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ööPWCts ri PcBEAAfT pPRICES 1 J I flAVORllit AKlrf I bGWDL EXTRACTS ík. fënr- __ rrLb -i i NATURAL FRUIT MjNÏÏyTfTCAj II i FLAVORS MOST PERFECT MADE Pretend ..ii'n strict rctrard to Puiity, Btrtagtn. and HeuthfoliiMS. lr Prieel !i:ikmi; PowtlercoDulnt nu AininoniH.Tiinn'.Alum or Phosphatefl. Ur.I'rire'k Extract, Yuuilhi, l.t'iuun, etc, llttordeJkiuusly. MANY LAMP CHIMXEYS ARB offered for salo redrettentad as jjood a-s the Faiiious PEARL XOP BIT TIIEV ARE NOT! iikI liko all t oimli-rf.ils lark tito ¦MWikakta I. vsjix. iialitica of tui: (;i:iie. ASK FOH THE jPEARLTOP Pat.Oct. 30, ls:}. The PEARITtOP is 010, hMP&VtVAÚ C0„ P1TTSBUHGH, PA. IQ THE CREAT I Germán RemedyJ Í3 TRUTHS FORTHESICK.n tli..M' il.-:illil il,imlll b.' II BlMousSpellsdepena rorcaMwbere8(:L-0 n-i i.i'in uiiii iKit-s raí Bitters ü II It wlll cure yon. aotasslrtorcure. IiH n i,.,,,... km k-.t ¦„!¦ '"¦"¦' f-'ilsra lth.ittlmlndallftnm CleauwUie vitlite1l Mfei'linit; if en, ' lilowi whpn v..u setl I IISULFHim üiitebs; ,s impwlUes l.urstl UmII nirc y.m. nrthrongb the -.kinll I ln? In l'i:nli-, 1;. ¦!¦ i- 1 1 lldSESSbSl'ta !"" BA Rrt, nli Qthr milis nd M! '¦,"",', 1;n,!K,K;'E3 llnnt procure saffletent '"" II ¦sKSffiaiJSss: SFSSl gnjjuhc'; be SASS t ¦"' rL'g II f vmi dÏMiönïïsü .'ÍJ'.1-1.1,", " I!lrlKllsfIl wllJ l""lcl nu l'iin"l ntism, dm B bottle of 'n;lke 5'ou stroiigamll II sn.iiuK BlTTKBa ; elthy. III ltiic-v.Tfnllstni.urf. vrLI,,„.lt jmKRfiJ . a will makcrniirlilo.iilïS Hliottk'. Trvit; vou 3Ure.rlchandatrong.tia H wlll lint ramt It. nivl ymirflyili hnnl. ft III Ladlea in deÏÏcetc Tiv m i.piii n Uit lllheaHh, who are all TKits tn-nlght, anillll lllnmdown.shoiildlise you wlll sleeji welllH EU'i i nu n n i 1 1 kv 1 1 ¦ ¦ i in i i.i-ihT '¦r t mu Do you want the best Medical Work jmMinhed Sentí 3 '-cent itampfl to a. 1. okdway & Co, Boston, Mass., and rccclve a COpy, free. FOR DYSPKPSIA MENTAL AM PHY3ICALEXHAUSTION, NERVOUSNZSS, WEAKENEO ENERGY, INDIGESTIÓN, ETC., ETC. ƒ il nomíoris flCIDPHOSPHAlF. a llqnkl preparstton f itrá pTiiaptnta lili Hl'iil. Rm mondad iy PbrUelaiM, It ni.ikcs ;i il ¦ ilrliik. liiviunriiliiK himI sir. iül li -i tijí. I'ainph¦I irce KOK SAI. K I!V Al.l. 1K AI.KK.S. Rumford Chemical Works, ''rovid c, . . Rh.,),. lsim„l. er-KVAIiIi OK IMITATIES. REAL i:siai : INSURANCE" AGEN6Y. J. 0. A. SESSIONS, A-TTOHNKY AN!) XOTAKV ITBLIC Beil Estáte sold or rcntcj and rent ooiléete 1 orí reaaodabla tertns. Non bul ckl and llrst-nlass Insurance Cornpanlra rei)resente.l- witli Insurance capital of ílO.OUO.ou. !(„. ns loWHsanvothfr I nsu ranee company aud loases promptiy pald Offlce over American Express offloa Muin street, sd Arbor. Mlch. RUP TU FLTST. tEOAICS IMTKRIAL TKUSS Kplra] Spring, graded from 1 to 8 pounds ín pressure. WORN DAY AND MGHT, by an lnfant a week oíd, oran adultKOyearg. I.ndles Truenes a perfectlon. Endose stamps for tesliinonlalH of i-urrs, etc. EOAN IMFBBIAL TRUS9 CO., Ann axbok, Mich. INSURANCE iLAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGKNCY OF1 A.W. HAMILTON OBce, No. 2, First Floor, llarallton lilock. Partles deslring to buy or sell Real Estáte wlll flnd II to thelr udvnntage to cali on me. I represent ISflret-class Fire Insurunoe Compulsen, liavlngan aggregate capital over }),- (0,000. KatesLow. Losses llberally ailjusted and promptly puld. I al.Mi Issue Life and lnvestment Policios In Cíe New York Mutual Life Insurance Compnoy, Assetts, $75,000.00. Persons deslrlng AceUtaal Insurance, can have yearly pollcles wrltten for them orTraveler' Coupon Insnrance Tickets lsnued at Low rates. Monev to Luán ut OarreDt Rntes. OfBcehoursfrom 8 a m. lo l mi. umi 2 to5p. ni. ALEX. W. JÍAMILTON, Hamilton Bloí-k


Ann Arbor Courier
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