A Modern Fable
Once iipou a time tliere dwelt near a pond mi oíd goose, so ancient hls age luid been forfotten. ín tlie many yoars that liad passed lio alone luid puddled over that pond, solé disturber of its tranquil walers. Here he daily reveled, bathed Iris snowy plnmage, and fauted on the ricli herbage of its bordere, glvint,' tbanka lo none. No other goose or yoftng gosling hád ever invaded hU doinaia or disputed h3 sovereign riglit. But early otic spring niorninj; on coing out to take his sccustomed sai I, i si'lit presented itst-lf that turned cvcry feather on end, and for a moment Uereft bina of speech. Careerlng about on tne water- his water- he behcld a fíoose, not alone, put bcarin-; in her train a family of young goslinfs. who vrere joyously disporting themselves. As oon as the oíd goose could smootli his rulHed plnmage and recover his voioe, he set up a friglitful hiss, and orderod tlii' mother goosc and her childrcn olt tbe water. "But," sald tho raother goosc, 's tlils pond all yours? Is tliere not room enough foryou and usalsov We do not disturb you- Indeed, we wlll keep fnr away in one little corner, and never come near you." "That will uot do," said tlie old goose, "thiR pond is mine nnd you must leave;" and he flew at the young goslings in a frlghtfal rage who iwlftly ((athered about tlie inother in grcat fright. The inother goose, who was quite willing to be deprived of water henelf, and had for year9 quietly ipbmttted tu tlie grtat wroii;;, now Inspired by maternal íove, immediately flew at the old gn.isi , drove hini asliore, ])lucked out his eyes, tore his snowy ptusnge and left hini bleeding and dcad on the margin of that water he had 90 lonir nionopoli.ed to the
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News