Consumption Cu red. Au old physieian, retired from practico, liaving had placed in Jiis liands by an East India niissionitry tlie formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis Catarrli, Astlima, and all tliroat and lung Affections, also apositive and radical cure for Neryous Debility and and íll Nervous Complalnts, after baylng tested ts wonderful curative powers lo thousands of case?, has felt it his duty to make it knowu to hls suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire tu relieve human suflerincr, I will senil free of charge to all who desire it, tiiis rc( Q Germán, French or English, wlth full diiictions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addresslng wlth stamp, namlii!T this paper, W. A. Noyes, 14!) Power's Block, Koehester, N. Y. Kii les. for t lie care of the sick. IIow to cure diseaae, its symptoms and causes, and other Information of frreat valué will be found n old Dr. Kaufmann's great book; ion pages, fine colored plates. Send three 2?ent stamps to pay postsgo to A. P. Ordtvay iV Co., Boston, Mass., and reeeive a :opy f'ree.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News