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TRAVEL VIA [¦ ¦¦ ¦ HBrnil' il nrou9n Traína wlth Dlnlng ¦ 'ÍTnfOnTJJTlI Cars, Pullman Palace Sleep. IBllIJ MjJII II n9 Cars, Modern Coaches. ¦ ¦BlMÉhfiH II Sure co""ect'ons In Union I ' JiTTl rÏEcll OeP at its terminal points, ¦ il III I HBIII ""' tralns from anti to the ¦ I Cast, West, North and South. HI-Y!givVH Cheapest, Best and Quickest IUAmJ II Route from Chicago, Peoría h_J ' f. LOUIS tO DENVER, ST. PAUL SAN FRANCISCO, MINNEAPOLIS, SïcA: „ PORTLAND, ORE. KANSAS CITY, ST. JOSEPH, CITY OF MEXICO, ATCHISON. For Tickets. Hates, Maps, Ac, apfily to Ticket Agent Oconnectlng Unes, or address 7'ÍJVdR' h-bst"E. PAUL MORTON, 7lt V. P. Q. M. Q.P.&TA. For a I'ronounoinir Dirtlunarj oontuliilnir 000 irordi B80liiH{o,iiena 16c. In staiups (o l'aul Mo.'tn."lik'Lo.' V niTTITT to l'i' miiüe. Cut thlout aud r1 1 II V "lrn t0 " and wln ""cndyoo III I I 11 P. I fre?' somethiitg of prent t lm III II 11 I I i aud Importaoce to you, thal wil! start you In Imimiicsk which will brlnE you In more inony rlg t tiway than aiiythlni; elseln thls worla. Auyone "can (ío the work nnd live at home. Klther nex ; all at'en. Somcihlni; new, thatjuRt colna money for all workera. We will surt you ; capital no' necded. Thln Ie one of Ihe Kenulne, Important chanccf ol a Chtlino, Tboee who are amhltlou and enterprlfln will not delajs AddreBB TkiikA Co., Angusta, Maino. What's the Uiflerence bütween a vhichoppcr and a inisei? One cuta dou n trees and the other expenses.- Datisville Breeze. Jones nnd Small are popular in Minueapolig. But ttiey nevor take for a text aiiythinx from Ht. l'aul.- Dallas News. Tho Cuuiniiiuder-iu-Chlcf if the (rand Armyof the Kepublic, Maor Geo. S. Merrill. Few remedies are beter known in tliis vicinity tlnin Sulplnir iiitters; their sale has beèd very pcncral througliout this section., and Ule niimber of reltable and well attested cuses af ieueflcial resulta and recovery by their use, s large and beyond disputé.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News