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The worthy inntron uow looks glum ; The ilaugliters they look glummer: For the oM mtin lias told Ihem that ï'hev can't ït away this sumiller. Aiid the thermometer at 'J0! Peaches wltfa reü uettingover them are a ilelnsion and snare. The man who doesu't advertise is the man who gets left, evcu in a drougth. M. P. Vogel has opened a meat market next to Casper Rinsey's on Huron st The animal reunión of the 27th Midi Infantry is to be held at Ionia Aug. 16 and IS. Company A's excursión to Detroit last Wednesday was attended by about GOO people, and all had a good time. One extreme follows another - so look out for some cold weather next winter, sosay the weather Wigaines hercabouts. Prof. W. H. Payne has decliiled the offer of Haverford College, although it involved a better salary, and will remaio here tliis year. Miss Anna K. White, who is uow in Denver, Col., has tendered lier resignation as teacher in the 3J ward school, because of ill health. Bro. Blosser of the Manchester EuterirL-c, says be don't like wool on liis peaches. Kather have It on our peaches tlian on our niutton. There's even au ordinauce ngainst flying kites on our etreets. Goodness, graclous, can't tbe boys have any soit of fun without being set down on ? Miss Alice Freeman, lit. VU, president of Wellesley college, has resigned her paclUon to marry a Harvard professor. How vei y like other girls, after all! Mr. Hiscock's propositlon to raise $5,OtX) by taxation to boom the town ought to be carried. lf the city cannot aft'ord pay for its own advauceiuent it cannot afforJ to advance. Owing to the debilitating effects of the weiither the Mayor adjourned the regular council meeting from last Monday eveuing until next Monday eveuing, in the liope of a cooler atmosphere. The last collectiou of letters made by the carriers In the business part of the city is made at about 7 o'clock. Letters dropped into boxes after thal time will have to wait until the following moining. Company A went away, bag and baggage, tuis forenoon for the annual State ciicampmcut :it Isluiul Luke, near Brigh. ion. The boys keep themselves in good training, and will play second to no other company in the camp. Tlie piííition of teactier of Engllsh, vacated by Mrs. Oarrigues, bas been filled by tlio engagement of Mis. Mada Sprague, of Detioit, who hal filled a similar position very acceptably in Indianapolis, Ind. C. H. J. Douglass, well known in this city as a former teacher and a gradúate of tbe University, now in the public schools of Milwaukee, Wis., was married at Xorwich, Conn., July 27th to Miss Annie A. Sholes, of the latter place. The question is often a.-kod why a Ladies' Kelief Corps - the organization auxillary to the G. A. H. posts - has never been org&ui.ed in Aim Arbor? It is a question hard to answe?. These orgauizations in other cities are of great benefit. A horse, buggy and harness were stolen from John Maulbetsch, on the Walter Hewitt farm, about six mile3 east of Ann Arbor, on tlie nisrht of July 28th, and Sheritf Walsh nffm $50 reward, $25 for the thief and $25 for the return of the property. To-uiorrow evening at Hobart Hall occurs the Chopin evening of the Summer Bcbool of Miisic Recitals. Next Monday night will be devoted to the Modern W liters, and on ni'xt weck Thursday evening the Pliilhariuanie Club, of Detjoit will be heard. Miss Carrie Norton is literally "raising the roof" of her house on E. Ann st iifxt west of the late Mrs. Chambers at the corner of Statest., making a two story buildlag of the same besides adding to and beautllying it. It will be a line improveinent to tlie loeality, There are lots of good-looking young ladles and gentlemen getting married around here at from $." to $50 a marry, while that cliief heatlien, the emperor of tlie Chinese nation, is to have a $5,000,000 wedding. VVe'll bet that our $5 "weddngers" are just as happy. There is some talk just now that the I'ort Huron & N. V. nurrow guage K. H. wlll be changed to a standard guage, and hereafter run in ponnection with the T., A. A. & N. M. R. R. 8ystem. Wlmt the T. & A. A. cau't gobble up isn't worth haviug in tliis ptate. New wheat has made its appearance in the market. It is plump in berry and of good quality, fully if uot better than that of last year. The price pald is [Oc per bushel. An iiiquiry at the milis brlnm out tlie bot tlmt what the erop IM la quuntity t makes op in quality. Latt Thursday evening a party of viiung people gathered at Mr. Burchfield's home on Miller Ave. and passed a pleasant evening, Master Chas. Seabolt lavonng them with some of his best song acconipanied on the piano by one of the young ladies. Charlie always gets there with his songs. Traction engines are frequently driven Ilirough town ranch to the annoyance of People driving "skeery" horses at the time. There is a new law upon our statute books, we believe, requirlng those 'Inving these engines to send a man anead to notify any one who may be on the street of its coming. Every one who reads a newspaper becouaes fiimiliar with the business hotiees whose names appear in it, and naturally 'liey patronize them. Merchanta who advertise make many friends through the celumns of a. newspaper, as their naini's become familiar as household word. Thoge, on the contrry, who depend on casual customers who pass thelr Mort generally get left. Mrs. Polly Sawyer, relict of Abraham Sawyer, and mother of Hon. A. J. Sawyer of this city, whose llness was noted last week, died at the home of lier grandlaghter, Mrs. C. I). Allen, in CbelMa, last Thursday a. ni., agrd 91 years. Fun"al servic,-.. were held at the Baptist cöurcb- of whteb she had been a member ¦i years- on Batarday at 1 o'clock p. m. liv()r"lJ lfua resident of this county since 1867. The county superintendents of the poor met at tbc oounty house yesterday 'nade up their annual report and for. ¦anledit to Lanifcg. As only one re2'altlracc 'ido down with the tC iïpiy9"M:',"a"d t:ike diuiier wit' Mme- tbc other fellow will give you the fo tLK'nny ,f Cl;nty 8tat9tic8 rel" üuriníth t?f paui)ers malntalned Junnjf the yeur the cost per head.ete, -iL. It is a coatly item and comes hi-h Only 97" in tlie shade today ! O. L. Walker has boen admitted to th b:ir. C'onipany A went to camp tliis a. m til'ty strong. Poter Otféy is ezpeeted home froti l'ontiae to-day. The infant son of Mr. ind Mrs. Abner Oruinp, dicd July 2'Jth. Rev. W. V'. Ramsay will preaeh th baecalaureate address next Sunday fore noon at Bay View. Dr. W. B. Smith, of this city has beet elected a director of the new Península Savings bank, at Detroit. The first teachers examination this f al will be held at Uu: tuurt house in Ann Arbor, on the. last Friday in August. Regular services will ba resumed a the l'rosbyteiian cliurch uext Sunduy Rev. Mr. Childs will preach the sermón Miss Carrie Baxter, of this city, who has been teaching in the Detroit public schools, bas been employed as teacher in the lat ward school. Miss M. Belle Sperry will teach the primary grade in the 4th ward school this year, and Miss Nettie Ailes will teach the 5lh and Gth grades. Alargo number of Ann Arbor paople are attending the races at Ypsilanti this reek, which are giving excellent satistaction to lovers of horses. Anson L. Powers, of the town of Hamburg, Livingston Co., died July 30th, of old age, having reached 85 years. He had lived in Hamburg 51 ycars. The Washtenaw Fire Insurance Co. will have to pay for three stacks of hay burned ou the Finley farm in Scio, Saturday before last, probably about $200. The Ypsilanti Sentiuel has written up to Ann Arbor to obtain one of the boomIng pamphlets, entitled "Ann Arbor IIlustrated." Now look out for a booming broadside. Elizabeth Berry of Ann Arbor town, died July 27th, at the age of 88 years. Mi-. Berry was a native of New York, and was the inother of Mrs. V. O. War nor. Funeral Frklay at Mooreville. Tlie coiil seasou has opened here at the followinjf prlces, taken from E. B. Hall's boards: Grate and egg, $5.75; stove and nut, $6.00; Xo. 4, f 6.25; domestic lump, 5.50; steara, f 5.00; blacksmith, $7.00. Anu Arbor people eomplaln of the bad odor from tlie KliniKbter houses ihmi that city. Ivrlinp" the Ypsilanti mineral water has somethlng to do wllh 11. - Manchester Enterprise. The slaughter houses havesometliing to do with the mineral water you mean. If Detroit can spend $7,000 to entertiin the re-union of the Army of the Tennessee next month, cannot Ann Arbor raise $5,000 to benefit herselt $10,000 worth y It takes money to boom, gentlemen. The State Teachers Institute for Washtenaw county is set down for August 15th, continuing oue week, to be held at the nlgh school building in this city. Railroads will probably give the fare and ouo-third. D. Shankland, of Superior had two stacks of wlieat burned on his farm Monlay nigtit, eontaining about 200 bushels if wlieat. The work of an InoendUr; it is supposed. The graiu was insured in the Washtenaw Mutual. There has been some trouble during the week among the carpenters, the men prettv gennerally having demanded nine liours' woik on Saüirdi)-, quitting at 5 o'clock p. m. on that day. Most of the losses have conceded the demand. Sheriff Walsh roceived Saturday pictures of Wm. J. MeGarigle, the Chicigo ex-boodler, lor wuose arrest there is $2,500 reward. Ëeré is a chance for soino one to tnake a house and lot. Hut don't all juinp on him at once, boys. Tlie Bay View Assembly is now benig ïeld. It continúes froin July 27th to Aug. llth. It is a season of much interest. Among the speakers who will be istcnni t tnere daring rJw tuneare Rev. H. B. Pope, D. D., and Rev. VV. W. Ramsay. D. D. A noted horticulturist going through the city a few days since says it is only a questlon of a few ycars when all of our maple shade trees will die out. He says a rust or mold hardens the bark and prevents its growth so that the tree is roally strangled to deatli. On tbe 28th of July, nt Chicago, Mr. Geo. H. Fletcher, a gradúate of the Tniversity, class of '81, now a prominent attorney of Minneapolis, Mlnn., wa3 married to Miss Annie M. Kimball, gradúate of the litorary department, class of '83. Hoth have many frietul in this citj'. The Schuetzenbund have invited their rother Schutzeubunders of Ohio and 111nois to take part in their great fest to 'ike place on the 1 1 th and lffth of this month. Some of the beet shots in the country have decided to be present, and t will bo one of the best meetings of the tind ever held in this soction of the State. Manager Sawyer bas billet] a fine line of attractions for the coming year, among he number being ModjesUa and Maggie tfitchell. Booth and Barrett, if theycome o the State, will play here also. The greatest line of comedy and first-class opera companies, ever In the State, and others are being constautly added to the no aready engaged. Williain II. Burleson, died last Friday norning, July 20th, of braln fever, aged J3 years and 7 months. Mr. Burleson ïad been in business on Huron street ibout five years, and wa3 very much resected in the commuuity. He was a nember of Ann Arbor tent K. O. T. M., which will bring his faniily $2,000. His uneral was held Sunday from Masouic Temple. Last year the Codrikk had an tem reciting the numerom accidents that John 1. Gates, of Chelsea, had met with In he coursc of a few years, (which were about a dozen in iiumber), and uow we can add another thereto. A few days ince while riding a mower, the machine raii against a stump and threw him clear over Huí sntlre OODOern, He escaped lowovcr with only a few bruises. He is accident proof. The school Inspectora of the county met ye8tcrday and re-eltcted M. J. Lehman, as a eounty examiner, who will ïold his office until Ihe 2,'ïd of next Sepember, when the new law will leglslate lim out of office. Then the two older members - Geo. S. Wheeler, of Salem, uu! E C. Warner, of Yisilanti, who reain thoir cisition - will, with Judge of 'róbate Harrmrm, elci-ts i sociclary of he In ml who acts as the executive offleer of the board. Wichita Daily Kagle of July 27th, bas this item: "Mr. B. F. Watts, ot Ann Arbor, Michigan, brotherin-law of Mr. D. M. Jones, of the lirm of Colé & Jones, arrived in the city yosterday. He is here on a prtwpeotlng tour and has an eyo to business. He is in the jewelry business in his city, and is looklng over the facilities for staiting iu the sanie business in Wichita. He was shown some of the man good poiuts of the city yesterdav and of course was exceodingly weil pluasod with the city. He bas DOt deli nitely decided what he will do, hut he will remalii tomo days invostigating the subject."