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An Imperativo Nceessily. Wliat pure air is to an unhealthy locality, wliat spring cleanülg is to the nent housekeeper, bo is Hood's Sarsaparilla to everybody, at thia seaaon. The body needl to be thoroughly reuovnted, the blood purified and vitalized, the germs of dlsease destroyed. Scrofula, SartBheum and all other blood disorders are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the most popular and lliocessful spring medicine. A Louisville lover, while kissing his sweetlieart good-bye feit a ckoking sensation in histliroat and linally died frora suffocation. The doctors eould not teil wliat ailed kim, but evidently, says an excbange his heart had come up into his throat and choked liim to death. Many Pcople Reruse to Takc Col Ltref Oil on account of lts unpleasant taste. This difflculty bas been overeóme in Scott's Emulsión of Cod Liver Oil wlth Hypophosphites. It being as palatableas milk, and the most valuable remedy known forjthe treatmentof Uonsumption, Scrofula, and Bronchitis, General I)ebility, Wastlng Diseases of Ckildren, ChroriIc Coughs and Colds, has caused phyiieians in all parts of the world to use it. Physicians report our little patients take it with pleasure. Try Scott's Kmulsion and be convinced. SCROFULA 1 do ii"t believe tliat Ayrr Sarsaparilla hos :m c(ii:il :ii a remetí; for Strofuloui llnïniii-s. It is pleBRao4 to i:ikc, givet Btrenjrth ainl vigor tci the body, Mi min re "'"' l""1'"1'1 :l more nuniurb, permanent, lastine, reMilt Una anv modlcluo I e vi' r Til . - E. Ilaino. Xo. l.imlali'.o. 1 iiavi' naad Ayer"! Surs:t}:uill:i, in m iainlly, fur Scrofula, and knmv, if it is taken Frvcinplac faithf uiiy, it wlll this terrible dlsease. - V. I'. h'nwl t. H. D., Oreeuvillc, 'IVnn. For foity ycars 1 li:ir inffered wltn Bryllpelai, 1 hai' tlied nll sorts of remedies Pankar anrl tot my complaint, but uanKer, ana fol„1(liu) rt,{u,t lllltil l C O 111 in r II e ril llsilli,' A y e r' s S:ir:ip:inl!:i. After taking ten lottk's of tliis medicine i mu complétela cured, - llarv ('. Amrsbiiiy, Bockport) Me. Cclttirrh, I have raffered, for years, from Catarrh, wliieh was so severo tliat It destroyed iny iippetite and eakened nysystem. AftertiyiiLC other remedí and gettlng ii'i relief, I _ liegsn to take Ayer's Cati D8 8arsaparllhh mul, 'In a (ewnouths, wat cured. Piirpri hv - 8uan l.. Cook, 808 urn cu uy Ai,;,11T „(.. Boston du rif vina Blhiaiid, m (ju i i i y i ii y Ay#rt Bartaparllta + ho hlnorl Is superior toany blood Ine DIOOÜ purner tbat l bave ... rviT trieil. 1 have Wltn taken it for Scrofula, ('anker, mul SaltRheum, and reoelved niiH'h lieiielit from it. it is goodi alaOi fur a weak itomach.- Mlllle Jane Peirce, South Bradford, .Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, l'i,iared by Dr. J.C. W. r ft r... T.mvi.11, Mom. Priea Si : sb botttoa, ¦'¦.


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