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P'eREAr tetó 1 I 'flAVÜRllis gAKlNg) [ (S 7 L-ííí) A ' NATURAL FRUIT OLDJÑgjÑy I FLAV0H3 MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared B4 strtot reeard to Purlty, Ptronïtli, an1 Ileuthtulnece. Ir prföVsBakiiigrowdercontaUH no Aimininiii.I.Iiiif, Alum or l'iiti"plinti'i. DT.PTO ÈxtHCtoi anilla, LemoD, Me , üavordeueioualy. LamVÉhimney s í '' ? i v ! ?2 SEETHATTHE QO J O ff EXACT LABLE IS ON f 5 H Ct EACH CKIMNEY A3 % g Z SHOWN IN PICTURE. ' u 5 ff Ou. f! - _,-'W %-i 3 o , TIXV ' ' j S m z ¦¦ f AJ WMSMWfcK-JtTA li n ¦: ï iflbrln -. '"' f r.i & ¦! .1 al jÉA "1 o d r ' MHlfaUiwU 'z z .-¦-v-ttCT -ntiïH-ia;'. J,'! M iÖuFACTUFIED ONLY 3Y GEO.í,MÁGBETHáGO. vTpittsburgh PAjy grre Greflfes fioa Purifierfëk KNOWN. # I I This (;rent Germán Medicine Is the., III Mcheapeatand best. Ittdoeesof 8VL-W& II llrill '1; 1:1 il! Ii8fortl.00,leasthan# 5 III Ul'inc cent a ilosc. It wlll i'urc tíwm g UI mm worst cascaof sldn dtoeasêt tsatág po u i oommoa iiimple on tho i'M-vM W IJlto that nwful dfsease Scrotula. Sr I Isri.l-III'i: BITTEK8 Is t,oW L llir-t lllcili.ilH' tO il-'1 til ;i!l# I'! of pmli Btnbborn ;iii'l#Yonr 11 III jlu) seated diseases. l}"Wnr ;in'outll Uluut lako Wotorüer l'sclll blue pills r,' 'II;.I'IIQ ]orniriviiry,tlioy are .loal# . "' ' ' " ?rk no 11 II the purest and 1hm#o11' ub0 Ijmdicinc ever marte #Ju]pl,nr 5tter3 J SIsyonrTonpneCoated ' ?ñ öwithayplldwstlokynon't-walt untll you tS ff snbstance? Uyonrai'i' unall6to alk, or ni bn;itli foul andJfare flat on your baok.HI Boflenslre? V"ur#lnitppt smnr at mn-i', ltlll I lettmiai'li Is ouunrlU cure you. Milphurl lr' "nier. DseTBIttars la g 8übit?Sr8# Invalid's Friend. S EáimiiM-'üiihlyinif1 younp.thcaO'l and ¦¦ III Is vuur Vr-MtoYiuJ: are soos made well lyl III iiu: use. Bemembex what youlll I Iropy, clo.#rc:ul heiv, it niay Bave yoiirlll lluüy, vrWuw, It bas savea humlrcds. III L Muvu't wuit uutil to-morroVi f # a otte To-day ! Q I M Art you lnw-siiiritii and wrak. III II 5#nr siiffoiinK from the OM-ossca III I SsTyouth? li !o, BÜLPUUB lUlTKItsll I 'Ms cure jou. .Seml 3 t-cent stamps to A. 1'. Ordwar 4 i o., lioöton, .Ma., lor Ijesl metUcaiwork puGUaheür FOR DYSPKPSIA. MENTAL A N 1 1 physical; exhaustion, nervousness, weakened energy, indigestión, etc., etc. ACID PHOSPHA1F. A llquld prepariUion of II. e pbophSie ml pboaphoi La acid. Itecomin iulnl hy Ptaybtdaas It maki's :i dolleloni driuk. 1 ti lrm mul itrenRtbening. I'ainpliH free. FOB SAI.K l'.Y ALL 1 'KA I. Kits. Rumford Chemical Works, ProfUenoe, ¦ - Kimde Isiand. ISTHKWAKE OF IMITATIONS. HE AL ES1A1E INSÜRANGB AGBNGY, J. A. SESSIONS, A.TI'IiXKY AND NOTA1IY PUBLIC Re il KsImIp soltl ir rsnted and rents collecte 1 on reasonable term. None but old and Orat-olau Insurance ('onipanlew rojreytMitel - with lnsiirMnce capital of ilii.iKHi.KKi. Batea as lowas any other intaraaoa corapany and losiei promptly raid. Office over Ainerlcan Express oflice, Muin Street, nn Arbor. Mlch. M TTT T ITP TT T"" TCT Jtri. IJ Jb X l-l Jt-fc. JtJLa. tEGAN'H IMPERIAL TRUHR. Spiral Mprlng, graded from 1 to (i pounds in pressure. WORJÏ DAY AM) MGHT, tiy au ïnfiinl a week old, oran adult 80 yeara. Ladies Trusses a perfectlon. Enclose stamps for testimoulalH of cares, etc. EQAN IMPERIAL TRÜSS CO., ANN ARBOR, MlCir. INSURANCE 2AL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. -, Fint Floor, llamüton Hlock. Partles deslrlng to buy or sell Real Estáte wlll flnd It to thelr advantage to cali on me. I represant 15flrst-claas Flre Insurance Companlaa, hnvlng au aggregate capital over J8(),00(,(K)0. Rates I,ow. Lossea liberal ly adjusted and promptly pald. I iImi Issue Life and Uivestment Pollcles In tlie New York Mutual Llie Iimurance ('ompany, AssetU, $75,000.00. Persons deslrlug Accident Insurance, can have yearly policios wrlltcM for llii'iu orTraveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets lssued at IOW rates. Money to Loan al Ourren iiatR. Office hours from 8 a. ni. tu i ; mi. and - U8 "i. ALEX. W. ifAMILTON. Hamilton Block.


Ann Arbor Courier
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