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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thla powdernevi-r varíes. A marvel of purlty, strensth mul wrmlpsomt'iipss. More eooQomloal than fctac ordlnary kloda,arjd oannoi bc soiti i" cuín i'.-t iiiiui wil l the muitltude of low test, short welght, e ltrm or Bboaphate powdera. Boldonly In oans, Itoyal link Ing Powder Co . IOi Wall st., N. Y. SKIN _SCALP. ( Wnspri, l'iiiüicd mul üfiiiii lied liy the Cutifnra Remedie. For t'li'nn-Mi: Skin and íícalp of Difl;iirinj; Humor-, lor ül'atine ltchini, Biirnlng and It 11 nnm it'nn, forcnrfnK the iir-: (ïyflfptomij ot Kc.i-nit. Piorlasl. Mllk Cnut, ecald Head, 8 aud öthcr tnherlted kin and blood diea. Culi cura, thf ireai iin Ca ¦¦, ttnd Cnfltïnra soi p, hu .:¦! Beaul li-'r, cxiornallr, and 'ni cuca Kcaolvent, tne uewBlood Poriflèr, luter'naiy are In allH!e. COMPLETE (TUK. I h ive auffvred i II inv lü" witta ski difieren Bindt), and have nevor fouini pirinuncnt rellci, uutl', hy the advlee of lady triend 1 osad yimr valaavla Uuf'ioti üemtdieê. 1 Kav ili'in a thnrongh trial, uloe ?i. bottlw nf tbe CSUirura Betolvmt, Iwo boxee ol Culicura mA reven .snap. and tbe n-sn!' waa juft what t hnd heen told it wonld hi- acomjilt BKI.I.K V.DE, Rtchmund, Va. Etelennee, Q. W. Laiimer, Díu-.i1, Kidúnund SA1.T Kil KI ,.U Cl HK1 ( wa? tronUad ritb aalt Bbeum fr a number of yeur-, ¦ that tho klu entrrely mr of my hundsfrom the ünger i t the writ. [triad rvmfídfeaanii icipiloni to nrtpnrpoe unii 1 i itiK'iiccii taking Ovtlcura nn-üun, od nuw I am entlrefy cured. E. ï. l'AKKEii, ST9 Nortnampton 8t., Bosttm. DEÜG6IST9 RKDORSE Til KM. Have aold a q.ointity o' your Cutlcura Reme ¦ dies. One of my cn tomara, Mtk. tteorj KtDti, wtio bad letter on her to sudi au extent a töcaui-ethe -kin to ipch-I oír, ana feír èleht yêdfj hc -MiViTi-d r-i-aily, na coinpletiy in..i lij thiu-r ol your oaed cl f. N. NVli, lïriisrsiim, Cantón, Oliio. nXHIXJ. S( AI.Y, l'IMIM.V. tl. e lust yrrnr I huv; had a npccie? f llchlng, -:Hiy hiiiI { i ni 1 1 y humora uu my (¦ to havt npplfed a great m iny moihodp of ircatinrnt wiiliiiui Kiirrr, and which BpeedllJ mid eut i n-l v cured 1h Cmicnra. Kr. 1-iSAl' l'HKLPS, ¦¦¦¦¦! f) NO MEDICINE I.IKK TUK. We h ivc .oíd ymr Duïicura Br medie ë tor the x yars, aml na UfidicloM on our ahelvea - better Mtiéfactlon. C. 1'. ATHEBl'ON, DrnggW, Alhany, N. T. CÜTICUKA ItK.MKDIKS are aold every where. Price: Concón. 60 Cen'a; KaaOLVDTT; $1.1X1 : S'iap, 'J-"cts. ITepaied lij1 i'iiiTKu Ih:i ij ANü Chbhioal Co.. Bostt'n. S fiill rir'H i to Cnr Skin Iímmiph p ni I no Pimple, Skin BlemlahUbea,and Buby UnUDOi Humor, cnred by VxUteura Boap. Catarrh to Consumption. C'atarrh in ItadeslracÜye force -t w ; i" and nndoabtedly teadi on t conattmptlOB. It i ihere¦r!ha( rbOM Mtllirtud wíth tlii li'srml dlMM ahoaid nol mak it tiie objoci of ih"ir Hvee to lid tbenuelTw ol it. Decapttve remsdiéi con¦-( ti-d hy (gnoraot prcifuders to medical knowl(.dc ii ¦ a the coi fl lenc of tbe ireai m tjiirit y of fMitl'TtTH in all jidvtTtied remealw. Thoj ! ratber tiuiii tortora tnemselvea wlrb donbtfai p iffiatlvea. But thie wl 11 never oo. Oatarrta niiu-i iu't ut every Itagfi and conibattcd wllh uil our nilybt. Ia HMD) cdï'tii fe diöo'ace hm arpumed daiiKtir"" ymptoms. The bonesand curtilae of tbe ooe, o i in of htïfir of scfii-L' uní of taatinjr so aiil-c t-'i to be naelesBi the uvula eo elongated, the tbroaC so ivilamed and irritaivd as to produce a C'Mi.'tant and dlatrwÍog cough. San !i ¦¦(ik'iihH viuca i. CURE mi'Cta with every phave of Catarro, from atlmple bd eoid to tbu ui.)-; loatbsome and dertmetive stage. It íp local and cuoatltatioii. lutttant In relievin, in'rmauent iu curlnjt ufe, económica] and never-nnling. Bieb imcki-t coDtalaa ooè bottle ol the Kvdi - j. i RBt one box ol Catabbhal Solv ent, and au Imimíovkd I mi i,i ií, wiih treaÜH f UU. a ItnruAND Chemical Co., Bo-ton. 3 KIDN EY PAÏNST T iB ai 1 -go oe, - nsation '-t;r prevent wlrh fáXtMoe of liiflimcl kiiincyt, weuk back -4uiid loins. achinghlps and aidw, uter Inc i ra 1 1 h . Veakn('- and in tl unnriilon, tg r I reved and ipeedlly cured by the iit ura A ntlfal llaiter, a new, orlyintil, clrant and inn,i[iiiiinti(ni. 4t all drogglata, S6c; flvo fortl.OO; or ol potter Drog Sk . licmlcdl Co., Boacooi IWatchsprinGi PtoooooooCQfXOoonoaocjooooQoooüOocxo cQo ¦¦ " ' o lo ! W'üli slidlngf Dctachable Sprlngrs. ZW Better than Wlialeljone or Horn,3 and gruaranteed liever to break. Prlce, $1.25. For sale by leading wholcsalc and rctall ctablishmcats. MAYER, STROUSE & CO. 412 Broadway, N. Y., Manufacturers. ASTHMA curep GERMÁN ASTHMA CURE InwtAiitly rtilitirw thn rot vif)lHnt attAck, and ¦ comforUhlfi letp NO WAlTINü tor HEBI LTiLRaing tpit'il Ij' mhiMtion. itHtiction inininicluit", (linn'l find i-til tiin, and a 'iin in the r-BMiiIt in all cnrablti v.!uu:h. A Hiiisle tnal -xnvinces tjio mout akrptical. Piioe 50o. and #1 Uil f aiiy uriiKtfiKt, er by mail Hiimple Frrr f'ir t&rop. lr. ILSlFKMANN,Ht tpl,Mln.


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