJ.1AM 1) IIAKHIMAN. (Atrnecopy.) -Indireof lrnln:e. ÏH. 1. KuTY. Probnte Kelater. WM IJK'.t. I of Itaiius l'icrrc. OI'ATKOK MIC'lllliA.N. l ¦muy of HKlilenaw Al tt ii airillll ol t ie Probate C'ourt lor the l'oiluty nl Witehlrniiw'. ll.iM.h at Ifc OHIi-e. In Ihe cit) ui Ann Arl'ur, no rrtday, the Ihinl day of iu thu vi-ir nsa 'hunnaud uluht huwdn .1 Hui otollll reven. rWHI, Williuiu l. Uiirrimau, Jadtre of frobute. In the Ulutter ot the estille oí llrrce. ilt-eeat-ed. On reidliiL' and lilini tlie pelltlou, dllly verlfled, of Naib.iu l'u ree. prnyin th tt a rer uu Inaloment n 'W on file in Cuurt DHrpnrHüf to'tethe lat wil and t rttHtnent ui i-tud deteasrd, ru .y be aiitnlttt-il lo probate, and tbal he may be appointed i x c tor thiTful. Tliereuiion n it ordi-red, ihal Tiit-s lay, the 5lb diy of July DPXt, al lm o'clook In the foreuooli, De MMI?tld tor tlie liearil g of taid petillon filui lllut the JoyIBIHWi leateef, and hellii at law ui ¦:ili itiK'inuil, mul tlll uüier pertou tOTeatoj in rtld e-aintu. are ruuQinui to appear hi i avaajtoii ol said couri, Unn to be hulden at the l'rohale Utllci . Iu Ihe City ol AllD Arbor. and how eue, tl' nny thcre be, why lile priiyer of tbe pe tilín , er , hiiu'ld nol be Kranted, And it ie l'urlliei -rili-ret!, that ftftid ptilltloner i;ive notiee to the perauos Itttarevtad in saul eetate, of the pendeucy oi aald petillon, and Ika hearini; thureot. b caneinL' copy of lala ouli-r to he publiehed in tbe Anti Arbor fnurr. a newpiper prlmed Mi.d cirenlnuil In at)M i'ounly, three -iiece-five i-i'k prrviDil.i to aai.) dl) of bearini;. (A irueciipy.) VILLIAM ü. I1AKKIMAN. Jiidiíe oí Probate. WM. il. I)IV. l'r.ilwle Keilster. I.i.'.l-ltj7. ( (iiiiinlxioiier' Notie-. SIATKOr' MH IIIUSN.t innivot W!ihteliaw,s. Th undi'r!iiln-d iiivnii.' besn appolnted by the i'rokite c.iii'-t rurmld C ¦mitv, (MmmkwioDan to receive. examine aml ajrtjnrt ill ctiiitu! and detuahde ¦il al) per-un i_'iiu-i ihfl ¦itti.i'ni Mnr Kttijf, late ot -aid eountv, d.-i ea-ed heiehy i;lve i.otice tbat ix rnoulli1 'rum due ;ir. üllowed, by order of aald Pfutviii! Uoiirt, lur to prenfut their I .ilmIiii-i in ' aal t ¦ ui mijd d.i't'eiepd.iid that they i!l meet ut the "iMcr "f lna I'. Kmil'. iu ihe ii tv of Ai n ArlHr, iu said cuuty. on Tihk i tv. thr 7h da) ui -Iiiiie and on Wedneaday. the 7lb iIhv of M'p'em'nT in-M, it ifii uYloik A M. i.l erteri nf -aid il.iy?, t-i reC' IW exanijin tint] ad }nt -aul cljtnnDated. Baron 7, I JOHN III IU'. ' i'oiniiiis-ione - Wil HMN.STKVK-S. [ tjTATKOr" MJi'lllliW The l'lifllll i'.itirt 0 for thi' Omni) o' Wn-htinaw, in i hmnery Erom il ' ii. i'otiipiiiiiiani. i v. V Kniest liuy HUI. Iiel'i'inliiiil. ItaattafHOtnrrty kppeavrlnf hy nilltUvIt Umi the llelellillllll. lilllist l:l Illil IN lltll H ri'N - tifllt ol t til-, stil' e, lult tvsitle at l'hlfiiïo. Itl Ihe -late of Illlllii', OU nitdloil ol' (irlftill it Winner, sol leitiirs tor einuil:tlnatit. It Is oriIitmI tliai tlie ssltl tleipiiiliint, Kriifsl Dy HUI iln iiimaii MIh npptuirtince to he ei leiiil in IhlK cHiise wllliln lour lien t lis front the ilate 01 tilín order, to wit i on ur beforu HiH'iUtli da] of August, A. 11. IMS7. tut tlint In tlt'fanll thrieof Itia t)i!l (if noniplalut in lilla eau-e bf IlllU'll tl i'iillll'SSIHl l Uil' salll ili'fflulHIil. liuloil, Allll Ailior, April -'tl, JRS7. V. JOSi.YN. 6w. 1318-AI Circuit Jtnliii'. C. H. NULLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main SI., Anu Arbor. ulilest lllllev 1 11 the City. Kstulillslleii over a qtiarler at a iMMitury hko. Kcjiresenl Ing tin1 foflowlllF tllst-elasK oollipHUliih wlth ver 00,000,000 t'iillal hikI -.¦!. HOMK INS (')., of New Vorh. CONTINENTAL INS. U)„ of New York. NIAQARA IN-. CO., of New York. (II KA KI) INS. CO., of IMilia.lil.hla OIIIKNT INS. CO., Of Hartfonl. (U.MMKIICIAI, UNION, of Lolldou. LIVERPOOL, LONDON an.l Ul.dHI'.. WASHINGTON riBK and MAltiXK, of ltoston. Ratcs l,ow as tkM Ltowesl., Iimmm Uk#t nll) AiIJiisIiiI umi prowptly l'aid. 0. H. WILLEN.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News