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The vital subject of the day is that wliicli oomei uinler the general liead of SocialiMii. The newspaperg give It the foremost plftoe in tluir dlscussions nnd the people at lare are more interested in the MttlëlBent ot' this questlon than in any otlior tlmt is befera them. llenry ieori! and Dr. McUlynn are the most talked bout men in the couulry to-day, aml there is no denyinj tliat tliere is a great movement on foot, the only qnestlon is where is it goiog to end ! The subject isjust now rife for the satirist and the saturist has taken it in hand. What "(iinx's Baby" dkl for temperance, what the "Uattlc of Doring" did to arouse the Kritisli nution to its own weaknesses, will the "Kepublic of the Future" do for the questiou of Socialisin. Mrs. Anna Bowiii.ui Dodd has ohosei) thU title for a political brochure that Messrs. Cassell & Company llave in oress for iinmediate pabllcatfon. This little book is in the tofm of a brllllant and liirlily original serles ol letters supposed to be written by a Swedlsli Nobleman, on a visit to America in the 21st Centiiry. Ia these letters tlie writer has depicted what the social, civil and polltical aspect of America would be under Socialistic rule, after socialism had become a flxed and staLle form of government. The subject is treated with au extraordlnary degree of reallty and naturalness. The picture of this AmcricL of the future is handled with the power and bmadth of grasp whieh we are bezinning to look for as the characteristic of Mrs. Dodd's work. The humor is not the lenst attractive feature of tliis little book, being trenchant and irrusistable. And as there are wholesome keruels of trutli liberally ccatteied tlirougliout this keen satire, the book will be as valuable to eulightened Öociallists as it WÜI4 prove interesting and couvincing to the general reader.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News