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A Worthy Enterprise

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At the recent semi-eentennial jubilee of onr uliiKi mater the propositiou was made and adopted by a unnnlmuug vote of the Society of the alumni to raise a fun 1 for the establishment of one 01 more fellowships l thcUnlversity. The proposition conuneiuleil iUelf to the society for the followiiig reasons : 1. The existence of such fellowships at other universities has enabled students, who as underrraduates have showi tuarked prolicieiicy in special linea ol study and research, to continue those studies for a longcr period to great advantage. Of such fellowships, for example, Harvard has 13, Johns Hopkins 20, Cornell 8, Bryn Mawr 6, Michigan l' niversity has none. 2. The need of such fellowships a Ann Arbor id evident trom the fact that several of ouraluniiü have been awardei! fellowships at otlier universities, from which tliey have stepped into positlons refieeting credit upon them and ns Amoiig the fellowships thus held at variotis times by Michigan alumni are seven at.Folins Ilopkins, seven at Iiryn Mawr one ut Cornell, and one at Harvard. 3. As our alma mater thus labors under a disadvantage as compared witl other iustitutions, no more fitting tribute can be oftered by the alumni in this jubilee year than a fund for the establishment of surli fcüowshipg. It is proposed to raise t'undg for one or more fellowships of eight thousaiid dollars each, the income of which ($400) ehall be awarded to a post-graduate student to eneourage liim to pursue at the Uuiversity advanceI work in liis choseu tíeld; the award of the fellowships tobo made each year by the faculty in nceordunce with couditions determined by the alumni. On alumni day (June 29), when In the liurry and confusión of reunions it was possible to reach hut a small number of the alumni present in the city, three thousand dollars was pledged by individuals and by classes. By the vote of the Society of the Alumni the undersiirned were appointed a commlttee to take the matter in charge and carry it forward. We feel that every alumnus will desire to contribute to tliis fund, nuil tliat it is only necessary to bring the subjtct to hls notice, especially when he remenibcrs that he is largely indehted for whatevcr tinancial succes he has had to his university tiaining. BatwcrlpUona DMV be sent to Professor Volney SI. Bpsldlng, Ann Arbor, Mioh., payable on or before April 1,1888, and all rm(ttnoM should be made payable to his order. THOMAS W. PALMKli. '4, ) VOLNEÏ M. BPALDÍNQ, '73, I.UCY M. SALMÓN, m, Com OEO. W. KNKIIir, 78 C. J. SCKÜGUS, "84, The effort of the Detroit Evenlng News in raising by popular subscrlptiou a suitabh: monunient or memorial for the late Oov. John J. Bagley, are ineetinar with success. One of the brlghtMt papers published In Micliijfau to-day is the Detroit Evening Journal. It's bright editorial and local utterances can be read from bright, clear print, on bright, white r.aper. The Jouroal H a friend of every sort of advancement that a trae citl.en of tho United States should be proud of. It believea in general education; believes that our public school Bystein is prefcrable to a bystem ot religious or denominational schools; condemus the old fossili.ed rate bill plan of discouraging educatiou; and illscusscs the great qtiestlona of the day from the standpolnt of a truc American citizen untrammeled by the dictation of ny superior, eitlier in italy, Utah, St. Petersburg or elsewhere. The fact Is the Journal s not an Italian or ('anadian btit an American newspaper.


Ann Arbor Courier
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