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Letters From The People

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Mu. Editor : Free dellvery has been the principal subject of conversatlon In our city durlng the Hot mooth of July. There luis been, aiul wilh good reason, much dissatisfactlon. Can we umi a remedy tliat wlll be practicable anü J ust to al 1 ? When a city Is large enough, and does business enough through its postofflee to reach a certalu point, it is euütleil to free deltvery. Aun Arbor havlug reached that point, free dellvery was announcedfroni .lul y Ni . not for tbose only living w i Ui in a HtDlted olrole, but for the whole city. Free dellvey contiiuied for about a week, when it was loiiiul Imprsetleable wltboat addltlonal carriers. For these our postniaster applied but wbi rtftwed bj tii postoïticedepHrtmeutHt Washington. Though much crltlcism lias been expended opon thr postmaster, I do not see what else he has to do thau to cutoifa part of the people firom free delivery, so loDg as the postotllce department refused toglve lilm a sufHcient number ol carriers for the Whole, The simple fact Is that Ann Arbor covers mi iincommonly large territory for a city of ils iiuiuber of lnhabltants. Probubly the governmi'iit DOW ïurnish as mauy currlers as is usunl for our number of luhabitanis, umi Hm remi'dy for our present unsatisfactory rondition, if we are to Uave any, mustoome in part by our own action. The present nuinber of carriers and even au adilitional might prove entlrely inade(inuteafter the llrst of October, wlien we have au mldltion of some 2,000 students, who write and recelve more letters thau doublé the numlier f our ordinary adult population, What the whole city needs more than anythlog else is unitorinity and certainty. One of the supervisors who is so unfortunate as t reside a few feetoutside the charmcd circle of present free dellvery, told me that he had ost for the city in hls official capaclty $120.00, in consequence of the late suddeii chauges in relatlon lo the delivery of lettere. I see no other way to obtain thls uulformlty and cerainty except free delivery once per day to every resident wit In n the city limita. If free delivery Is a boon to any one it Is especially so to those living ata distance from the postofllco. The business man whose store, offlce, orshop, is on or near Main street, cares llttle about It. He llki's a short walk to the jlliic In Ijnak the raonotony for htinself or clerk. In fact, lt has beeu cbarged tliut the business men of the central part of the city opposed free delivery uu tbe ground thiu lt mlght dlmlnllb tbeir trade from outsiders golng to and from the postoffice. I cauuot elieve that our respectable business men would from such or any other unworthy moive, oppose free delivery to every resident of theelly once per day. We are all equally axed for the privilege of the city. Taxatlon and privilege go together. Thls Is what our alherefbught toestubÜKh in the revolutlon. Mothlng is really settled tlll it is rlghtly setled. The poorest ruan or womau living in he oatiklru ( the city and paylng to it heirtaxes, re on every principie of equlty ind juslice as fully entitled to free delivery as those llviug In palatial houses near the ostofflce. We henr of late a good deal about booming Ann Arbor. A man of posltlou and lntluence at a late meeting of the business men, publlcly and apparently wllh the equlesence of those present, suggested the propriety of taxing the lnhabitants of this Ity $5,000 for thls purpose. Every one acuaintcd wlth the city knows that the most desirable building lots ure without the present circle of free delivery. Our beautiful city is belng marred of lts beauty by the crowdlng of Iioiisuh so near to each other at lts cente - Kit likely that men of property would be Induced tocóme here and bulld upon these desirable lots where there Is not only uo free delivery, but an unjust dlscriminatlon agalnst them? Tliey would not be apt to put up wlth such obvious injustlce. The ffrst boom for Ann Arbor sliould beonefor Justlce and equal rlghts for all. Let us place our selves on the solld and eciullable foundation of one delivery per day to every resident wlthln the city Iimit8. I,et us unltedly petltlon for this, and after we have obtained it, eet from thls or a succeeding administraUoii freedellver In lts full extent as soon u WÍ


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