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The Quebec Tour

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Tlie following graphic descriptlon of the IJlcycle Tour, which the Editor of the Courier, J. E. Beal, is now enjoying, will be of interest to our readers: Taking the evening Pullman from Botton a railroad ride of twenty-four hout latida U8 at the villaje of Eduiundston, N. B., right at the top of the State of Mairie. Remaiuing here over night we start in the morning for lliviere du LoupontheSt. Lawrence river.a straightawuy-run of eiguty miles, which we will cover in two days. The road follows up the Madawaska river to Lake Temiseoutta, a beautiful sheet of water enclrcled by foresta, and at a hotel on its shore we end the second day's journey. The nexteveiiing tiuds us at Hivieredu Loup, out of the wilderness, and n one of Canada's most noted watering places. Here we linger until 5 p. m. the following day, giving ns ampie time to take a run, over an excellent road, to the still more famous slimmer resort of Cacouna, whieh boast a hotel capable of acoommodating 400 giMBte. Evenlng finds us on board of a omiriilAoent steamer, bound forthe world niiowni-il Saguenay, "the scenery of wliicli is sublime and uneqnalled," says the guide books, and all returnlng tourists re-echo tlie same story. For nearly two diva we elide over tlie waters of the Sagueuay and öt. Lawrence, until on a Satiirüay niorning we sliall see the rising sun frill on the gllstening roofs and towei8 at the "Silver City," as Quebec Is often called on account of the custom of using tin, netead of wooden shingles. Two Jays, Sulurday aml Sunday, will bc deroteU to Quebec. I need not say Quebré is one of the oldest, most iiiterMllnjr, and onlv walled city In North America; tbat historically it claims a It-ailiní: pliice in tlie anuals of the new world; tiiat of lts 02,000 inhabitants over 50,000 speak the Frencli language; that the citadel of Quebec is the most foriuklal Ie fditress in America, and the view from its battlcinents the most magniticent in the world. All this, and more, you already know, or can learu from the touiists' guide honk. The celebrated falls n( .Moiitinoreiicy are about eiglit miles from the city, reached by one of the tiuest llnii'slone roads in all Canada. This will be includt'd in the tour, likewiíe a visit to the Plains of Abrham, the scène of England's great victory over France 128 yea-s ago. A Sunday In Quebec is unlikf tlie .unie day in staid New Bnjrland, and causes one to realist tbat lic is in a ttrmage land - the land of the llghlhearted Frenchniiin, who turns Sunday into a holiday. after liaving religiously attcndcd musa in the morning Motuliiy morning we cross the St. LawnJOüe f'nr the last time, aud turn our faces in the direction of' North Ansoii, Maine; about 175 miles away, and wliere we hope to arrive the tollowing Friday night. The fint 100 miles leads thiouh tlie heart of the Frencli ('anadian coun try; the towns are all pionsly named afttr various siiliits, and the English language Í8 seldom heard. In fact, it is a foieign country, from whieh we emerge into Yankeedom at Moose river near the biundary line. At the Forks we strike the hendwatei-8 of the beaulilul Keunebec, and for forty miles the road and the river run in close companionshio. This is the old route of the Kennbec tour of '84, and ifibrül míe ol the most dellghtful runs the writer ever experienced. At Noith Anson our wlieel trip ends, and the followiug morí. ing the cara are taken for Boston, wlmre we arrive in the latter puit of the aflernoon of the sanie day, htivlng been nb-ent just tourteen days, and covered by rail, river and road a trine over 1400 miles.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News