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Business Men's Association

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Pnrraant lo cali, thecouacil room was Ulied wilh inany of our prominent busineu citizen'g te listen to the report of the dolngs of the Business Men's Asgociation for the past year, and to elect offlcers for the ensulng year. Col. H. S. Dean presidcd, wlth G. Frank Allinendingcr us secretar?, who, nfier readlng the minutes of previoui meetings, gave a verbal report of the work that had leen accoinpllghed ly the associaüon. The following letter, fnini one of our citizens, explaiua tself : A N n Ariior, July IM, 87. Qbhtj i n Uiiving notiood what tlils week'i UocsiKBbai lo say about a manufaclorlng establishment In search ofgrouuds on wliich to lócate tlielr plant In this city, I wlll siiy that, to encourage such enterprlse I will ilonate to surli iiKKuciatlou ten 4x8 rod lotsou loatn sldu of Wells st. beginning at tlie lntersectlon of Baldwin Ave., provuled anl a sm ie i mi li ui will forthwlth i'slulillKli thelr raanufactory on one of tliem, and bulld nlnecomfortnbledwelllngson the otlier lots durlngthe enttuing year ; sald homes to coat one thousimd dollars each or more. If mooey sliall bc needed In theerection of sald bOQMfl I wlll advanct on mortgages $500 eacb at simple luterost. Kespevtrully, Israel Hall. Tothe Business Men's Assoclatlon. After some little discussiou of the subject, Mr. Allmendinger moved that the the CorrèspoodiDg seeretary placo tiim self in comnnin catión with the partles from Punnsylvanin seeking a location and aseertain on what terms they could bu Indnoed to lócate iiere. K. K. Frueauir moved that the thanks of the nssocialion be tendered Israel Hall for liis kind proposltton, which was carried. A committee iippointed to recommend offlccr8 for the coming year reponed the tollowing : President- Nelsou J. Kyer. Vlce President- Thos. J. Keecli. Cor. Seoretary- Chas E. Hiscock. Kec Secrotary- Kugeue K. Frueauff. Treasurer - H.J. Itrown. Director for four yearg- Frederlck Schmld. For two years, Moses .Seabolt. who were eleoteil as reeommended. Chas. E. Hiícofk thouglit that it was Imponible to boom a town on wind alone. What was npeded was more inoney. and it was his belief that as the city was to be lioiicliud, the city ought tu he willing ti foot the bilis, in part, at least. He thoiight that this question onght to be submitted to a vote of the people and if they were not siitliciontly inUrested to help the tliing along that it ought to fall through. Whenever any enterprise carne tip there were a certain few who always went down into Ihtir pookets and gave liberally to help along. This was a nutter that eutire city was interestt'd In :uul benefited everybody. He clo.-ed by otieiing the following: Jiesolvfd, That Ihis assoclation reQtiest the coraiuon counctl of thlR city to tmbmtt to tlie uters a proposltlon to ralse ,000 to advertiré the city and lnriuco inanufacturers to locate here. In favorinc this proposition, Gilbert Hliss told of a town in Kansas that had riiso'l $70,000 for this verv purposc, and was betng well ifpaid. Mr Hiscoek saiil that B.ittle Crcek had ezpandad about flDO.OOO within the last few _ve;irs, and they consiilered that the city had been benefiled SMO.OOO by so Our citv had an assessed valuation of about ö, 000,000 and one per cent. would ralM $.")0,0(M), whlch every taxpayer ought to be lad to pay. The motion was carried. Sedgewleg Dean wanted soniething done in rejfard to the capsule factory. He thouglit il was well wortli while to make the atteinpt to save this industrv to our city. Tlie oomaiittee rcpoitcd that it was hard worh to obtain itihaeiiptlon; thev hud seeured about $'2,800 and that $1,200 mora was deaired. Eli W. BCoore offered a lease of a lt of land 40 by 140 feetlll size, located iu the 5th ward, for a period of live years, for $1 per year, granting the piivilege at the end of that time for the company to buy the site or remove their buildings, as thpy may see fit. Tliis proposition was referred to the commiltee, which, on tuotion of Jacob F. Bot) Bh was giran ten days further time to complete thelr pubseription. ExMayor Kapp belng added to the comniittee. The thanks of the association were tendered Dr. W. F. Breakev, G. F. Allmendinger and A. V. Hamilton for their work in getting out the booming pamphlet. J'reasurer Mack reported tlie following members who had paid their dues for the year and were in good standing: Dr. W. F. Breakey, J. JI. StaflTord, Dr. W. R. Smith, i). Kberbach T. J. Keech, Dr. J. Kapp, H. T. Morton, Wra. Arnold, C. H. 8t. Clalr, Moses Meabolt, Got. Schnelder, D. Rlnsey, P. O'Hearn, s. Dean, II. J. Hrown, P. (i.Suekpy E. A. Phillips, A.D. Heyler, A. Petarton, Kruest Eberbach, A. W. Hamilton, Hutzel & Co., O. Greltou, I,. Gruner, N.J. Kyer, K. Dufly, K. Klttredge, J. A. Polhemus, W. 8. Hleks, Jobn Klnneuan A. Ii. Noble, Martin M. Seabolt H. s. Dean, las. W. Roblson, D. F. Schalrer, John Goetz 8r C. Mack, .lohn Uoetz, Jr. F. Hchrnld, Iirush & Co., K. K. Frueiuiir, O, M. Martin, (. Krank Allmendlnger, Mann Bros., Chas. K. Hiscock, Win. W. Douglas Wm. Waguer Geo. Halier, ülltz & Langsdorf. And he thought there were at least 50 more who would pay if asked. He reported a balance of $83.60 on hand. Dr. Breakey moved that the treasurer be requested to collect all dues possible and ]iay the same together with the unount on hand to the printers of the lainplilet. Which was cari ied. Capt. 8cliuh thought there ought to be some methodical plan of distributlng these pamphlete inaugurated, but as no plan suegested itself, nothiug was done to adopt one. After considerable discussion upon vanous questlons arising, the meetlnc adjourned ten days or to the evenlng of Saturday, July yOth.


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