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Trnt National anniversary was generally bserved throughout tlio country. The little village of Clarendon, Pa., was almost entirely dostroyod by an incondiary flre on tho Bth. Loss, Í500.000. Kleven tundrcd persons wore mado homoless and vo were burned todeatli. Thoineondiary, a man nanied Mahonoy, had been arrestod. A COMMissiON was appointed on tho Mh by tho Postmaster-Gcncral to adjust und equallze the compensation of post-ofüce clerks throughout the country. It wai stated on the 5th that the wheat erop of Kansas would not excoed twentyive per cent. of that harvcstod threeyears ago. Oats would only be half a erop, but he corn yiold was expectod to roach 250,1)00,000 bushels. At Nashvillo, Mo., on tho 5th Mr. and Hrs. Munson and Mr. and Mrs. Bath wero lillod by a stroke of lightnlng. There wero 212,655 Immigrant landed at Castlo (Jardon, New York, durinu the flrst half of 1837, agalnst 148,707 in the grst half of 188Ö. Passenoer trains In Texas are horoaftor o carry a guard of eight armcd men as a recaution against train robbers. Thb National Association of Muslc Teachers oponed their convention Tuesday at Indianapolis. John M. Slade & Co., dry goods mer¦chants at New York, failod on the öth. for 1200,000. Jacob Fischeb went to tho roof of his house at Cincinnati on tho night of the 5th to lle down. He was taken for a burglar, and fatally shot by a pohoaman. Sn buildings at Alfred Center, N. Y., ncludlng a hotel and the posUofnco, were tturned on tho 5th. Rudolph V. Craole, Christina Krelg and Herinann Steinocke committed suicide at New York on the 5th. TnitEE of the largest hotels at Grafton, W. Va., and nearly forty business houses, including the office of the Standard-Enquirtr, wore dostroyod by lire on the 5th. The issue of standard silver dollars f rom the mints during the week ended on tho 2d was 509,020; samo time last year 487,The summit of Mount Hood, the loftlest Bnow-capped peak in Oregon, was illuminated with od üre the night of the Fourtli. The light was plainly visible at a distanco of eventy-üve miles. The work was done by a party of seven young men from Portlaad, two of whom spent the night on top of the mountain at an olevation of 12.721. They are supposed to bo tho only persons who ever remamed over night on the summit of Mount Hood. Bürqlars blew open a safe on the 5th in the store of a Cantón (Ky.) merchant and secured (1,400. The treasury disbursements at Washington from the lst to the 5th insts. on account of pensions amountod to nearly Í12,000,000. Edward Lamb, a noted comedian, who had been on the stage thirty -five years, died in Brooklvn, N. Y., on tho 5th, aged fifty-eight years. The bronzo statue oretted to the incmory of Bolomon Juneau, tho foundor of Milwaukee, was formally presented to that city on tho 6th. Jacob Sharp, the wealthy bribe-giver, now In Ludlow street jai], New York, was seventy years old on the 6th. Cowhick & WHiTCOMB'sdry-goois storo at Cheyenne, Wy. T., was bunio i on the Oth. Loss, 1140,000. Makk Shanxon, of Painesville, O-, a sculptor well known, was killed on the 6th at Erie, Pa., by falling from the Government building. Br the ditching of the wost-bound fast express on tho Chesapeake & UUio railroad at Loon Station, Ky., ou the 6th eight persons were injured, some fatally. Mormon missionaris from Utah have been laboring for some time in Georgia and South Carolina with such effect that they were on the 6th ordered to leave those States by bands of regulators. Advices of ttie 6th say that nearly cighty persons were polsoned in New York City by cating ke-cream, and mauy of tho victims were seriously ill. An escapod lunatic stepped from a train at Jonesboro, Ark., on tho 6th, and emptied his revolver into a crowd of persons at the station. One man was instantly killed and another fatally wounded. The murderer was captured. The strike at the Warrior Run mine near Wilkesbarre, Pa., that had extsted for two months, carne to an end on tho Oth, tho iour hundrod minors, laborers and boys returning to work. The Board of Trustees of the Volunteer Boldiers' National Homes at their session in Boston on the 6th decided to lócate a ite in California for the next home. Chinch buos were on the 6th said to be cau'sing great damage to the wheat erop in Southern Minnesota. The drought was also provlng a sore enemy to the farmers. of locusts in the vioinity of Perham, Minu., had on the 6th stripped bare ten thousand acres of land, vegetation in some places being devourod to the roots. It was reported on the 6th from Idaho that a number of Chinese mining camps alODg Snake rivcr had been raided by Indians or whitcs, and numerous mutilated bodies of Chinamen had been found. Johm Christiansox, of Peru, Ind., on the Oth uearly choked his daughter to death becauso &he marriod against his wishes, anl fatally hot Dr. E. B. North, who was Callod to attend her. The murderer was taken from jail at midnight and ïynched. Andt Soffix (white) and Robert Bcott (colored) got Into a dispute on the 6th over an axe trade while chopping wood near Sprincfleld, O., and HofUn hit Scott in the breast with the axe, cutting hU heart in two. Heatt thunder-storms raged on the 6th In the Hudson river valley, between New York and Albany. Numerous washouts were reported, andbasements and cellars were inundated. Worms were destroylng the cranberries on the öth around Berlin, Wis., and one grower who expected to harvest flfteen thousand bushels would not have any. It was feared tbat the vines would be permanently Injured by the worms. EionT men were drowned n the 7th in the Sturgeon Rlver mine at Metropolitan, Mich. A heatt thunder-storm on the 7th in the vicinity of Reading, Pa., washed out hundreds of acres of growlng corn, and tho llghtning destroyed several buildings and etarted a fire which burned over flve hundrod acres of timber on the Blue mountain. Durino a wind-storm on the 7th at Carlisie, Ark., tho Baptist Church was blown down and several other buildings were cempletely destroyed. Crops wore generally rulned. Thb walls of tho old Nr.tional Theater ftt New Orleans, which was recently detroyed by firo, were blown down on the ïth, burying nine workmen in the debris. All were badly lujured, several of tliem fatally. ; Oscar M. Keli.t, a bnsines man, who murdered hls wife because the refused to livo witli Mm, was takan from jail on th 7th at Dalles, Oro., and haneod. A halfgrown bull-whale wa captured on the 7th in New York bay, near the base of Bartholdl's Statue of Lib- Bam Breen and Eph Jones were terrtblywhlppod by a mob at Graysville, Ga., on tho7th for making dlsparaging remarks about a respectable young woman. Maxwell, tho Kt. Louis murderer, ws on the 7th reprioved until August 20. His attorneys would endeavor to got the caso boforo the United States Supreme Court. The liimbor yards of B. and J. Gadkins at Tonawanda, N. Y., wcre dostroyed by fire on the 7th. ïho loss was estimatcd os high as $350,1100. Louis Andkews, aged thirteen jrear, and Herman Fidalor, aged fourtoen year, wore suftocatcd by gas on the 7th while playingunder the scales in a lurnace at Buchtel, O. At Cantón, O., on the 7th twclve tramps, arrested and triod under tho new tramp law, woro sontencod to the poaitentlary for ono year each at hard labor. In alettor published on the 7th President Cleveland announced that he had declded not to vislt Bt Louis during tha G. A. R. encampment. lt was also stated at Washington that the President had wholly abandoned his contemplated Western trip. Br an explosión on the 7th In a factory at Arlington, N. J., two persons were killed, twenty injured, and 150,000 wortli of property destroyed. About fifty acres of land in East Atchlson, Mo., woro washod away on the 7th by a riso in the river. Ueuben Coleman (colored) was lynched on the 7th in Burry County, Va., for a criminal assault upou Mrs. Savago, a white woman. Beiiki detected in bribinj jurors. Proecuting Attorney Vanee, of Ferry County, Ind., fled on the 7th, leaving a small family. The thormometer in Chicago on the 8tb reached 00 degroos in the shade. The hot wave extended throughout the entire country, the lowost tempe rature on record being 80 degrees. Tiik strike inauguratod nine weeks ago in Chicago by tho bricklayers, which resulted in a general lock-out by the employers, was settled by arbitration on the 8th, and the thousands of idle men would resuma work at once. An extensivo system of frauds upon the Government, involving wholesalo forgery and porjury, was unearthod on the 8th In tho claims división of the office of the third auditor of the treasury. They were conceived and carried out by Otear J. Harvey, late chief of the división, who had been arrested. At Dingman'9 Ferry, Pa., John D. Van Gorden, aged sixty-nine years, was stung by a bee on tho Sth and died in a few minutes. The record división of the Bureau of Pensions recorred during the last fiscal year a total of 176,879 cases, of whlch 51,873 were original cases, 13,725 Mexican claim, and 106,317 applications tor increase. The immigration commissioners of New York were on the Sth about to institute a raid upon a number of so-called banking concerns which seem to exist for the solo purposo ot swindling newly-arrived immigrauts. In August, 1884, Goorge Smith, Georg Hughes and Asbury Hughes were hanged for burning a barn belonging to one Portor, on Hand mountain, near Chattanooga, Tenn. On the Sth it was discovered that the men wero entirely innocent of tho crime. OwiNO to the large amount of manufactured goods on hand the National Rubber Works at Bristol, R. I., closod on the 8th for un indefinito poriod. The aggrcguto streneth of the State militia throughout the United State is PT.'-Ü'iT, of which 7,839 are commissioned offloers and the remainder non-commissioned oflloors and enlisted men. The annual session of the National Musio Teachers' Associatiou closed at IudianapoliB on the 8th. Rdbkut McCli-be, aged thirteen years, and Josoph Hudson, agod twelve years, wero drowned on the 8th in White river, nenr Hazloton, Ind., while bathing. The tiro losaos in the United States for June foot up f10,183,100- nearly f4.000,000 greaterthan the average for June io the past ten years. The strike of bricklayors and carpen ter at St. Paul, Minn., was declared off on the Sth on the basis of ten hours a day and wages the sanin as beforo tha strike. Thekk rere Kiö business failures in the United States during the seven days ended on the Sth, against 155 the previous seven days. At Bt Louis on the 8th Judge Noonan held that the Bunday law did not apply to the sale of beer and wines. The efforts to enforce the law against whisky-sellers, theaters and base-ball clubs would be continued. As epidemie, supposod to be diptheria, was raging on the 8th on Cockburn Island, in Lake Huron. Many deaths had ocourrel, and the inhabitants were panlostricken and floeing for thelr llves. Thera was no physician on the island. Hai.t a million dollars in gold arrived io New York Trom Europo on th 8th, and f3.000,000 additional was on the way. The wheat erop of Ohio was on the 8th estimated at 32,384,000 bushels, a decroase of 8,000, 0U0 bushels from last year's yleld. Stella Williams (colored) on the 8th Bhotdead at McDonald's, Fa., her lover, a coal miner, also colored, because he had threatened to leave her. Twentt years %o Guy CL Hotohklss, Jr., son of a wealthy manufacturer ol Wllliamsburg, N. Y., disappeared, learlng bis wife and child to the care of hls father. On the 8th he returned to hii home, and founi his babe a man and his wlfe a g ryhaired old. woman, who joyfully received him. Ho bad baen living in California, and is wealthy. No explanatlon was aiked or given of his long absence. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Tin: chalrnien of the Ko publican and Democratie central committees of l'tah united on the 2d in a public address denounclng the movetnent for the admission of the Terrítory as a Btute as a Mormun scheme of sinister stgnificance. Ben D. House, a well-known Indianapolis journalist, died in that city on the 4th. Êx-Goversok Asson P. Mokkill, who was stricken with paralysis recently. dled at eleven a. m. on the 4th at his home in Augusta, Me. He was the flrst Governor who enforced the Prohibitory law, and Trom that early day his name has been linked with that of Neal Dow as one of the strongest supporters of prohibition. Ia 1SC1 he was elected a member of ConfjrcssA ruLL Btate ticket, with John Selty, of Tiffln, for Uoveruor, was on the 5th put In the ileld by the Union Labor party ot üliio ín the convention at Columbus. A platform was ndopted denouncing gambllne ia stocks and produce; demandlng that discrimination by cmployers agalntt labor associationa hall ba declared a íelony, and deiuanding the rigid enforcement of tho laws to prevent forco and inttmidatlon in politics. Mns. Jony A. T.ooas was tendered an informal reception at the Grand Paclflo Hotel In Chicago on tho evening of the 6th by the members of tuu Women's Relief Corp No. SS, auxiliary to the Grund Arniy of the Republlc. At San Francisco on the Otli a novv Amer lean party was organizad. Among other thlnu called for in tho platform are: Unconditional repeal of the naturalization laws, modiflcatlon of immlRration lawa, prohlbltlon of lien land holding, and no interference by any churob with tho American school system. Yan PnoN L, a Chinaman, who rocontly eraduated from Yalo College, wa married on the6th to Miss Elizabeth Maud Jerome, a New Haven heiroas. Joits Downby, a man aged 104 yjars, a resident of East Toledo, O , dieJ on tho Tijk Union Labor party of New York will meet in conventlon at Rochester August 10 to nomínate candidatos for State offleers to ba votod for at the nxt eleotion. Bex HoixinAT, the famous stage-coach drivor, died on the 8th t Portland, Ore. FOREIGN. Bt the oxplosion of a dynamite cartridga on the 5th at Jasz-Berony, Hungary, twenty-seven aoldiers were killod and forty-elght wounded. Tbiutt houses at Bt. Rorai, Can., were destroyed by flre on the 5th, causing a loas of $100,000. Beven persons wero killed on the 5th by an explosión of naptha in a drug store at Antwerp, Holland. Akkasobmbnts are making for tho celebration at Oenoa, Italy, of the four hundredth anniversary ot tho diacovery of America by Columbus. AU the States of America will be invited to particípate. Bt an explosión of gun-cotton on the 8th in a powder-mill near Bordeaux, Franco, three persons were killed and a larga numbor Injured. Dispatohes of tho öth announce that over forty houses were tngulfed at Zug, Bwltzerland, by the sinking of a tract of land into the lake, and one hundred Uves wore lost. Twelvk Chinese soldier were behoaded on the 8th at Kiangxi for conspiracy. Up to the 6th the total amount collectad for the benefit of the sufferers by the recent Paris Opera Comiqua flre was 075,000 francs. Advicïs of the 6th say that earthquak shock had occurred in Bavispo, Mex., continuously since May 3. Eight hundred persons were homeless and 1W had boen kiUed. Adtioes of the 6th say that Peta Barli, who was said to have fought under General George Washington during the Revolutionary war, diod recently in Demarara, West Indios, aged 180 years. Thb commtttee of the French Chamber of Deputies decided on the 6th in favor of the executlon of the measure impolng a tax on forelgners reslding in France. A firk in the citadel at Quebec on the 7th caused a loss of $150,000, with no insurSkaoefjord, Iceland, was on the 7thsaid to be stricken with famlne. Many peasants and thousands of cattle were said to have perished, and the distress was increasing. Advices of the 7th report the destruotion of the town of Nairy Karolyi, Hungary, by a hurricaue and waterspout The site of the town and the adjoining district were converted into one vast lake, and many persons lost their lives. Dispatohes of the 7th state that the Wonohow river in China had overflown it banks, subnierKlng miles of tcrritory, and thousands of pjrsous wero belleved to have been drowned. Priscb Fkrdinam, of Shx i-CoburgGotha, was on the 7th elocted Prinoe of Bulgaria by the Sobran je. Advices of the 8lh from the Stanler expedition report that severe measures had proved neeessary to maintuin discipline ainong the men, owing to a threatened failure of provisions. Stanley hlmself was 111 from excessive beat. Beven persons perished on the 8th in a burning farm-house in Buteshire, Scotland. Mn. Andrbw Carmeoie, the ScotchAmerican millionaire, was on the 8th ten dered the freedom of the city of Edinburgh, to whlch he has ffiven $250,000 for a public library. LATER NEW3. The Alcázar Theater, a resort of unavory repute in Hurley, Wis., was d troyed by fire on the 9th, and eleven persons perished in the flamea. The fin spread to n tjoininpr buildings, and the total loss was about ISOJ.OOO. Tiikeb negro chlldren lost their livee on the 9th in a burning house near Tobula, Miss. Tin sloop Mystery, with a party of excursionista on board, was capsized by a squall off Barren Island, In New York bay, on the lOth, and twenty-seven porsom were drowned. Slioht earthquake tremors were feit at different points in lower South Carolina on the uit li A partt of Indians en gage i in selllng curiosities which they had made quarreled with whito men on the lOth in a hotel at Carondolet, Mo., and during the fraoas three of the red men were fatally shot Up to the lOth the record of yellowfever in Key West, Fla., stood as follows: Total cases, 83; deaths, 27; sick at present, 33; discharged cured, 23. Niní men engaged in blasting rock for a new rallroad line in Bouth Carolina werfl instantly killed on the 9th by an explosión of giant powder at Fort Mili, in Chester County. Jüdob Ai.FiiRD Cowlbs, of San Diego, Cal., celebrated bis ona ttundredth birthday on the 9th. Advioes of the 9th say there had been a bloodless revolution in the Hawatlan Kingdom. King Kalakaua had been dposed, the Oibson Mlnlstry had fallen, and a Cabinet named by the people and headed by William L. Ureene had been appointed. A maniac attacked a party of haymakers on the 9th in a field in County Down, Ireland, with a blll-hook, killing four men and woundlng two others. Thb record of the base-ball clubs in the National League for the week ended on the 9th was as follows: Detroit (games won), 40; Chicago, 'M; Boston, 84; New York. 33; Philadelphia, 28; Ptttsburffh, 21; Washington, 18; Indianapolis, 17. Dit. McUi.tnn, of Brooklyn, was on the 9th formally excommunicated from the Roman Cathollc Church by Pae Leo. An increase in the corn acreage of the country over last year of about 1,503,000 acres, or two per cent, was eatimated on the 9th by the Department of Agriculture. Oenkkal Waxtbr C. Whitakeii, who ervod with the Union army during tha war, died at nis homo in Lyndon, Ky., on tbe 9th, aged sixty-four years. Fathbr JonN IIooeri, the oldest prlest in New Jersey, died at New Brunswick on tfae lOth, aged seventy-nine years. A si'ark from a locomotivo at Younifstown. O., set flre to six houses on the 9th, and the families barely escaped. At twenty-six leading clearln, houses in the United Rtates during the week crnled on the 9th the exchanges aggrogated $966.365,373, against 11,251,154,614 tho previous week. As compared with tha oorresponding week of 1886, the increas amounts to &2 per cenk


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