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Dr. Bessnc, forinerly of Milan is to lócate at San Diego, Cal. Dr. Oauntlett, of Moorevillc, s exploring Kansas for a locatlon. Saline is to have .1 greenhouse, L. G. Picrce bcing the proprietor. Ypsilanti workmen ex)ect to eet to work on their new bank block this week. The Picket says beans are looking well at South Lyon. Preparing for a cyclone I Soldiers'aud Hnilors' reunión of Southeastern Michigan at Adrián August 30 to September 2. The Congrcgationalists of Dexter will commenee their services nguin on the 3J Sunday In August. C. H. Wines will have a big nuction sale ut liiii farm three miles soulli of Chelseu, to-morrow. Mrs. Elizi Covert, wife of Fraeman Covert, of Lima, died July 2d, in the 76th year of her age. W. F. Hatch, of Chelsea, recent ly recciveU a beaulil'ul gold-headed cane frum his sister In California. Lima folks are all on the qui vive over a prospectivo wedding. Oh, wait until the weather gets cooler. Ypsilanti's Union School building is being repaintedupon the naide and kalsomiued at a cost of $320. The Saline Presbyterian Sunday School is to give au excursión Aug. 5th, to Presque Is!e park, Toledo. C. U. Pattison of Ypsilanti denies thnt he has anytliing to do with the Charlotte Prohibltionist or any other paper. Corn will have few ears this year to lUten to the wail of the eyeless potatoes. The drougth has drled thetu all op. Archic Foster, a colored gradúate of the Normal school at Ypsilanti, will teach a school in Cass county the coming year. Kd. Kiebler, of Saline, had a fork Une tlirust through the center of his baad while working in the liarrest tield reci'utly. Apples and peaches wbich biil fair to be such a bountiful erop are dropping oll' the trees very (ast becaiise of the laek of molsture. Will Everett, went to Idahn from Salem last spring, and likes it so well that he has taken 320 acres of land, and will stay there. V. W. Secord, who once upon a time ran a newspaper in Saline, is about to start a paper in a new Gratiot county toivn. - Saline Observer. The Ypsilanti Dress Stay Co. have had their stays patented in the U. S. and Canada, and applied for pateuts in England, Germany, France and Austria. Alex. Wbeaton, formerly of Salem, but of late resldiug on land owned by liim up nortli was overeóme by the heut on July loth, and dropped dead. It will be i Chrisüan act to continue that stone pavement, on Ilurou street, riglit nlnng up to the postorüce. - Ypsilanti. For gracious sake do it, then. The two years oíd son of Andrew Gale, of Superior, got hold of a vial at ciiibolie acid lat Thursdiiy and drank a sufficieiit quantity to cause death In a short time. Milan wants the weather signáis displayed in that village. Just as if we were not getting weather enough now, and more of It must needs be signalled ! South Lyon raised $2,405.46 for school purposes last year, of which $1,315 went for teachers' salaries the balance on the district debt and for incidentall. - Excelsior. The Baptist Society of Milan have settled ltev. Jay Huntingtou as their pastor, and he will move lus faniily here as soon as a resldence can be procured for h i m.- Leader. Mr. Harry I). Thompson receivrd a telegram Wednesday night.notifying him of his appointment iis principal of schools in Newberry, Mich., at a salary of $750. - Ypsi. Commercial. The fat men propose to mop the earth with the lean men of Cnelsea on the base ball Held iu a week or two; while the lean men propose to knock the grease spots all off the fat men. The animal after harvest festival of the Southern Washtenaw and Norvell Farmers' Clubs occurs at the Sand Lake House, formerly Adams' on the iioith side of Sand Lake to-morrow. The Free Methodist's will hold acampmeeting at Raisin Center, on the farm of Mrs. Atwell, opposite the Frlends church, beginuing Aug. lltli, closing the evening of the 17th.- Milan Leader. What has become of that fair project ? Is It goine to die a natural death same as last year? Why not cali a meeting, get our farmer frlends inteicstcd and do soinething about the matter. - So. Lyon Picket. A great many of our inliabitants are camping at Cavanaugh Lake, enjoying the beautiful breeze during the heated term. - Chelsea Herald. Yes, and the melodious stinging of the razor-steelpointed mosquito. Prosecuting Attorney Depew of Alcona, will remove from Harrisvllle to Alpena soon, taking up the practice of li J. Kelley, recently elected judge of that circuit. Depew is a Chelsea boy and Kelley a Dexter boy. Our business men are subscriblng quite überally for the purposo of raising a stock company to fix up ball grounds. Over $1 30 bas already been pledged and the balance will be speedily made up. - Manchester Enterprise. Quite an exclting law snit came off last Mondar, between D. B. Taylor and Claud Martin, In regard to a hoise trade. Claud Martlu won the sult and got 25 cents daiuage8. - Chelsea Herald. The excitement must be kept up some way. A traveling salesman for one of the largest confectionery houses in Detroit, mvs he sells more gum in Ypsilanti than in any other two cities of the size together in the state. - Ypsilantian. Of course, Ypsilantians must keep their jaws worklng soino way. Kltner Bowers while assistlng In threshing at Morey Pieice's in Sharon, rccently, was overeóme by the heat and feil from the straw stack injuring hiniself Romewhat. Horatio Burch, son of Dan Burch, was also overeóme by the het at tho same time and place.-- Euterprise. For tbe following twelve Sunday eveuings tliere will be a course of lectures delivered at St. James church on the lubjeot, "The Positiou of the Protestant Episcopal Church." The topic ior Sunday evening next Is, " Vhy I am a Churchman." All are cordially iuvited.- Dexter Leader. The happiest people in Michigan just now are the Chelsea people. The Dexter base ball club went up to that place last Frlday, and the Chelsea club trounced tbera out, by a score of 22 to 10. Hcretofore the Dexter boys have had a monopoly in that line, henee the great joy of the Chelsa boy. When the I). L. &, X. extensión iscompleted to Grand Kapids, u la-t train will be added to the present ccoinodations, wliich will render the railroad facilitiea at South Lyon unsurpiissed. Any potnt or.directiou inay be reached n thequickest possible manner to be given by steam. - Ho. Lyou Excelsior. The following party starled Tuesday afternoon to enjoy the pleasnra of camp life at Base Lake : Charlea Stebbfni and wiff, Wm. Stevens umi wlfe, flflfOI Belle and Kale Boney, Miss Miimie Moore.of Ypsilanii, Miss Malme Powera, of Aun Arbor, and Messrs. Uob Honey and Jas. Hannah. - Dexter Leader. Mr. and Mrs. WalterC. Ballows arrived here last Saturday ovenini; nd will probably remain until the opening of the fall theatrical season. Mr. Bellows has been re-engaged as a member of the New York Lyceum stock coinpanv, with increase of salary and more responslble duties attaebed. - Yrpsilanlian. Lena, the 15 year old daughter of Mr. Meyers, of Lodi, while pickinji up from the floor a box of dynamite cartridjte caps that had fallen (rom a shelf, Saturday niht, had the thumb and ends of two tingers on the left and one on the right hand, blown off by the explosión of one of the caps. - Saline Observer. If the Picket is lacking its usual interest this week, you can attiibute it to the fact that the editor is dirldlng liis time in runnlug a newspaperand teuderly watching the antics of an 8J pound baby boy that arrived at our home Tuesday i ing. All doing well, thank you. - South Lyon Picket. Excusable? Why certainly ! A. A. Van Cleve, better known among his old Ypsilanti friends as "Gus," bas resifrned bis position in the M. C. II. H. ticket department at Ciiicago, and has removed to this city, whe he takes charge of the books of the Peninsular Paper Co. He has rented one of the new houses lately erected by Mr. Braisted, on Lowell street. - Ypsilantlan. Itev. D. R. Shier will be orator of the ilay at the farniers' ici)ic at Wampler's Lake on the 12th of Aiijrust, and the blue gilU, rock bass, run lish, pickerel, etc., will come riht np out of the water to hear liim. They say that he lias an intímate acquaintunce with every lart,r' fish in the lake. - Manchester Enterprise. Well, that's a pretty bij; fish story, but Hev. Shier is an excellent tisherman for men's souls, that's an undisputed fact. Saturday was a real " business boom " in Ypsilauti. Muir put up his "Gospel tent,'1 and is uow "camping ou the old rlnk ground." A company set up a tent and fray merry-go-around on the east side, which was well ]iatronized. Eight or ten nlce boys played pedro at 15 cents a corner all day, ia the simde of trees near the Serpentine road, Huron street had a number of juvenlle lemonade stands atong the sidewalk, and saloons blazed wlde open till after midnight, and departlng revelers made Rome bowl, as they started home after " painting the town." - Sentinel. And this is what our down the Huron neighbor calis " business "III