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gELUn NO FEE! I 1 STABLisHiD íssi. ) Merrill UNTIL BETTER I DETROIT.MICH ƒ Block. SÜSÑTN Tlle Begnlar, Old-Establlahd LJ -ij WIY.SICIAN & SüKGEON AJSKILL and success YOUNG MEN, MIDDLEAGED MEN and all persons who by tlieirown ct of Imprud-nce..r Kollynt ny pírioil of life havehrnught upon tliemselves, the evil effccts followinK closely upon the heel of Innsiircoioii of the laws of nature, should consult tiie celelirated Dr.Clark at once Eeminbrl Nervous dlimi(wi'h or without dreams) or dnblllty and lo of nerve power treatcd scientifically by new methods with nevrr ffliline suceeis. JWlt makes no difference nhat you have taken or who has failed to cure yon í,,-'."'"- terrible polsorm of Syplilli and all bad blood and skin disetuea, complvtely cradicated without mercury. Ilrmotnber that thison horrible diseaae, f neglected or imprnpcrly treated,cur the present and coming gencrations -All innatural discharges cured promptljr Tvuhout hindrance to busiiirss. No experiment, jloth sexes consult conflilfntlally. Age and experlence important. A wrítten iraarantee oí cure siven in evory cae undertuken. tfj-Snfiferer frnm any chronic dlae write IliHtory and Symptoms of your case - plainly. Cases solicited which ollicrs have failed to cure. rfSend two stamps for cHrbratrd work on (ironie, Siervou and Delicate Iisa.irs. You have an exliauntive symptomatology by which to study vour own case. Consultation, pcrsonally or by letter, free. Consult the old loctor. Thoiinnnds cured. OlBoes and parlón prívate. You sec no one hut the Doctor. ïïcforc confidinj; your case consult IK. CLA11KE, A friendly letter or cali may save future suffcrinjf and shame and add golden vears to life. Medicines sent everywhere secure from ezposure. llours, btu S; buiuUys, 9 to ia. Address, F. D. CLARKE, NI. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. Mlch. CURES Poughs,Co!ds,Asthma,Tickiing in the Throat, Whcoping Cough, Quinzy, Sore Thrcat, Consumption, Bronchitis, and all Puimonary Disaases. YOUNG'8 [CO U GjHj Dnnitville.Mlch. ' t Howel), Mlch., Aun. 1&, 174. -J JOct. ai, 1H74. -I I w;i 4 HttHcki'ti t k have trled Dr. E. wit ti a te v e re m t A.Young's Cougb otild and and Luna Syrup ened wnii luriK i m m for mure than a ifv-iT whlle on h t lff $ year, aa I had oo visit iti Hud.xun, ! g calon,a a rerueMich., uhout A dy for Colds and month ano, ol iCoajihs, and uL'K'h so that I fuundltareilable was iwiftblt; to uil ¦ medicine. 1 have an Hppolntment ¦ J i used hti Afiue to pre uc h in' Ik land Li ver Syrup Boooaot of in y f j in my famlly with soTere C"uiíhirní, 9 I H f the beat of sin but manaKed to 9 t cetis, curiiiK my liet home.Hud S ¦ ¦ ! motber (whose medlntely UkjIi , age was over home of I)r. K. A. i % aeventy years) of myoouihUftme! I !¦ ever and Ague utoonulcon-l V ' after the Becond mmoed tnkinxit. J , chili and fever. umi I timl ! II take plettdurc nent relief when 5 'in reeoniinendin i u-u HttKckeil f m the above remeby couKh orl JJ dies to all who I il n u -u[iiilHint W'. nee( thpiu lü.v. Uubt. Cupe. UT, s. B. Kimmill. Bok) hvHlldruiiKist. l'rlee. 25c., 50c. and I1.C0. 1 -l'u bnttlcs aeat fret.' n rcreiiit of prni'. W. JOHNSTON & CO., -TROIT, MICHIGAN. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The okleat agency In the city. Establlshed over a quarter of a ceiitury ago. ltepresenting the followlug liist-claKS companlus, witb over #0,000,000 Capital and Assctt. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., or New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. QIRARD INS. CO., of Phlladelpbla. ORIËNT IN8. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, ofLondon. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Boston. Rates l.u w as tlie Lowest, Loases Liberully A dj ii -led and promptly l'uid. C. H. MILLEN. ANN ARBOR SAVINGS RANK, ANN AHIIUH. MICHIGAN, Transarte General Banking Business. CAPlTAlIT$60,000. Organizcd ander the General Banking Law ui tbis .Sute, tbc etockholdortt are indivldnally liahle for an additional amouut equal to tne stock held by iiinii. thereby creating a tiuürantee Fund Tur the benunt of Deposito of $100,)00.00. Three per cent. Intcreüt Is allowed on all Savlng Depuaitö of oue dollar aud upwardt, according to the rn of Uu1 liauk aud interest compounded semi-annuall . Mooey to Loan on unineumbered roiil estáte and otber good security. Dl RECTORS: t'IIKIHTIAN MACK, Wm. D. HAKRIMAN, W. W W1NES. DANIEL UISCOCK, WILLIAM DEUBKL, WILLARD B. SMITH. DAVID RIN8EY. OFFICERS: C. MACK, I'rc. W. W. VV1NES, 'ce-Pres . JL. niSCOCK.Oashler. ANN ARBOR Small Fut Nnrsery ! AU Kinds of BERRY PLANTS. Fine Planta of tbe SHARPLESS, The Hcst Strawberry Grown. rHUITND ORNAMENTAL TREES Praia ELLWANOERA BARRY, Rochestor, N. Y. OrUera must Jo seut early. WINES AND SYRUP8. swiit Home-made Wine for Invallds and the Encliailst. Sour Wlue, Raspberry Sjrup, shrul) Poar 8yrnp, imd riyinoulli Hoek Eitgs. EMIL BAUR, W. HURÓN ST. l89-lf RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY, AND Flour and Feed Store. Wt keep conelantly ou hand, HRËAl), CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, Fnr WhnleKale and Retall Trade. We ehall also keep a apply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Dellii Fluur, Kye I'lour, Itiick lieal Fluur, Corn IWonl, Feed, Etc, At Wliok'xaU' nd Kctall. A general stock of GROCERIES ni PROVISIÜNS Cnnstantly on haud, which wlll he old on aa ruasonahle torms as at any otbcr hontte In the city. Cash pald Tor BUTTEH, MCM, and COUNTKY PRODt'CK nderaHy. ood dWlvcred to any part of the cny extra charge. RINSFY SKABOI.T. SÜBSCRIBlYtiiëYüHIÏR


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News