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Mrs. Dr. Rockwell is visiting in Detroit. Miss Lottie Henion is visiting friends in Owosso. Miss Kmnia Uanficld is visiting friends n Charlotte. Miss Lena M. Gidley bugone to Grand Rapids, vtslUng frinuK Ilenry Sedinii, of Lunsin,' bas been in the city during the werk. Albert Sorg lelt Monda; for a woeki bofineM trip tu New York. Prof. Chute and family are ïiiaking their hiiiiiihI vtattto Ontario. Mi -Maniie Bliss is spcnding sorae time with friends in Charlotte. Chas. Montague, of Caro, was looking over the university city Monday. Rev. Mr. Snnderlaiul and family have gone to Devll's Lake, rusticatin;;. B. Frank Boylan, of Pullman, III., has been in thu city during the week. Fred. N. Henion la rusticating at Wliitniore Lake for a couple of weeks. Lorenzo Sawyer, of Chelsea, is visiting his brother A. J. Sawyer this week. John Lindenschmidt, with A. L. Noble, is having a week'g Vacation and rest. John Sohumacher'8 family are going to Buffalo via the Lakes, next Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Rev. W. H. Ryder liave returned f rom theirtriparound the lakes. HlM Oarrrie Baxter, of E. Catherine sc, left tor a visit in Chicago this a. m. Mrs. Dr. Darling leaves Friday morning to visit Irlends in Ohio and Indiana. W. N. Stevens has gone to Duluth, Mimi., combining business with pleasure. Miss Lottie Baxter returned from a visit to her old home In Jonesville yestcrday. Fred. Iluhn's children are rusticating at their grand parcnts on the farm In Lodi. Miss Roby Pulciplicr and Miss Ruth Durheim are visiting friends iu Tolodo, Ohio. Prof. J. G. Pattengill started yesterday morning for a six wetk's stay in the Adirondac's. MissesCarrie Bell, Bella Huil and May Whedon have gone on a pleisure tour up the lakes. Caspar Rlnsey and family wlll go out to Strawberry Lake next week for a few day's rest. On July 4th Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Laraway had an Indepeudence boy come to their home. Dr. Len. F. Hatch leaves next Monday for Plymouth, Mich., where he will locat: permanently. Horton Bryau of the Register wascalled to Charlotte last Saturday by the death of an uunt. Mrs. M. E. Hayden and daughter, of Linsing, are visiting the former's parents liere for a few weeks. Miss Nellie C. Bergen, daughter of Col. Bergen of Eist Saginaw, is visiting Mrs. Henry Wade Rogers. Judge Clieever expeets to accompany his brother, Prof. B. V. Clieever, to Dulu'h the latter part of thls week. Dr. Spencer, of Missouri, who hasbeeu visitin" his sister, Mrs. Oswalil. on 12th 8t, left for his home Monday. A. Critteuden, of the Livingston Herald, Howell, was in the city Monday, and a pleasant caller at the Courikr. Mn Hangsterfer lias taken a trip to Cheboygan, to visit her daughter who was recenlly married. Her sou accompanied her. Arthur, and Carroll Jones, Harry Randall and Frank Stitherland left yesterday for a ten day's camping at Independent lake. Mrs. Will R. Payne left yesterday morning for her father's home near Adrián, where she will remain uutil tíeptember. Mrs. Goodrich and daughters, Mrs. Plynipton, Miss Mannie and Miss Georgië, are at Devil"s Lake for the summer season. Cotinty Clerk Howlett has been harvesting out on his farm in Lyndon for the past ten days. A harvcst is a good tliiriiï to have. Mrs. Dr. Rose and family left last week for Battle Creek where they spend some time with friends, atter which they go to Soutii Bend for the summer. Dr. Ramsay saya he h is perfecte! 110 pUns for his vacation. in fact his engagernents are such that hu hardly knows how to ue the time advuntagcously. J. P. Miner and bmlly are rusticating nt Straight's Lake, near Orchard Lake, Oiiklanil Co., and Dr. Wilsou anti family are at the same place. A very pleasant surprise was given to Mr. and Mrs. N. Pruden on Tuesday evening, by their friends in the church with which they have so long been connected. Geo. W. Renvck, D. C. Fall, Alvin WilHcy, Robert C. Cuthbeit and Avery Calkins and their families leave to-day for a three or four weeks camping t W hit more Lake. Milo S. Pulcipher leaves to morrow for St. Louis, Ka., from whence he expects to go to Texarkana, on the line of the St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas R. R., entering its employ as a conductor. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Chapin, formerly Miss Lizzie Hadley, rejoioe in a brigbt new boy- July 9th. The beaming countenanceof Great Grandpa W. W. Wines is more beaming then ever. Dr. E. E. Carey and wife- Kitte Llndsley - left for Indianapolis, Monday a. m. They went with norse and carriage, and will drive through. It will be a pleaant trip, but perhaps a little tedious. Stanton Rowell commences a month's vacation Monday. He will spend a few days at the Lake, and seek other pleasure resorts in search of health and rccreatlon. Whetlier he jroes alone or not is not fully apparent at this writlng. Prof. C. B. Cady has returned from the Xatlonal Music Teachers' Associatlon annual mectlni; which lias jnst closod at Iiidianapolia, Iiut., bcfore which he read a paper. There was a large attendance and many Micliigan people were present. Win. Allahy writes to his son, that he was in London on the occasion of the Queen's jubilee, and that he got into a crowd where he could not move an inch for Ihree hours, but thought every minute that his ribs woukl be naaabed in. There was lot's of fun but he couldn't see it. Goodjear's new store frout is a daisy. Wines & Worden have flunjr a brand new twnlng to tlie stin. Chris. Donnelly kept slidingaway froiu tlie reporters so tbat nothing would be 8ail about the twin girls up at his house. Well, we won'tsay anytliing about it. Last Saturday, Clinton II. Classen, of California, was admittod to the bar. It was In liis favor that the studente slgned a petitlon at the closinjf of the Law departinent. Gov. Felch, Prof. II. W. Hogers, S. W. Clarkson, John M. Wheeler, Kvart H. Scott, Frank Iloward and possibly one or two other of our cltizens are intoresting themselvca in the establiahment of the Peninaular SHTtngi Itank, of Detroit. Ex-Gov. Alger ha invested $10,000 in the euterprise. Win. v. llowc, of BingtuuDpton, ?í. Y., ¦ inarble dealer, who has been visiting Dr. A. C. Nichols, pronounces Forest Ilill Cemetcry one of the linest he ever saw for a place of thm si.e. It is quite a compliment from a man who has seen as ninch of the world as he has. He snggestcd however, that so niiich shade was InJuriotM to the rnany fínc inomiinentg in the cemetery.


Ann Arbor Courier
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