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Summary Of The Week

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A haii. storm pa9sod over Wabaib, Ind., on the r.n ii, dostroylug all the vogetatloa on which it foll. The damage wouid amouut to $50,000. A riiiü on tho l'.tth In the Standard oil works at Constable Hook, N. J., dostroyed over fl,000,OJO worth of property. Tus heatod term la the Northern State ramo to an end on the 19tb, but in ths South opprossively hot weatnor was reported. Jou Vanderford (colored), who assaultod a white girl, was lyncned on the 19 !h at Fulton, Ky. W ii i le return ing f rom a funeral on tho 19th near Terre llaute, Ind., a tree feil across a wagon coutainiug three mcu and all würe killed. Three lads lost thelr lives on the 19th wliilf bathing in tlio si. Joseph river at Bodus township, Mich. Fifteen horses of the Third avenns streot-car line In New York died suddenly on the l'Jlh within a íow hours. Tbey were believed. to have been polsoned by the strikors. Nine buildings and their content were burned at Owensboro, Ky., on tho 19th, lauHiiiif a loss of nearly Í1U0.000. Fifteen valuable horses perishod in the fiamos. The Ankeny elevator at Minneapolls was burned on the 19th with 1,100,0)0 bushei of whont, eausing a loss of over $1,000,000. At Oil City, Pa., on the l'Jth John HeNerney killed his wiin with an axo and mortally shot hi son. Tho pólice went to arrest the mui'dorcr, who turnod on thotn and fatally shot Ofücer Ueorgo James. Oftieer Worden thenfaully shot McNarny. The roceipts of tho United States Postofflee Department for the third quartor of the last fiscal yoar were $13,012,tó7; expenditui-os, K,í7á,8Cb doüciency, $2üO,081. Whilk going for a doctor on tho Itlth for hi dying wife Giles Luther, of Warren, R. L, feil lnto a rivcr and was drowned. His wife died as thay were briux'n; his body into the house. Allen', tho sixteen-year-old son of John Harp, of liryn ttáwr. Pa., blew out his brains on tho 19th at the grave of a favorlte shepherd dog which died tho previous day. 1t was stated on the 19th that the business men of Huffalo would raise a fund of $100,000 as a prizj for tho bost Invontlon for utilhnng tho water power at Niágara falls. Competition is open to the world. The Manufacturers' Aasociation of Beverly, Masj., on the 19tn locked out the lasters of all the association boot and shoe shops. A friohtfctl mortality among children in Pittsburgh and Allegheny wasreported on tho 19tn. Within six weeks 1,137 deaths had oceurred, seventy-flve per cent ol which were nder two yoars old. The 8econd annual convention of tho National Association of Hhoa-Oealers met in Chicago on the 19th, with de lega tes present fromevery State in the Union. A FLKIOD3 storm of wind and rain burst upon Baltimore, Hú., on the 19th, un roofing housos, desolating the park and doiog much other damage. Reporta receivod on the 20 th by Messrs. Glover & Durrett, of Louisville, showed that the aggregale aereage of tobáceo In Kentucky, Indiana, Tennesseo, Missouri and Illinois was but thirty-six por cent. of that of 1886. Edward Stoi'd, a co'.ored boy, and a horse were killed at Iron Hill, Md., on the 20th by the explosión of a thrashing-machine boiler. Oscab J. Harvet, tho horse-claim forger of the Treasury Department, pleaded guilty on tho 20tn, and was sentenced to twelve years in the Albany penitentiary. Articles were filed at MadUon, Wis., on the 20th incorporating the (rand Ludge of Odd Follows of Wisconsin, composed of seceders from the supreme body, because of its failure to recognize the Patriarchal Circle. It was stated that this secession moveinent promised to becomo National. Ditrixo the exliibition of a drom on tlie 20th at Clinton, Ia.,four persons woro shot by flre-armj tii-ed by a baña oí "Wild Wet" performers. One man was killed, one wouian fatally injured and two ottaer persons sliïhtly hurt. By lome stupldity the weapoDs had buen loaded with bullets Instead of blank cartridges. Over twenty-five thuusand tourists have sailud froni tlio United otates siucc April 1. The town of Bessemer, Ala., was almost totally destroyod by fire on the 2Otn. A new insect that works on potato vines with the Colorado beetle was on the 2Oth devastating that erop in the vicinity of Ellsworth, Wis. A conflict of mlners and sheriff's deputies took place at the Monmouth cokeworks at Greensburg, Pa., on the 20th, and lifteen men were driven from work. The sheriff had callod on the Governur for help. Thirteen boys escaped from the Cleveland (O.) house of refugo on the 2Jth by removing a bar from a dormitory window and sliding down a lightning-rod. Theke wore four doaths fromsun-stroke in St Louis on the 20th. A pire at Cincinnati on the 20th in Briggs Bwift's old pork-house, which had boen remodeled for manufacturing purposes, caused a loss of $150,000. A fierce rain-storm on the 30th at Plttsburgh, Pa., caused a loss of f 10 J, 000. Streets and cellars were flooded, and in the Butchers' Run district many houses were washed from their foundaiions. At Coal Creek, Tenn., on the 20th Delphi Ross, a thlrteon-year-old colored girl, shot and killed John Hamilton, a mulatto, who had attempted to assault her. Disappointment in love and a whipping from her father caused Grace Stearns, sixteen years of age, to commit suicide at Corunna, Ind., oa the 20th. It was stated on the 20th that the total number of deaths from sun-stroke in Chicago during the recent heated term was )f, Whilb intoxicated on the 8oth William H. Layden, of New York City, a carpenter, shot fatally his wife and mother-inlaw and then killed himself. Prairie fires on the 2üta in Montgomery County, 111., burned íences, hay, oats and wheat In the stack, causing a loss of soveral thousand dollars. The Hurlbert Paper Company of Pittsfield, Mass., failod on the 20th for Í300.00Ü. Wim.iam Georoe, a farm band, living near Zanesville, O., killed James Scott, an old farmer, with au axe on the 30th be cause Beott had forbiflden him to address his attentions to his dauhter. DeWitt H. NeWkirk, of Kingston, N. Y., committed suicide on the 20th. Ho was a defaulter to the amount of Ï20,000 A gano of counterfeiters was captured on the 20th at Dyer Station, Ark. On the 20th two men lost their lives in a diitillery lire in Lexington County, 8. C, and an explosión of molten metal in Cincinnati burned two men to death. A fire on the 21st at Butfalo, N. Y., detroyed Ziegele's brewery and damaged thecar-barna of tho stroet-railway company. Loss, tJOO.OUO. A jurt in the Chicago "boodlor" cases was secured ou the 21 t, and General Stile opened the trial íor the 8 tato. Thb Chicago expresson the Erie railroad ran into a gang of Hallan laborera on the ülst between AUendale and Hohokus, N. J, killing twolve to flftcon and inangüng many others. Mr. C. Buhoess, of Chicago, was on the 21stelected president of the National Harness-Makers at the closing of tholr session at New York. Ten naw caaei of yellow fever were reported ut Key West, Fla., oq tho 21sL At Btreator, 111., early on the mornlng of tho 21st lightning oxploded the powderhouse of tho Chicago, Wllmington & Vermilion Coal Compauy, destroylng fortyflva d welling and demolishing all the plate-Klass Windows in town. A tramp was killed and many persons wereserious]y injured. Camiumms Arsbmbit of Milwaukee, comprisiog thlrteen hundred brewery employés, withdrew from the Knights of Labor on tho 21t on account of the temperance clause In the platform. It was announced on tho 21st that pasturage was the shortest in the memory of tho oldest inhabitautof Honry County, 111. Cattle were belngsont away in large numbers to othor States for pasturado. Wells that had not failed in twenty years were perfectly dry. Peter Birkiiardt, a farmer seventy years old, living naar Petersburg, Iud., msanely Jcalous of his young wife, shot her dead on the -Ist mul then killed lnmsolf. A ñus on the 21st destroyod tlio extensivo bark extract works of J. S. Young & Co. at Baltimoro. Tho loss, L50,000, was fully covered by Insurance. Wilmam JoH.NKOii, who killoJ a man named Baker at Mineóla, 'IV x , was caught by bloodhounds on the -Ist and lynched. Esskx Countt, Mass., has lately been the scone of numerous robbories. A lone ly hut on Powwow hill, near Amesbury, was raided on the 21st and 110,000 worth of stolen property recovered. The trial of the persons charged with the tally-sheet forgeries at the last Btato clection in Indiana commenced on the 21st at Indianapolis. Samuel E. Perkins, who was indiuted with the other defendants, and who turned Htatc's evidence, gayo vory damaging evideuco against tho indicted men. Mm. Hattie Seymoub, an aged woman who lived in Harrison township, Vinton County, O., was murJered by tobbers on tho ÍÍ2J. It was estimated on " ' thut the cost of the Pennsylvania coa. .o lothu workmen and employflrs wa4 , OJO, 000. A tornado on the 23d in Cheboygan and Presque Isle counties, Mich., levcled vast qunntities of pine. The roads in all direotions were blockaded by fallen trees. David Hoffman, the train-wrecker, was hanged at Nobraska City, Neb., on the 22d. From different pointa in Dakota the crops were on the Zil reported in excellent condition. A fire on the 23d In H. C. Burbank's wholosale clothing-house at BU Paul, Mum., cau9ed a loss of f 150, 000. Foür tough-looking men put off the Vaudalia train on the L2d noar Long Point, a few miles west of IndUnapolis, open.'d on it with revolvers and sent a score of bullets whizzing through the coaches. No one was hurt, but all wero badly frightened. Theke were 147 business failures In the United States during theseven days ended on the t'A, against 149 the previous seven days. The Treasury Department at Washington decided on the 23J that animáis of high grade and valué imponed írom Scotland or other distant countrles for breeding purposes are entitled to froe eutry under the tanfT law, notwithstanding the fact that they may be intendei for sale. A BiKEAU called the Department of Statistics was on the 23i created by the Interstate Commerce Commission, and C. C. McCain, of Minnesota, was appointed its auditor. Texas fever was rapidly spreading on the 22d among the cattle in Washington and Montgomery counties, Kan., and farmers and stock men were losing heavily. The üelds at Perham, Minn., were alive with locusts on the 23d, and ten thousand acres of vegetation had been destroyed. In some places currant bushes and younif trees had been stripped of bark and follage. The Hanscom Printing Company, one of the oldest concerns of the kind in Chicago, made an assignment on the 22J. The total production of pijj-iron in the UniteJ States in the ürst six months of 1887 amounted to 3,051,69 gros tous of 2,340 pounds. The production In the last six months of 16Si was 3,045,042 gross tons. Artul'b Muellrr, a child uearly three years of age, died at hls home in Chicago on the !LJd of hydrophobia. Ho was bitten live weeks aqo by a small dog. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. David L, Wiqhtmav, secretary of the Cleveland Humane Society and a we.llknown phüanthropist, üied at Cleveland on tho lSth, aged sarenty-flve years. R. II. T. Hunter, Speaker of the House of Representativos in 183 and United States Senator in 1849, dled on the 19tb at Fount Hill, Va., aged seventy-eight years. Dorotht h. Dix, who had a National reputation as a philanthropist, died at Tren ton. N. J., on the 19th, aged oighty years. During the war she was superintendent of nurses in hospitals. President Cleveland visited FayetteTllle, N. Y., his boyhood home. on the 19th, and lef t in the evenitig for Washington. Mr. IjirscoMB, ex-Seeretary of Btate of South Carolina, was on the 19th appointed chlef clerk of the Patont Office at Washington, to succeed Mr. Dnrvea, resined. Sylvawus Coub, Jb., the story wrlter, died on the 20th at Hyde Park, Mass., aged sixty-four vaars. Lazarus S. Murad, a converted Mohammedan, died in New York City on the 20th. He was born in Bethlehem, Judea, in 1834. William R. Freret, of Louisiana, was 'n the 21st appointed gupervising Architect of the Treasury, to succeed M. E. Bell, of Iowa. Ex-Congres3Man Aba H. Glover dled at Georgetown, Ky., on the 21st, agedseventy years. The well-known whisky distiller, Thomas J. Monarch, ied at Owensboro, Ky., on the 21st. He was the largost distiller In the world. Motiiek Emilt, Superior of the Order of the Sisters of St Mary, dled on the 21st at the home convent in Lockport, N. Y., aged sixty-three years. Blie founded the order In America in 1863. Mrs. Cleveland, wlfe of the President, celeorated her twenty-third birthday on the 21st Gebard B. Ai.len, president oí the St. Louis lirpttbtitan, the Fulton iron-works, and identiflod with msny of the enterprisesof Bt. Louis, died suddenly at Kichfield Bpnngs, N. Y., on the 21st. Frank J. Taylor, ex-journalist and exprivate secretary of Rev. Sam Jones, dled in Clncinnatl on the 31t from the effects of the heat. The Ohio Democratie State convention met at Cleveland on the 21st and nominated the following ticket: For Oovernor, Thomas K. Powell, of Dclaware Countyl Lleutenant-Governor, D, C Coolman, of Torta; Suprema Court Jmi(f9 (long torm), L 11. Criti'hlWd, of Holme; (hort term), Virtfil P. Klim, of Cleveland; Auditor, Emll Klesewettor, of Fritnklin; Treasurer, Georgo W. Harpor, of üroen; Attorney-Gonoral, Willlam H. Leét, of Oituwa; Moniber of the Honnl of Public Work, Poter J. Murphy, of Butler. The platform indorsed Cleveland' Administratiou, demanda a roduution of tlio tariff and favors a proper regulittloii of tlio liquor trafile. At a mooling In Irving Hall, New York, on the 22d Dr. McGlynnsaid thut tlio AutiPoverty Society would have a oandidata of iU own for President in tho field in [888. Fstkk Fexdlkton, a half-broed, dio. i ou the 22d at his farm near Noeinih, Wis., aged ono hundred yoars. Intekvikwed in New York on the 23d Judge Thurman, of Ohio, dcclared that he was out of politics forever. Prof. S. N. Fsli.ows ou the 221 declinad the nominatioii for Superintendent of Public Instruction givon him ly tho lnw.i Prohibitionists. FOREICN. Ki amii. Pasha, the Grand Vizier of Tufkey, resigned on the lStti bocause of an attack upoa hi administraron by a Constantinople paper. Is Catan ia, Hicily, there were forty-two new cases of cholera on tho lSth und tenty-five deaths. An earthquake was feit on the IS'.h nt Malta, at Cairo and along the Italian eoast. The Brltish Parliumcnt on tha itHb passed tho Insh Crimes bill, aud it is now a láw. Advices of tho 19th say thal Bacarlac, a town twenty miles from Bavispe, Mex., had been alniost destroyed by a succession of earthqnakes. Tbi.bokams of the lïlth report the loss of su Swiss tourists in recent snow-storms on tho Jungfrau. At a meeting of the Irish National League in Dublin on the l'Jth Lord Mayor Bullivan, who presided, said tlio whola league was preparad to stand lts ground, defy the Coerción aet aud take the consaquences. Aüvices of the 21st say that a trlba frlondly to Egypt attacked the Mehdists under Usmau DiRina, noar Kassala, whou a bdttle ensued and twelve hundred wera killed. A DisPATcn of the 21st says that 350 hoUses had been destroyed by tiro at Svenzjany, in the Gulf of V ilne, Russia, Four thousand persons were made homeless. At Arden, Ont, on tho 21st Mrs. W. P. Mills, her daughtor and har sister-in-law wero drowned while bathing. Durinü th9 quarter ended June 30, 9,140 persons wore evlcted in Ireland. Twentï-fivb deaths from cholera oocured in Catania, Sicily, during the twenty- tour hours ended on the 21st The peoplo were panic-strioken, and thieves wer pllfering houses whose owners had fled. A DiBPATfiH from St Thomas, West Africa, was received in London on the 21st, reportinif that Henry M. Stanley, the explorer, had been killed by nativos whom his expedition had attacked in order to obtain supplles. The rumor waa discredited. News was received in London on the 22d of the los of tho British shlp Pirth of Olma in a cyclone off the coast of Java, and the twenty -live passengere (all on board) perlsbod. The rumor of the doath of Henry Si. Stanley, the African explorer, proved oa the 'L2d to be untrue. At the inquest on the 22d at 8t. Thomas, Ont., tonchinjf the recnt disaster to aa excursión train, by which twelve persons were killed and 150 wounded, witnesses swore that the engineer was iutoxirated and untit to control his engine. The chief-of-police of Ottawa, Can , on the 22d declared that a condltion of affairs like that in London exposed by the I'iU Mali Oazette existed in that city. At London on the 2A1 Woodside, of Philadelphia, beat the English bicycle record for ten miles, hls time being twenty-eight minutes and tuirty-four spconds. The district assembly, Knights of Labor, at London, Out., adopted a resolution on the 23d urging the separation of the Canadlun Knights from the American body. LATER NEWS. W. J. McGabioli, the convlcted Chicago bood lor, escaped from tlie custody of Sheriff Matsoa on the night of the 23d. Vlsiting his home in tlie sherift's custody he was accorded louve to have a b.ith In the bath-room, and took advantage of thls to mak his escape. The barge Theodore Perry went to the bottom of Lake Erle on the 23d in a storm, drowning live persons. Tub twin boys of Alexander Marco, of Pond du Lac, Wis., were run over öy the cars on the 23J, one bolng instantly killed and the other fatally injured. The Pennsylvania Democratie State conrention will be held at AUeutown, August 31. Thb record of the baseball clubs in tha National League for the week ended on the 23d was us follows: Detroit (games won), 41; Chicago, S8; Boston, 89; New York, 38; Phüadelphla, 84; Washington, 25: PitUburgh, 25; Indianapoli, 18. Thb hell race at Pullraim, Hl, on th 2Sd between Hanlan ana Gaudaur for th champlonship of America was rowed In the dark and won by Uanlan. It was announced on the 24th that all over the New England States heavy rain had fallen íor three days, and at Great Barrington, Mass., eighteen llves wera reported as lost ïu the floods. Twïntv-fitb Chinese tenemont houset Bt Los Angeles, Cal., were aestroyed by flre on the 24th, causlng a loss of 1100,000. A TíURmc cloud-burst took place at North Hiüsdalo, Mass., on the 23d, doing immense damago. Many cattle wera drowned and ucres of grain were destroyed. Lb Sukixivbbrobb, who murdered his little child last fall, was taken from tha jail at Nebraska City, Neb., on the 23d by a mob and hanged. FouTY-xixK new cases of cholera and twenty-two deaths were roportod on tha 23d at Catania, Sicily. William MoKRisoN, of Eureka Spring, Ark., was hanged on the 23d by a orowd of his neignber for maltraating his two young daughters. I.v a quarrel on tho 231 at New Orlean Griffltus Endernd Joscph Owens, railway employé, shoteach other dcad. Dick Hooveb, a negro who aisaulted negro woman near Fosterviüe, Tenn., was surrounded by a body of negroos and rlddled with bullots on the 24th. Thb deaths in Chicago for the week ended on the 23d were 720. Nearly oaehalf, 884, dled on a single day- Sunday July ]6. Thls was the hlghest death-rata for a week ever reaehed in Chloairo. A tekt severa storm of lightnlng and rain visitcd Phillipsburg. N. J., on the 23d. Several houses wore struck by lightnlng, and a lady namod Mrs. Beers was killed. At twenty-six leadlng clearlng-house in the United States thn exehanges durin the week endod on the Uüd aggreifutod 857,6U7,819, agalnit $950,785.034 the pii vious week. As compared with the correponding week of 1SS6, thd increas amouuu to ü.3 per cent.


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