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CREAM Baking Uaed by the Unlted Stalos govcniincnt. En ilursi-il by the lieadK of the Graat Qnlversltlei as the Strongest, Purest, and most Henlthtul Dr. Prlce's tüeonly BakiiiK Powder Iliat does nol con tal n Ammoula, Lline or Alum. Sold nnly In ("ns. TRICE HAKINl. POWDER C( .. FEW HOR. CHICAGO. .NT. LOUIS. jij 77e Greatest Blood PurijiaJEl III Thls Groat Germán Medicino 1 tïuw II llrheaicst mui bCfit. 138 doses of SUL- II MIPifl'KIillTKUSfortl.oocsHthan II IHotip rent a (loso. It wlll cure them if m worst casca of skin diöeasc, ivomm vn Ua cominon pimplo on the faceW Jf W Hl to that awful Uisonse Serofula. ft? lllM'Ll'lirit BITTKKS Is theJF Hl bc t mcilictnc to 086 In nll UI ca -si's of euch stubboru 'MYowr III Mdcep seated diaeast'8. DwnevEuuvut l Ulaot ever tako Wuio'nU'r. I'm' III BLUE PILLS ite,Sü?fS IJlormercury.thcy are rtend"' ' ' , .,: _J' TT] II lv. IMacc your trust in# " " ' P' " I I III i li.' ,,„rest and bost#you' Uti0 IJ medici ever niad,.. Jjpl,,!,. ]]t{ers Ij öwlthaycllnwstlrky#l)on'twalt untll yon til Ijl Biibuini't'? löyourare unanle tx walk, or III Illbreath foul and#tre flat on your liMck.l I Illoffensivc? Yourbiitget somc at once, It III nistoinach Is out#wlll cure you. Suluhuxln Illof onliT. Use#Biucrsl3 S S'ui" k h s XThe Invalid's Friend.K ïaimnio.llHtoly#riiPTOungttleaKrd an.l t"t- III Is juur X'r-Mterui ar' soon made well by In Ijl lne thlck,it8 use. lCeinemltor wliat you III ropy, cln-Mrrml here, it may ave your III lludJ or#llfe, it bas saveit luin.lá'ds. III g. #Dou't walt untll to-morrow, I p m Try a Bottle To-day ! E I o" I Are you lowspliited and wrak, Ijl II 3 Mor suffcrlnK from the oxceues of III III .t#y"i"''? If 81' SUL.P1IUK BlTTEKsl I I 'ywlll euro you. Send 3 2 cent tanlp to A. P. Ortiway A Co., Uoötun, Miiox, for bi-flt niddlcalwork pubtiahcU? NANY T.VMP CHIrxnYS ARE oflcr'l for khIï r'?)r-sntcl as ffoodasthe Fauioiu PEARL TOP BIT XJIEV ARE NOT! iiid liko all Cotintrriril l:n-k the K urn rkuble I.ASTIX; ((ualities of 'ï'in; r.ExriKE. asiTforthe PEARLTOP And Insist 1 Ov TH 18 pon JkÊ6Q Exact them YJ&SmMÊWj uu Eacb Pat.Oct. 3O,1SS:5. The PËARLT0P is jnauufaclurrd OLÏ by GlO. A, MAC0ETH & C0„ PITTSJUtltGH, PA. FOR DYSPEPSIA. MENTAL AND PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION, NERVOUSNESS, WEAKENED ENERCY, INDICESTION, ETC, ETC. fit É. u uorsioré ACID PHOSPHATE. A liquld preparatlon of ,tlie pliosphates and pb.ospb.orlc aold. Recommended by PhyidcianH. It maken a dellclous drink. Invlgoratlng and strcngtlieniug. Pamphlet free. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. Rumford Chemical Works, ProTldence, - Bhodc Isiand. tST BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. BEAL E&2A1E INSÜRANBÊ" AÖEN6Y. OK J. A. SESSIONS, ATÏORNEY AND NOTARY PUBLIC Real Estáte sold or rented and reuts collected on reasonable terms. None bul olil and flrst-class Insurance Companles re]resented- wlth Insurance capital of 1O,OÜU,UU. Bates as low au uny othcr company and loHseK promptly pahl. Offloeover American Express office, Malu street. Kun Arbor. Mlcb. INSURANCE iiüAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGKNCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, First Floor, Jlamllton Block. Partles deslring to luy or sell Real Estáte wlll flnd It to thelr advantage to cali on rae. I represant 15 flrst-class Flre Insurance Corapanles, bavlng au aggregate capital over f .'(,- 00,000. Rates IOW. Loases Uberally adj usted and promptly pald. I also issue Life and Uivestment Pollcles in tlieNew York Mutual Life Insurance Company, AsaetU, (75,000.00. Persons deslrlng Accldeul Insurance, oan have yearly pollcies written for them orTraveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets Issued at Low rateB. Money to Loan at Current Raten. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 12 in. and 2 to 5 p. m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Ulock. fl AT T fltldt ir MMMh bat tho who wriu ! I I SUi. Klill'u ,Porllnd, Mln, wil] rMriT I T I I I I fre, full mfurroitton bont work which I I I I I f'J f do. aod IWBt homc.thftt will py VI J Uil ihm fiom %.-, la (29 [Mr t7. Bom b.r, ttratd onr %3t) Id k dmj Rlther ex, younr or ld. CsplUI Dut requlrtd You mv lUrtril It-. ThuwwLuitirt at unot ua Uolutal or ut tauc llttl fortiuiea, Aü U M


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