MISOVH' DIKI'CTOHV. A.vs ArbobCommandbky, No. 13 meets flrst Tuesday of each moulli, W. G Doty, K. C; W. A. Tolchard, Recorder. VVlMtTKNVW I'HAITKR, N'O. B, R A. M.- Mets Hrst Moaday each month. Isaac H uily, H P-; Kimth, Secretary. BUSINESS CARP8. DR. H. R. ARNDT, PHYSIOIAN Office Oveb First National Hank. Hours from ü lo 11 a. in., From '2 to 3:30 p. m., Sim.lay from 9 to 10 a. ni. W. II. .1 V UO., DB ZNTIMIiSilTU. OFFICK, : Orer Uacli & Abel's Dry Goot! Slore. Kntrénoc noxt to National Baak. WILLIAM IIERZ, Houso, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperl isr. Glulng. Qlldlug, and Calcimtnlne, snd w.irk Dl tvery iuKCriotioa done in the best ¦t] Ie, nd warrtnted to give üsfctiin. Shop. No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. W. W. & A. E. XIC1IOL.S, Rooms Over .Vim Arbor Savlnijs Bank, Masonie Templo IMock. G A.S or VITALIZED AIR Aliuiuistered for the patuleas extraction oí teetb. o. 'm:. nJíTiisr, 1IKA1.KU IN" CLOTK GASKETS, METALIC And ('on i hom CotHus. Calla attented to Day or Ni"ht. KinbHlmlriK ¦ Becialty. stoteroom on E. Washington street. Resldence Cor. Liberty aml Fiftn. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Secnrity held fot the protectiou oí the pollcy holders. CHRISTIAN MACK Btaneenu 'he fullowing flrs[-cla8 compantes, of wüicli onc, the Erna, fia alone paid f V',000,00! Ört' (ia.-s in stxty-Sve yenrs : fitna, of Harftord. .1 1 0,102,644 Frauklin of PhiladelDhia :i,HH,713 O.-rrii iniri, N. Y 8,100,739 (roniian Aincri.-an, N. V 4,08ü,9W Loiidmi Awurance, Lunilon... 1,410,788 Mirhi-an K. ,; M., Detroit... 387,801 N. 5T. (Jiiderwriten, X. Y 2,60,7 Hationai, Hartford 1.774,605 PhoBnix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 I-osses liber:illy AdjuMed nnd promptly pftid. Policics issued ;it the lowest ratcs of premium. llBltf LÏÏMBER! LUMBER! LT7MSEH! H yiii contémplate bultiitng, cali at FERDON Lita Inri ! Corner Foartb and i)ejot Sts., and re onr flgarei for all kimli f LUMBER! We inanufactiire our oun Iurabcr and guaraatee AERY LOW PRICES CVGive us a cali and we will rnake it to your inttTcst, as onr large and well fradcd stock fully ¦ ustains our assertion. Teleplionc Conncctions ith Office. I. ]. K.KECU Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop A, DgFORESTT F"ire Insurance Plate Glass Insurance, Steam. Boiler INSURANCE ! Lovrcst Ratcs, Honorable Ailjiistniciits and Losses Promptly Paid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Braca u. mina oivrnto coilbction IIF ltKNTS AND MANAOK.MK.NT OF IlKAl. KsTATK INTIBSST8 WOU NiiN-KksIIIKNTS. KsTIBK HATISt-ACriON TO OffKEB QUAKASTÜICU. A. DeFORKST. ui l M h RSA L ik ü mi v'i" ""¦ wct- i WknUtaít é lUutil. Old Buthi RnIWM). ? L 8d for circuUr.. E. J. KNOWLTON. Ann Arbor, Mlch. A COMPI.KTK AKKANIJEMK-NT KOU Paysician and Families. Keater and Cheaper AND MiiKK CONVENIENT 'l'H T A STATIONAKY BATH TUB WITH NO KXPKNSE OF BATH HOOM AND íIXTURKS. 8S-8S "INSURANCE r:.L ESTATKand LOAN AGENCY OK A.W. HAMILTON i unce, No. 2, Flrst Floor, Harailton Block. l'iirtles dHlrlt]g to tjuy or sell Real Estáte wlll (tnd it to tlielr udvautage to cali on me. I rcpresant 15 flrst-class Klro Insurance CompanUa, inving an aggregate capital over J30,IKKl.OOO. Ilates TOw. Losses llberally adjusted and promptly pald. I also Igsue Ltfe and lvestment Pol leien In tlieNew York Mutual Life Insurance Cornpaoy, AssetU, $75,000.00. Persons deslrlng AccldeiH Insurance, can Imve yearly pollcles '"¦ V'. ÏÏÏI st 'S0106 hüU frm 8 " ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block.
Ann Arbor Courier
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