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The Ladies' Library Build'g

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Sitll:ilc] 011 tllC sou! Il side of K Huron slreet, midway between Fifth cd DivisiĆ³n sts., is a quint little structure tliat attracts the eye by t very oddity, bul once nside the peculiar adapUbility of the slructure is at ome apparent. This building waR errected about two ymn 8ince, and cost $2,800 exclusive of the lot whieh adds $1.2(iO to its value. The Ladic1 Lihrary Ascocintioii was tii'st formed in 1SGH, the lecture room "1 Mie Prcsbyterhin chureh belng usetl tor the iiH'i'tiiiff oriirlimlly. The only peraon iiow on its board of directora who WM then a director 8 Mn A. II. Hunt, to lioso effortl mucli of the early succuss of the HMOolstlon is due. The tirit room used lor a lilirury whs one la the llangsterfer block. At the end of the tirst yenr the aMooiatiot) had tocumulated 893 volumes and had a membersliip ot 9, The nuraber ot volumes now In the library is statod to be i.OOO and the active tnemberstalp is apwarih of 150. Tlie Associulioii iieviT liad any liirge ilonations, ilio Inroest proportion of books bcing bought by tbo cflbrts.of tbc members iu givinu; festivals and adopting similar metliods of raising money. Tbe Hssociation, howeviT is Ode of the instii tut ions of tlie city, nuil will soine day, probably, receive tlie beqmtt of a WBalthy adiuircr inil Itep to tlie front out of want and bard work. It lilis a place not occupied by any otlier of our public librarles.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News