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How To Boom!

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Ann Akiíok. June li), 1887 Uk. Editok: - The Husiness Mcn's A&OCiitlion has mude, ii (COod begiuningwit their "boomlns pamphlet." Tlie Bit edition is very cieditable. Let thcm no iniprove il, L'ct nut onc witli an illustrate cover and red linos ata, imiking ituthin of beinitv, and it will lielp wonderfull In puibltlg to the front the itirnotions o Aun Arbor. 'lilis onglit to contain dozen views ap and down (lie Uurot river auu llie M. C R. ft. wi'.l undoubt e)ly furiiish thcm. IIavinr this pain phlet lo inswer qnestions, the next ste Í8 to adtertiir, mln rtisr, ailverttie. How can Ihis be. (Ume? A well knowt and hijjhly honored legul gentlemuí s:iu1 "The city should take tlieir )i([iior lax inoncy and do it, and that Ihis lund lm( bettor be Kpnt in this tblD in any otbfl way." Hore is the lngül Muthurity fo tlie etep and thu key to the siUmtioi For evcry dollar gpent tu tilla way th city would reeeivo ten ín what way shonld the city advortise Exptricín c Ikis sliown llml well dirrctw iiiusjiaper iidvertising pays best. (et u i form for an advcrtiseincnt like the on below, aiidtlicn sdrcttlie best newspa per to covit cvery st.ite. Let the Hiisincs isr'n's A.MOclation, whtch ís nuins com plinicnts al 1 over this state for lts vin and energy, have cliarj:e of it and ui.-h i und let (be city my thuke bilis. Building lots an low hcrc Boom th town. and thu lots wliich now brlng 30 would readily tell for $000. EvérybtKj; in Ann Arbor is ilerested aa evcrylxulj will be benefiled. It is a flirt (lint nowbeie in tlns jrrca country of onrs can so much cdueit n beobtaincd for so Hule monev, und nowhere can a home with all the Mivan wc have be procured so low. Le the people know it Rlid thcv will come Nnw is tlic linie tobcrin. Wc slionM no wait anotlier dajr. The form for an ad vertiscment below is oily a sugestión; - It can and sliould bc Improveu. Kverv body speak abntrt this; everybody write aboutit; let all join in the niovernent. Yours for booininu, Taxi'ívhí. Suggentimi for iiïi, adverthcmeut : ANN ARBOR, MICH BKHICII V KOK HOMKH. popaltUOI 9,(XK), tocatlon lien iful, liinli iml healthfol Niipplleil wltli pure sprini; unier, lialnl witl electrlclty, nlso x. tazea low, building lol cheap.malerialslor building olienper tn Mloh ixan tlmn In any oilier staie- tralts of nl kltidu ralseil here. Kducatlonul aüvantugeg uusurpusstd. ANN II HOK II It.ll srllOOI,, over 400 puplls, diplomas adinit to 'N'iiK. w inivfknitv, tmkm here- 1,500 stilden L - UepartmenUnf Literal nr Scienct and the Arts.Lnw Behool, fichool uj Mr,; cine, Bomaopatkie Medical (iiltrye. Venial Coi trge, fi-tiool uf fusie, Schoot uf l'harmacy School of Viril, MtehanieeU and Mining Knglneer tnQ and PuLtical Science. For Information ad drsM


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News