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Last Friday may bc looked upoii as a gala d:iy in this city, it beinr ttic occasion of tlic umi nnnuitl meet of League of Wliccltnen of tbis state. fjiere were about 100 'cyclers present, and the glistening wheels as tliey glided about the city, made a pretty appearance, bc si d es giving it an air of life. At 10 o'clock a. m. the business meeting was held at the rink. The club rooms of the Ann Arbor Bi. Club, In tlie St. James block, were headquarters during the meet. Chief Consul Johnson of Detroit presided at the meeting, the principal business being to listen to the report of the Secretarytreasurer which sliowed the organizu ion to be in a prosperous condition financially and otherwlse, tho metnbership having increased 45. J. E. Beal of this city was re-elected secretary-treasurer, after which an address by T. J. Kirkpatrick, of Springfield, Ohlo, the president of the national league, was listened to. At 11:30 o'clock one of the most intcresting contests of the day occurrcd, tt being the climbing of the high hill in the fifth ward. It was something of a cllmb for the spectators, also, the sun pouring down lts rays in a manner that made people wilt. There were tliree contestante, James H. Hedges of Adrián, who made the distance in 1 minute 53 seconds ; W. E. Metzger, of Detroit, in 2:111 aud Geo. Farnsworth, of Adrián, in 2:15. At 12JL o'clock all the wheelmen gathered In front of the court house where a picture was taken of the meet by Gibson. After this a din ner at Ilangsterfer's was served. At about 2 o'clock a line was formed of all the wheelmen in front of the St. James, and the cavalcade moved off in fours, tlicn In twos and s on, followed by the judges and other offleers of the day on four wheels. The line of parade was marked in many places by handsomely deo.orated residences. At about 'ï% o'clock the race around the campus - a forty acre plat, making just one mile - occurred, the entries for the same being Qeo. Farnsworth, of Adrián, who took the first prize, making the distance in 3 min. 21 secs. ; Fred. N. Henion, of Ann Arbor, carne in tecond in 3:30 and E. M. Mooar, of Grand Kapids third. The trick riding by C. II. Smith, of Detroit, which followed, eliclted considerable applause, and the way he spun arrmnd the street on the Urge wheel of bis bicycle after removing the rear one, was astonishing to the beholders. The triangle race was probably the most exciting of tlie d iv. There were three contestant?, W. W. Todd and James Hedges of the Adrián club, and George Kuebler of the Saline club. They left the corner of S. Main and l'ackard sts. at about 4 o'elock, and made the triangle, from here to Saline, from Saline to Ypsilanti and back to Ann Arbor again, 28 miles in remaikably quick time. Todd and Hedges carne In neck and neck nearly, Todd crossing the line about a foot anead oí Hedges, covering the entire distance in 2 hours 12 minutes, Kuebler coming in a minute later. In the team race from Ypsilanti to Ann Arbor the Detroit team won, the Adrián boys not being ready to start on time. In the evening a reception was given the attending wheelmen by J. E. Beal at his re8idence at the corner of Fifth and Wllliam sts., and the exerclses of a remarkably enjoyable occasion ended. In the morning the party left for Detroit where the closlng exercises of the meet took place, the rain, however, interferinc with the races considerable. BCGLE XOTES. The only man who lost anything was a gentleman from Saline, who had too mucli coniidence in his man. Everybody had such a good time that they would be pleased to have the Meet meet again in Ann Arbor. The day was a hot tne, and the lookers-on as well as the racers themselves liad short pants - for breath. Chas. W. Wagner, Lew Clement and Kvart H. Scott were in Detroit Saturday, and enjoyed the moonlight excursión on tlie river. The most succpgsful riders - in (lic ir owu eítimiition at least - were the live who rode on four wheels, propellrd by equine power, and brought up the van of the ] r icession. C. H. Smith and O. E. Holcomb, rode out fion Detroit, Friday, on their birycles in 3 hours, 25 minutes. Richard. Steele, of St. Johns, carne from Lansing Tliiusiay, in eight hours. It is about 70 miles by the A bieyelette, a modern iinprovement on the old-fafhioned velocipedc tliat was in vogue some 25 years since, was iu the procession, and looked queer enougli boside the great tall wheelc. But there can te un headers from tin-in. One of the features of the parade was a tandem tricycle ridden by F. J. Kirkpatrick, of Oh'io, President of the L. A. W„ and J. H. Johnson, of Detroit, Chief Consul of the Michigan División. The next day II. M. Suow, of Detroit, and J. E. Beal rode it into Detroit in four hours, a record which we think will not soon be beaten. They kept up with the twenty-live bieyclers who rode in, and, altht.ugh it went somewhat harder in sand, on a hard surface road it easily kept up. PROPOSM BfllLIG Separate proposals wlll bo reoeived for the fnllowlDK buildings. Id be crected for the Unlvemlly of Michigan, during the ymr UBT. vlz.: A Boller House, and addltlon to the Engineering Laborator}1 aud au Aualoiuleal Huil, II nu. The Drawlngs and Speclflcations can be exarnlned nt the offloe nf the Board of Ruents, aud proposals wlll be recelved untll noon of the 'Jlstlday ot July noxt. Proposals must be accompanled by a bond. In each case, In the suin of nne-fou rtli the aniount of the guaran tee li - ful performance ora contract, and must be hritli'il and endorsed "Proposals for the particular building bid for," and be addressiil U James H. Wade, Unlverslty, Ann Arbor, Mlch. TheCommlttee reserve the rlglit to reject any or all bidt. I WIKS SFIEARER, E. O. GROSVBNOR. O. 8. DRAl'KIt, Commlttee on Buildings and Orounds. REPORT OF THE CONDJTION ANN ARtíOR SAVINGS BANK ANN ARBOrT MICHIGAN -ON - Monday, July 4th, A. D, 1887, MADE In Accordance with Sections 18, 19 and 67 of the General Banking Laws as Amended In 1871. KBSOUKCis. Loaneand Dlscounts 11 Bondsand MortKages AKI.JW 96 Oveniraft m S Furnlturo nnd FUlurca l,'1'1 H5 Due frnm Niitloual nd SWte Bank 411.910 57 Cash on hand .839 M tnm.Tii i)5 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock l.00 ü' Surplus Kund W.000 M l'ntll A Loík ü.'h' "' JalyDivId.'nd " 00 Duo Ueposltorn 479,8Bö 88 8(107.781 95 I do solemnly wcar thnt the abovo statement li true, to the beat of my knowlcde and belief. CUA9. E. HISCOCK. Cashlur. Subecrlbed nnil worn to before me, tnli 5tb day of July, 1887. 1 ADAM D. SEYl.KR. 1358-i:WI Noury Public.


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