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AVCD'C Sugar-Coated M I LR O Cathartic If the Liver Ql I Q comes torpid, if the I I L- ï_? ¦ bowels are constipatcd, or if the stotn:nli fails to pcrform its iunctions properly, use Aycr'8 Pilis. Thoy are invaluahle. For some years I was a victira to Liver Complnint, in oonsequence of whicli I suffercd irom General DebiHty and Indigestión. A few boxes of Ayer'a l'ills rectorad me to perfect health. - Vi. T. Brightncy, llendersou, W. Y:i. For years I have relied more upon Ayert l'ills thaii auythiug else, to i Regúlate in y bowels. These Pilis are mild in action, and do theirwork tlioroughly. 1 have iisnl thcin with good effect, in cases of EtbMImatism. Kidney Trouble, and Dispepsia. - ü. F. llillcr, Attleborough, Jláss. Ayer's Pilis cured me of flIiMMiili and Liver tioubles, froni whicli I had suffen .1 ior years. I consider them the bost pilla maffe, and would not hv without them. - Morris Gates, Dowusville, N. Y. 1 was tttaoked with Kilious Fever, whicli was folluwed by jMWdice. aml was bo dangerously ill that my fneadl de¦patnd of my recovery. ï conimenced taktalR Ayrr I'ills, and soon reguincil my custoniaiv ttTMgti and vior. - Johu C. l'attisou, Lowcll, Ncbraska. Last spring I suffered greatly from a troublesoinc humor on my ' Infplta of cvcry etlbrt to cure tlils eraptlon, it increased until tlcsh bi-came ontlrely raw. 1 was troobfed, at the tame time, with ludigrstion, and distressing pabla in iThe Bowels. By the advice of a friend I btgfta taking Ayer's l'ills. In a short time 1 was fn c from pain, my food digested properly. the HM on niv body comnienccd bsaliBff, nd, in less han une nioiith, I was cured. - Samuel I). White, Atlanta, Ga. I have Ion? used Ayer's Pilis, in my fainllv, and them to lic the bwt pllls made. - S. C. Duiden, Darden, 5Iis. My wife and little girl weiv laken wilh Dysenterjr a dtWdaya Ufe-Mid I at once benn Kmng thom smaii dosaa "f .m i% l'ill. thinking I would cail ;i doctor if Um dtMIM becaine any worsc. In n short time the bloody discharircs itopped, all pain went away, and bealth was rettored. - Theodore Esling, líichmond, a. Ayer's Pilis, Prprcd by Dr. J. C. Ayr fc Co., Lowell, Uw. ¦S..I.1 by all Ucalera In M.-li. ii,...


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