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Council Meeting

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The ncjiilur muntlily meeting of the couiinon council which sliould liavo taken place August Jst, was held lust Monday night. All the actlog iiienibera wcro present CXMpl AK1. Ben. The usual mlnntei were read, and then the monotouy was varicd by the PUESEKTAïION OF rETITIONS. The lirst petition was from the Aun Arbor Schutzenbund, by Conrad Krapf, president, isking the council to approprinte from $75 to $100 to assist them in llicir sL'hutzcnfcst to bc held next weck. Referred to General Fund Comuiittee. Of II. E. Oidley, Albert Trampal and 88 Otbei s, Hskinr tlmt the gas lamp at the bead "l 8. Incalía 9treet le permitted to reinain Ihere. Kefened lo General Fund Committee, A eommunicatlon from Ziua I'. King, reciting his coinpliance with the resolutjon of the council In raising the electric llfht lamp on the corner of Jlonroe and l'ith street, to a height of 60 feet, (and by the wuy, this light does more service t li it ii nny live of the suspended lamps in the city), and pretentln a receipted bul lor tlie Saint1. ReoelTea :ind ])luced ou me. A communlciition from II. W, Ashley, Qen'l Manager of the T. A. A. A N. M. K. H. asking Mie privilege of laying ilpea trom the Mann spring In the west part of the city to their new water tank. Reform! to the General Street Comuiitteo witli the city attorncv. The next document was a monster pet;tion bearing the names of upwards of 150 of our citizens living on both sides of the river, asking that the Board of Health take gome nction to relieve them of the stench arislng froin and the nuisance niaintaiiied by the Blaughter houses, located within twenty rods of the 5th wart school building. This abnormal petltloo was turned over to the council by Hit Board of Health and Dr. W. F. Breakey, the Health offlrer of the city, accoinpanieil it with the followïng cointnuuicatlou: ilKALTH Office, July 25, '87. To the Mayor and Common Council : The lioaril of Health respectfully recoui iiiiiiil tüat limneJiale uclluu be laken by your body to secure the removal of the slaughler houses ol the city, to some point faither froiii places ui ressdence, of whooll mul ol business. l-'oi srvui il i-;irs romplaints of the odors utlVnsive lo huallii and comfort arlslng non Iluso places- parlieularly In the th ward - have hem nuinerous aad frequeut. Ainl lor tliu iusl iwo or linee moutliti, com plamis of ihis slench have come almos dally , froin oltlzeoi resideul on bolh sldes o the rlver, froin Ihose who work la tlie shop and milis uear by, lrom the employés abou the ïallroad stulion, mul froiu passenger who gel. on Hud uil of tralus: aud la the school seusou lrom tlie leacliers aud ucuo'ar of the5th ward school. There is also a luoral feature of the ense affecllug Ihe schools, aslde froin ihaalllielion tu pbysical health aud comfort. Tin busl uess of slaughlerlng, however legitímale, 1 almost ncci'sMiiily hurlful lf not demorallz ing to chlUlren wheu carried on in such prox nniiy to m-Im.oIs, uuit the dumb aulmals ar drlveu or cal ried by tlie schoolyard to thel d.'KiiiiMit u few rods dislaut, aud the dea carcasses broughl back by the same route Taeae Klghls, uot to speuk of the sounds o the dylug auinuils sald lo bc heard, teud lo shock Ihe lunocenland tender, and to bardei and inuke more cruel lliose so lncllued. Muny ut tlii'r coiiipUiuauts seem uuaware that these building are located wlthln terrl tory designuled by the Couucil lu au "Ordl nauce relative to slaughler houset," atloplei November s, 1876. And Ihal the Board of Jleallh can only tr to secure dtslulecllou and deanliness. Itn Is uol so leusible as muy seeui, nolwllbstaud ing most of Ihe bulchers ure well dlsposed to keep thelr premises ckun. Hut the grouud uuder these buildings, and Ihe yards adja cent In wulch hogs are kept - aud'somellme led upon the otfal of the slaughtered animal - Is so saturated wlth decon posable matte as to give otl' oüeuslve aud dangerous exhal allons even iu moderately wuim wealher while lu the hot wealher, aud partlcularly a night, the steuch is fearlul aud sicki-niuu. i'iiis questiou Is reterred lo yuur honorable body- together wllh lbo accumpanylng peil Hou. Fiist, because these buildiugs were located where tliey now are by coiupilance wlth leglslatiou of tin: city goverument, aud by usseutof IU aulhorlties. Tbeir removal wlll luvolve leal questlons of properiy rlghts, which would have lo be adjusled by appraisul, or amicablu arraugu ment, and which your body has eulire au thority to deal wltb. The Uoard ol iieulth recognlzes Hlauiihter Ing not ouiy as u luost uecesbary business but as epeclally neediug all tbe proleclloi and eucouragement that theclly governmen ciin give lt lo ïnsure lieulthy food lo those who consume the nieal slaughlered here. Aud we believe Ihal a reasouable expendí ture of public ald, lf ueeded, to secure tlie removal of these buildings, Is uot only leglt luíate, bul Umi public sentiment would com meud lt, as promoting public health and com fort, and BocomplUhTng a much ueeded pub lic lmprovemeut. That would makc more heallhiul the homesol our cltizeus, and ou city more attractlve as a place of resldence to others Keeking homes. The removal of these buildings would offe In thelr recon.struciion, opportuulty lor juh-1 arrangements as would enable thelr owner to more easily comply wllh all ueccssar sanitary regulatlons. The facl that several butehers now use one building, proves the feiialbillly of au abat lolr, or building that all migni use in com iuou. We recommend an atnlcable settlement o thls matter lf dractlcable, before a resort lo tTe power glveu In the Statutes. W. f. BHKAKKÏ, Health Offlcer. July l 7. To the Mayor and Common CouncÜ, Ann Arbor The Board of Iloallh also urgently recom raend i he passage of an ordinance ueeignat ing some sultablc place where the busines of renderinü scii] fat, aml other lmpure fats aml bone bolliug ur boue cluaniug, may be cantad ou. iiueof Ihe most offeuslve nuisancea wlth which the b ard bas to deal, arlses from thls ijllSlllfSB. We are not prepared to discourage the mak Ing of any necensary ingredienls of soap, bu we do not believe it posslble to carry on the business wlthln the city limita, or near to residences, schools or business, without en dangerlng public health or comfort. And as we are not sure of our authority to suppress tbe nuisance under present condi ttooi re respectfully ask your body to lócate lt under the power glven In thetstatutes Sec. 1737, for the " Kegulation of oüenslve Hades" illowell, I67S). W. f. BHKAKEY, Health Offlcer. A recomnicnd in regard to emptying v; ults und ccaspools was also presented Tlie whole matter was referred to tlit following committee to report at the nex meeting of the council : Aldermen Hamraond, Ware, Martin, Mayor Smitk ani City Attorney Kinne. A plat and description showingthe proposed extensión of South Second Street for the benefit of the Toledo, Ann Arbor A North Michigan Rallway Co., wai presented by Mnyor Smitli and rel'errei to the General Street Conimiltee. RKP0RT8 OK COMMITTEES. Aid. Swift, fron Cömmtttee on Finance made the report of cxpenditures for the moiitli of July. of whlcli the following is the recapitulatioD : Istwardfund 33 6ï '2ii " 17:J 5K 3d " " 76 07 j til ' " 131 9L 5th " " „ 5 12 6th " " 94 30 Ueneral street land 49 11 Oeuenil fund 61 90 Coutlugeut Tuud - 308 91 Total J1.489 54 Aid. Allniendiiiirer from General Ftind Committee reported tliat the committee had been unable to secure ttie raising of several of the electric lamps in the city to il di'sircd heiglit, altliou;;li in the contract witli the city the Thomson-IIuston Co. had so afreed to do, and asked that the council take some action in refetence thereto. After somc discu3sion,Ald. Swift offered the followin: Resolved, That the Tliomson-Honston Electric Compauy be notified to eomply wtth the lnslructlons of tlie Ueneral Pand Coramlttee lti ralalng and locatlng the street lamps wltnln üodays. or payraents wilt be stopped untll such chungeu are made, Which was uminiinously ndopted. On motion of Ali). Allincudiujrer the QeMtlJ Fund Ccminiittee was autuorized to remove the L:is lamppcMt :it the corner of iladison nml Thompson street, the same belnr in the tldawalk. Aid. NeitUamnier, from the Fire De partment Committee, made the followlng report : Tour committee on Flre Department to whom was referrcd the petlllou of ('hief of Flre Uepiirtiiiriit to orKanlze a (look and Ladder ('ompany, would ri-nmimend the Haine, ald coinpany to consiHt of the followIng pemoiiH ; Ijiry Duim. .luim liurna, John Calnplon, J(hn Kcnny. Win. KMiut'dy, Sam. Mucl.iut 11, J. Haueer and Fred rtlilu. Wliich report was adopted. Alil. Kearns reportad to the conncil hat the AIIchigHii Central I! lihou! proloscd laylng a truck on the south side of he freifilit depot, whicli would bring the rack in the street. The matter was reerred to the Street Coiumlttce. A recesa of live nnuutes was then taken o iillow the pólice committee time to onfer. After KOOnTanlng a cominuniitiou was reail from Win. Cainpion, regnlng lus immuun aa patrollnun whlcb aa acoepted on niotion of Aid. Ware. Aid. Wines moved Unit wc prooeed to ho electlon of' pollcenmn in place 't Win. Caniiii. ntigned, üarriod, aud the followiii}{ ballots were then taken : lst 2d 3d 4th 5th E. B.Gldley 4 5 6 4 4 Albert Plerco 4 f 0 } ilLKptir IlltllH _ 1 1 ' ij o ImrUs Huruhara ü 0 0 3 Bcatterlng. 1 1 _ _ Total lT Ü U 10 H On naotion of Aid. Ware the electlon of a patrolman was dcferred until the next meetinjfTaking up the resignatlon of AHI. Seabolt, of the 4th wan), Aid. Swift inoved that a commlttee of three be appolnted to confer with him relative to tlie same, which was carrled and Aids Swift, Martin and Ware were appointed. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. City Treasurer Sorg reported the following balauccs on hand : Contingent fuud, on hand II ",slil J General Kund, overdraft. UfH fl Qenerul street fund. overdralt IJ Hl lul ward fund on hand :- ' 2,1 ¦ 4m 8.1 S83 78 4th 1 ' " " overdralt J 5lh " " on hand J " gtii " " ' " 81 42 City Ceraetery rd, on hnnd 44 iw Dog tx fund on hand '] Water Works fund on hand 'ij Delinquent tax fund overdraft. 1. "J Pontlac Slreet Bridge Fund Ï,5W 00 Court House Aid Bunds - w Total on hand 8.slt 1S City Marshal Sipley reported the following expeuditure of tlie poor fund lor the montli: g ;: EEEEE. EE ÏJS 6lh - -j ü__ Total - 81 The City Marshal also reported two arrests during the nionth. MOTIONS AND BESOLUTIONS. A resolution by Aid. Allinetidingcr appropriatiiif; $2.5 for a crosswalk on South Main street. Cartied. By Aid. Wlnes : Reiolotd, That the Chalrman of the.Sldewalk Comralttee la liereby lnstructed to lay a sldewalk In frout of the Slxth Ward englue house. Carrled. On motion of Aid. Swift 1400 was trantforrod to the 4th ward fund; and on motion of Aid. Wincs $300 was transferred to the 6th ward fund. Uy Aid. Kearns: llttolved, That the name of Bowery street, In the llh ward of the city of Aun Arbor, be changed to Ijiwrence troet. Also that ttie name of W. Catharlue street In the 3d ward, from N. Mam street west be changed to Miller aveüne. Also that the uame of Cemetery Btreet. In tlie (ith ward be chauged to üeddes avenue. All of the above was passed without dissent. By Aid. Winos: Rtsolved. ThatChurcli treet from Wlllard street to Hlll street be openel, aer the deeds to the rlght of way shall be deposlted wttli the Kecorder and placed on record, t'amed. On motion of Aid. Kennis, N. J. Kyer w8 pennltted to out down khm willow trees on Sunimit streef, and ti ue a poition of the street with building inntcrials. Bv Aid. Wiues: Reêolved, That a commlttee of flve be appolulêd of whlch the Mayor ¦ all bechalrmuil. and JHy Attorney a inember, to luveaUKale the Water works, aud also to determine whal addltlonal means of communlcatlou by telephone, for flre purposes is needed ; ttils riimniii !''¦ U report at Ihe next regular meeting. Cariïeii anl Muyor Smitli, City Attorney Kliine, and Aids. Wiues, Ware and Martin appoiuted as such coinniittee. Aid. Allmenclin)ier presented the following preamble and resolution At a recent meeting of the Business Men' Asxoclallou ol thls city, a requesl was luiunlmously adopled adklug the Couiicll to subnnt to the volei of the City a proposltlon to ralse by tuxallou J.5,000, to advertlse the city aud Induce mauu facturera to locale hure. Snul Asxociallou is composed of neurly all the busli es men and mauy taxpayer of tlie city. Iu respuuKe ui thelr requesl be lt Resolved, Thut a special elecilon be held at Flremaii's Hall from V u'clock noon of Krlday, Augusl 2iitU, uutll 4 o'clock lu the afleriii)'.. ii. at wblch a proposltlon to ralse Sö.OuO by taxatlou shall be subuilued lo the t ixp.iy rs of the cliy sald suin lo be used lu adverllsltig the city and lu advanclug Ihe muiuifucturlug luleresls of the city by loan or bonu. The aiuouut voted tf any sball be m ule a fuud kuowu as the city lmprovement lund, aud warrant may be drawn iipun lt by the couucll as upou ottier lund. Al the elecllou ballots shall be used reading "Kor the lax ol $5,000 lor advancing and encouraglng tlio business and mauuluclurlue lnieiexts of the city. Yes.'" And 'Kor the lax of $ó,UU0 for ndvunclng umi eueouraglug the bualunu uud luuuufac' turing lnleresU of the city, No." Which was adnpteil, and the Recorder uithorized tO give the neceseary notlce, uud procure the priuting of the ballotf. Aid. Ware moved tuut Ihe Ctiairmaii of the Street Conimittee be authorized to caused to be constiucted a ruiling between the passenger aud carriage way of the Pontiac street bridge and its approuches, of sullicient hcijiht tnd strcnxlh to protect pedestriuns trom injury. W'hich was adopted. The Hecorder was instructed to notify th Cliairuian of the Sidewalk Couimittce that a iiew sidewalk must be constructed on the North side of William street, between Öoutli Main and South Second streel?, on a line wltli the recent survey of the City Engineer; also for the construction of a sidewalk on the eaat side of North State street, commencing at A uu street, and running four radl and on the north side of East Arm street, cominencintr at North State street and running eight rods, the property owued by Mrs. Boudinot. Tlie grand rïuale was produced by tlic the passage of the followinf resolution oftered by Aid. Allmendinger: Bitohed, Tbat the Mayor aud Hecorder be lnslructed to exteoil an lnvltatloD. u President Cleveland to ntop lu Aun Arbor during hls Western visit. The snit begun against the Mormon Church by the governmeut, whereby tlie Mormon Church Corporation is sought to be dissolved and all iu property, except $50,000 worth, escheated to the United States for the bent-lit of the scliool fund of the territory, and the like proceediugs that will soon be lustituted ugaiust the "perpetual mmigration fund," under the provisions of the EdiuundsTucker lawi is the most radical step the government has ever taken in regard to any so-culled religious body. As a precedent it may weli be looked upon as of doubtful expediency. It wlll, no doubt, prove an effective ïuethod of crushing out tliis barbarie de8poti8in, however, aud, if it does that, people of the country wlll look upon it as an excellent enactment, and not question its possibillties as a precedent. The following good natured parugraph was writteu by a correspondent during tlie recent great teacher':! institute at Chicago: "The school raa'am is in Chicago, thousands and thousands. The cool, level eye, the exact propriety ot speech, the neat but plaiu apparel, the self-conüdence which comes of telf support. The school manu ! She is conjugations and equations preserved in sugar. She is dignity and propriety after the siniilitude of ripe peuches and whip[)ed creain. In these days everybody cannot marry a school marm, but the ;ime was wlien everybody who was any)ody did, because all the nicc girls took their turn at it." The Owosso city council has called a special election to be held August 22d, to vote $25,000 in aid of the T., A. A. & N. M. K. K. shops, which will be located lien? if the amoimt is forthcomlnj;. The StlftneM Men'8 AssiX'iation say they wlll rry it. The oompany agree to employ 00 men in the shops on the start. The enterprisfi is worth the f25,000. Hut vIictc is Howell all this time? Xellie Orant Sartorls is coming home IKftln to America. Poor Nellie, her iraun of hiippincgs has never been real.ed, her KnglUh husband proving to be a drinking, worthless fellow who ne;lects her. It Is a warning to American ;irls seeking foreigu husbands. Hetter akc a respectable U. S. lad, girla, even if ie is not quite so English ye know.


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