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Just so sure as there will be anothcr presidcntial election. just po sure will therc be a labor candidate. That s rigbt, too. _„____-_- The man in the republican party tod:iy who creates enthusiasm is James Q. Blalne, and shouhl (ov. Alger be placed on tlie ticket wlth him the buttons of the average Michigan man would have to be sewed on with annealed wire to keep them on his clothes. " Who will be the next President' " askod a prominent citizen of ye scribe yesterday. It is hard to teil so far ahead of time, hut le looks through our eyes as it' lames G. Blaine, the man f rom Minne, wonld occupy Mr. O. Clevcland's place in the Wi.ite House after March I, 1889. "Who is the Courier's candidate for President ?" is often asked. The Courikr's candidate is the man who will be nominated at the next Uepublicau natlODal emiveiition, be that man elther IMaine, Sherman, AUison, Edmunds, Lincoln, little Phil Sberidan, or our own Gen. Alger, and we are for him pencil and scissors. It is quite oertaln some one of the above will be nominated and electcd. Tlierc are thousands of people in this S'uto who ought to read section 1,419. llowell's Compilation of the Statutes of Michigan. It runs as follows: Kvery overseer shall cause the obnoxious weeds witliin his district to be cut down and destroyed twice in one year, once before the first day of July, and again betore the tirst day of September, and the requisite work shall be considered liighway work. Any overseer who shall refuse or neglect to perfora the duties requlred by inw section shall bc liable to a penalty ot f. Araoiig the law students graduated last week at the state university, 70 are sons of farmers, 17 of merchants, 14 of mechanics, and a few irom nearly all other occupations. The farm continúes to be the great recruiting ground of the legal profession. Oue thing that puzzles the law studentB is to find a name for the ladies who crowd into their class voorns and insist upon itndying law. The medical students dub the girls who Itody with them " hen medies," but the law aspiiants claim too much dignity and respect for the fair sex to use such a dlacoiirteous appellation. They must set their wit to work and invent a new name. - Jaokton Citizen. President Cleveland in the St. Louis matter is something like the little boy wlio was asked to stay to diuner, but had been told by liis parents never to accept the first invitation. His desire at first overeóme his memory and he accepted but bethlnking himself of what his folks liad told him, lie sort o' stammered out that, he didn't think he'd better stay. But upon being asked a second time Ne jumped quickly at the chunco. So with President Cleveland. He wanted to go to 8t. Louis awful bad, and MWpted the first invitation quick. Then he thought BOine of the G. A. II. boys migfct make up a face at him if he went there - ( you know the G. A. R. boys are not very partlal to men who sent puhstitutes to the war) and so reconsidered his aeceptaace. lïut when the mayor of Ht. Louis iiiid a few other eitlzens fo down to Washington and again extend another iuvitation he really can not refuse jou Knuw, and rijjlit joyfully accepls.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News