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nipUm Hints tot ! grg. " 1 say, wlilder," siM P'llkM. '¦ wliy don't yon bny some filed hns and put thetn in the back yard f " " Fried hens! '' exrialtned the wWder, " wliat on airth slioukl 1 pul fried hens in the back yard for?" "Togive tliem a chance to ly fried egfts tor the boarders. We il.m'l seem to get innny ut' late." It is a l'leasiirr, writes Mrs. Klizn Ann Bmrth,o1 Yetinillion, Krie U., Oliio, to teil the ldte fVervwhere thut nothlng surpawes Harter's Iron Tonic tor all irrcfrularilies. " It cured nM when the physlclans and all other remedies failed. " City Subscribers to the Courier should leave their street and Xo. al this ollice at once to insurc the dellvcrj of thcir papers. ______ The Verdict l'iinnlmous. W. I). Suit, dragfftit, Blppaa, In.l., tettities: "1 eau ri'coinincnil Klectrie Bitters as the very bMt Wttaóy. Etbij bottte sold h:is given relief in ovcry CMe. One man took six bottles, aod was (ured 01 Hheuiiiati.-in of tfty m gtandlag.' AiuaImub Hare, drugjit, Bellville, OhU, nflirms: "Tbe best eelling niedicliie 1 have ever handled in inv '0 years experience, Is Bleetrte Bitters.'1 Thotieandt of otinrhave ftdded tlicir ti'stiniony, (o tliat the verdict is nnaiiinious that Electric liittcrs dooureall dlseaseaof the Llver, Kidneys or lilood. Only a half dollar a bottle al Eberbath's drag store. Wl or woc: "Bot1 iiif and frlcasseed weal," ealled tlie ni-w aitcr firl. Th tl red boitrrler ordered both. After while he lii'nl down liis knifr nd fork, "Have you any Irionseeed wf " h' ftfked gently; " If yon lnive I'll trv tliat." Anil he ngbed asnne wltbuot hope. HumbDg. l'.ai niiin said "Tlic Aniel ican people likc tobe htUBbUtfgek" This inay be iruc m the line of eiilertaininent, bilt not where üfe is at Btuke. A man uith Cuoinmption, or any llnfrerinj; dUe&BO, looking Deiith In the face and íeeklng to evade bis awful frrasp does nol like to be trlfled witb. So with contidcnci' we place beton our readers Nature's j;re:it., J)r. Pierce's Golden Medical DtaQOVerj, a snic relief tor that lonjr train of' ÜistíaSí resulting from impure blood, such aa CobsumptioD, Chronic Naaal ( 'atairh, Liver Complaint, Kidncv Disorder, Dyfpeptll, Sick Heiulacbe, Bereftlla and General De blllty. Time-tricil and tlioroniílilv testo!, it slands without au equal! Any drugg8t. " Ciiciim8tance8 alter cuses." Then we would respectfully eall the attention Of Oircumstances to tbe effect tbat berrs cases need alterin, in order to conform with the Brttbmetical view ofwelghtsim I ineasures that two piuts make u qnart. lts thoiisands ol cnrea are th liest advertisement for Dr. Sage's ('atarih Hcinedy. HALE'S HOtiEY h the lst Cough C.irc, 25, Mc, l GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP lic:ils ud l.c:.üfics, ÜSc GERMÁN CORN REMOVER kills Cara & Bunimu, MM. HILL'S HAIR & WHISKER DYE- Black ft Brown, 50c PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure in 1 Minuie, 25c. BEATS RHEUMATIC PILLS are a sure cure, 50c. Fortify the 1 1 1 of Avn's Sarnaparilla iguut the dlMMM peculiar to hot weather. 'I'his medicine lodUOM a healtby actton of the stomach, liver, and kidnevs, causlng them to pre vent tbe aoeumulatioii of tu i o'sona wbich product distase.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News