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AKlN6 POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powdernever varíes. A marvel of purlty,itreniílh and wholesomeness. More economlcal i han the ordtmiry k mls, and cannot soul lDooinpetltlon wlth tbe multitudeof low test, hort welglit, alum or phosphnte powders. Sold only in cans. KoyalHaklns Powder ('o . 1O Wall lU, N. Y. SKIN _SCALP. Cleansod, Fniifled and Bpautifled by the Cutlcura Kcincdiis. For ('kamnue the Skin and Scalp of DitflgiirIiil' Umor, for allayine Itrhlne, Burnlng und Iriftammatlon, lor cnriinj the flrsï symptotnt of Kc zenin, PaOTuwla. Mllk Crnst, srald llead, Scro'ala anti olher iDherited ekin and bluod ilUra-f. (Juticar&, the grt-iit Skin Cure, and l'uttrura Sor.p, an exqaisite skin Rirn1tfliTr. x[eriiallv, and Cutlcurn Ui-mlvent, the new Blood f'arifler. Interna ly are lniallible. A COMPLETE CURE. I have suffered uil my llfe wlth (kin dlM difl'erD' klude, aml have never fonnd permanent reliei, uutil, by the advice of a lady friend 1 ned your Taluable Oulicura fífttnlies. I cavo them a thorough trial, nsinu si bottli's of the Vuticura Reêolvent, two boxes oí Caucara and seveu cake of Cuticura Soap, and the resnlt ws just wht I had been told it would hi - acomplelt cure. BKI.LB VADE, Kichimmd, Va. lloference, Q. W. Latimer. Druüüim, Kichmond SALT RHEÜM CUREI) 1 was troaMed wlth nalt Kheum Tor a nnmber of year, 8O tht the fkiu entirely cam off or my handf froin tlainT tips tu the wrWt. l trlsd remedies and doctors' ppecriiiioun to no purio.-e un'il 1 commenced tukini; Cuticura Btmtmm, nd lluw I aui enürely cured. B. T. PAKKEU, :!T:l Northampton Sf., Boston. DRÜÍÍGIS1S ENDORSE THEM. Have BOld a quintity oi your Cuticura Remedi--. One of my cutomurf, Mrc. Hcnry Kintz, who had te tter on her hand. to ach an extent as to caue tbe fkin to peel o!V, and for eitiht years ihe noffered greally, wan completely cared by the ufe of your inedicfuee. C. N. NYK, DruiuiBt, Cantón, ühio. rrcniNfi, scaly, pimplt. Por the last year 1 hav had a species of Itch'mp, ffaly and ptinply huuiors on my face to which 1 have applicd a great many metbods of treatment without Hucceös, aml which was epei-dily and entlrely cured by Cuilcura. Mrs. IS8AC PHKLPS, Kaveua, O. NO MEDICINE UB THEM. We have sold your Vuticura Remedien for Ihe laat aix yeara, and no medicinen on uur uhelves glve herrer satlsfartlon. C. F. ATUEKTON, Dru(!lt, Albany.N. V. CUTICURA REMEDIES are old every where. Prioe : ('uticlri. M) Oen's; Kesolvknt; SI. 00 ; Soap, üctii. Prepared by POTTIK DRDG AMD I 'IIKIII'A!. Cu., BOStOU. Nrml fnr-11'in I Onro Skin li-ii-n ppilDQ Pimple, SktnIiU-mihishes.ana Baby 0 II U DOi liumon, cured by Vulicura Suai. Catarrh to Consumption. Catarrh in Ue deatructive turco stands m-xt to and undüubtcdly leads on to conftnmption. Il ie thrrütote singular ttiatl thoge alllicted wilh thtg l'urful dieaae cbould not muke it tbe oïject of their Ilves to rid tbemttelvea oí it. Deceptive remedies concocted by inorant pretenders to medical knowledge have weakened the confldence of the ereat m-ijorlty of aaffereru in all advertied remedie. Ttiey become reílgnert to a Ufe of mip!ry rather than tortore theiiiMulvue wlth duubtful paíliatives. But thin wlll nuver a O. Catarrh must be met at every stae and combattcd with all our mlght. Ia many carteé tne disease ha aHumi-d dangeroa (ymptoniK. The bonen and cartllage of the noee, the orgmis ot hearimr, of aceiog and of taeting M affectud a to be neeTees, the uvula eo elonated, the throat so ii llamt-d and Irritated au to produce a C'nistain and dittres-in coah. Sani)fok'08Hadical CntK mcets with every phaue of Üatarrb, from a simple head cold to the most loatbüorae and destructive etages. It ie local and conatitution. Instant in relievlng, prrmanent in curint; safe, cconomical and never-failini;. B'ch DHCket contaios one bottle of the Kadi CAL Cuhk, one box of Catahrhal Hoi.vknt, andan Impkovkd Inhalku, with treatUe $l.iO. Porntu Druu and Chemical Co., Boston. u. KIDNEY PAINS 9m In One .Tllimtc, that weary, lifelefi y JH all-foue, sensatlon ever present wllh l lLthoie of lDfl.imi'd kidney, weak back 1 Jand lolns. aching hlps and sidep, nter ne paliis. Weakncris and innammntlon, is NlieTOd and spei'dilv cured by the Outlrur AntlPaln Planter, a new, original, elegant and infUinmatlon. At all druK's's, '15c.; flvefor$1.00; or of potter Dru & Chemical Co., Bo.-ton. WatchspbinB " ¦¦¦¦ "oöo 0g Wltli Dctacbable Spiingrs. C Bet ter tlian M'halebone or Honi,Jü and fpiaranteed ncvcr to break. Price, Si. 5. For ule by leadiag Wholesale aod reuil establühiucau. MAYER,STROUSE&CO. 412 Broadway. N. Y.t Manufacturera. 1 ' '-¦ ..... t , ARTHMA CURED CERMAN A8THMA CURE Iiutantly relierAM th tu'ft violnnt atlack nnil Inttin cotnfort&btn sleep NO WAITIN Tor UK. wtLTH.Heing muy i ínhÁiation. ltaction iflünlMUt, diruct and rertiiln. and a car is the rniult in all curable camm A malo tnal ronvinoM the most Bk.'Uticn) Price 6Ü0. and I ÜU (jf auy Ortitunst, or by mail N&iiiuIb Frer


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