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M.OI IIIKMTttKI. akk akiiok Commandbky, No. IS raeets flrst Tuaiday of eacli inoutb. W. O IJoty, E. C; W. A.. Tolcliard. Recorder. Wshtaw Cbaftbk, No. ti, R A. M.- Stwls flrst Monday each mouth. Isaac, tl P.; Z. Roath, Secretary. BUSINESS CARD8. DEALER IN' CLOTH CASKETS, METALIG And Cotnmon Oofflns. Calis attented lo Day or NiKhU EiubAlmlng a speclulty. Sto-erooinno B. Waslilugton street. Residence Cor. Ltberty and KlfUu -J XV. H. JACKSO.M, D.lElllfflITIIIIISIITIL OFFICE : Orer Hach & Abcl's Dry Good Store. Ent ranee next to National Bank. III I H MIK. House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Haperinc, QUiIng, Gilding, and Calclmlntnir, and work or every descrlptton done in the best tyle. nd warranted to glve satlsfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washineton St„ Ann Arbor. W. W. A. C. NICHOLS, Rooms Over Ann Arbor Savings Bank, Maouic Temple Block. QA.SorVITAI.IZED AIR MbIbMM' f"r ""' ('liilfwi extraction of teetb. GET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Securltj fceld for tha protection of the polley CHRISTÍAN MACK BepreseaU 'he fullowipg flrct-clai'6 companles, of which oue, tlie .Etna, lias alone paid 5,UU,00Ullre osses in iity-&ve yearn : .Etna, of Hartford f 9,192,644 Franklin of Philadelpliia 3,1 18,713 Germiinia, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N Y 4,0(W.9fl8 London Assuranoe, Loadon... 1.416,788 Michigan V. & Di., Detroit.. . 27,008 N. Y. Underwrtter, N. Y 2,G96,7 Natiou), Hartford 1,774,505 Phoeiiix, Br.viklyn 3,759,03C Losses liberally adjusted and nromptly paid. Polleies issoed at the loweet rutes of premium. 1191tf LI7MBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! It you cmitfiupIrtU; bntlillnff, ('all at FERDON Luier Yari ! Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., anti ge our ñgures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and giiarantee AERY LOW PRICES 4Gve us a cali and we will inake it to your interest, as our lare and wcll raded stock fully ustains our assertion Telcphone Connectioas with Office. r. I. KKECH Supt JAMES TOLBERT, Prop A. DeFOREST. Fire Insurance Plate Q-lass Insurance. Steam Koiler INSURANCE ! Lowest Rates, Honorable Adjnstmentü and Kussi's pnnnptlv Pald. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Special attentios oiven to Collection or Revts and Manaqkmknt iif Hkai. EsTATK INTBBESTS FOR NON-KKSIIIKKT8. ENTIBB 8ATISVACTI0N TO OMTNKKS OüAEANTUD. A. DeFOBEST. III I ï m"rt! ney than at anytlilne ele by U 111 I W in an agt'ncy for the het aplling )Kik ¦ out. Beginners oereed triandlj. None " fil. Tenns free. HallsttBook Co., l'ortland, Malne. The Oreat KiiylUli l"r. -riptlon. A Buccessful kfrfWaa ud over -fï&l SI) yrs in thousands t cjisw J 1 (Jurtiti Sptrnatorrhea. S'errrniap and alt difieawt cauaed I-v abutM-.'A Ibkfori] mdiwrHiion. or over-exertior [aftkhi Rix pnokfMCH (iuarantreil to Curt whrn nlt otkrrs Fa. Ask your Druggtst fi.r '"? 'm tm-ll-l 1'rrsorlptloR, take no RltbHtitUte. Oïf parlCBpe $1. Slx $5. bv mail. Write for I'Mmplilet. Addrt-Htt Eureka Chemical Co,, Dolrult, 'll li. Sold In Ann Arbor, Mich , by Kberbach & Son 1360-73 1 ' I I T can Uve a' hume. aad malee more money at lili work for un, Ihnn at anythlne út In ihl I lili world. Capital not needed ; jrou are tarted free. Both exes ; all ace. Any 'me can do the work. Large earulngs ore from flriitUrt. Costly outnt aod terms free. Better uot delay. Costa you nothing to aend us your adaress and fled out; if you are vine you wlll do so at once. H. Híllítt A Co.. Portland, Maine. -í HIYttSAL ik- m y'7- fcr CIfwUn. E. i. KNOWLTON. nn Arbor, Mich. A OOXPI.BTB AUUARIIKKKNT VOR P'sjsiciia'iai Families. Nsiter asi Cheaper AND M'iltK CONVENIENT THAT A 8TAT1ONAKY BATU TUH, W1TH NO KXVEN6B QP HATH ROOM ANI) FIXTUUKS tt-A SUBSClilBE FOK The Aun Arbor Couricr.


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