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Tüe four U's are busted. The outlook for a new boiler factory hcre is promUteg. The circuit court will convene again Aug. lltli, to-morrow. The pristen and decorators are flxla up A. L. Nobte'i store in fine shape. Walter T. Wright, oí the dent. class of S has opened an offi :o at Farmington. S. Baumgartnc t is building a new house at the corner of William and Second sts. The Big Six from the 2d ward wout to Manchester Sinnlay, loaded wltli cat-tnils - going over. A Hl stone side walk is being luid in front of Eberbacb'i bardwan store, on S Main street. Dr. W. Hcrdmnn lias staked out six new lots on ii is place frontlnj W. Washington sL Herman Kaston of Dexter, succeeds Geo. Benton as bookkeeper at J. T. Jacobs ('u's. New wheat is on the up-grade in this market, the best quality being quoted today at 72 'V cents. Andrews & Witherby have rented one of the large stores of Nickels on State st., and will start a brancb store. TUe steam heating and ventilating is not being put into any of the ward buildings tliis year as originally contemplated. The B. & O. have opened their telegrapb olllce la the building next east of the Farmer! Medíanlo' bank. on IIuron st. Jos. Jlartin for thirteen yeara with Muclilig in the furniture business bas starled ¦ repair shop on hU own liook over A. L. Noble's store. J. L. Rose has sold h!s stock of the Egan Traas Co. to the company. Manuger T. Y. Kayne reports the burlnesa of this corporutiou as inereasi:ig. h. A. Alley, of Dexter, has traded his general stock of dry gooda, groeerics, etc, to Mr. Davis, of Ypsilanti, accepting a house and lot in payineut therefor. Itcost Zina 1'. King $11.90 to save that tree on Sfooroe .-t. Now if the drought should kill it bis investment would be an unproiitable one. Let's all pray for ram. I.i-i Mom'.ay, In the circuit conrt, Minerva M. Smith was grautcd a divorce from Gilbert J. Suiitli, on the usual charge of ''cruelty and tailure to support." A braakman on the M. C. R. R. hailing iVoui Canada bad an arm smasbed wliile coupling curs at Chelsea, Sunday, and had tl, e sanie auiputated above the elbow. The tongtie of the Iron-gray pet ponyof Juy Taylor, of tlie 5tb ward, was ctu nlinost in'two Bunday, bot whetber by accident r by sonte uuaerabie wretch out of spite, is not known. We regret to learn that Norman A. Phelps, of Dexter, one of the prominent and hlghly respected piooaert of' this county, is lying very ill at his home in that village, wilh liltle prospect of recove ry . City Survcyor Davis has just completcd the platting of about 30 city lots on the Krauae noroestead between Liberty and Washington sí., and oontiuued W, -i 1 st , throtigli the block north to W. Washington st. The C. M. B. A. of this city are arranging for au excunlan to Detioit on the SOth of August. It is thcir desire to start the train at Jacksou and take on pnitfinjrori froiu al) iotermediate stations. On lliat day UW detrolt branches of the C. M. 15. A. are to glve a grand picnic at Belle Ule pari'. Station Agent O. G. Wales, of the T.,A. A. A: X. M. Ii. H., hal tendered the Aun Arlmr City Bund free round trip tickets tu WhKiaore Laké for the great pioneer picnic, lo tiike place next weck Siturday. A very graoetnl (hing in Mr. Wales, mul one tlie boya will properly appreciate. The T. A A. A. is wfde awake. The committee appointed Monday night by the Council to invotigite the sbuighter-hoiue quettion thoiild gire tlie ¦ubjeel tbeir beat efforta. W"e are nformed that a location outside tbe city limita, in au accessihli' place, and at the saine time auay fvoni all reatdence, 'm be procurad tor this purpose. It should be done. Simeón Braun, brother of Supervisor Itraun, of Ann Arhor town, dled on Wedaeaday last 3d,aed 80 years G moBtba' ol coiuumptlon. The deceased had been sick sinee .lan. lst 1886, was a siugle man and was a regular attendant upou Bethlebem Lutberae Church. He was bom in the township of Scio and was highly respected by neigbbors and UI who knew liim. Clias. E. Hiscock and E. .T. Morton go down to Detroit to-day to make arrangements for a grand excursión to Detroit and the Oakland, to be given bv Golden Hule and Fraternity lodges F. i; A. M., mul Washtenaw and Otaeningu lodges I. O. O. F., on or about September 7th. This will probably wind up the excursión business for this season. Full particukrs next week. During the instituto whose sessions will be held next week in tlie high school hall, two lectures will be given ; ouc, by the conductor Prof. 15uibour, of Ypsilanti, wlio will take for bis subject, "What is True Education f " the other by Prof. Ddos Fall, of Albion, who will speak on "Alcohol uDder Iudictnient.'' Ihe lectures will be given on Tuesday and Thursday evenings in Hobart Hall". All are invited to bc present. Aduiission free. Saturday morning last Mrs. C. B. Andrews, of this city, well known to Ann Arbor people, was married by Rev. W. H. Ryder, at the residence of Mrs R J Nelson, to Mr. B. J!. Bowinan, oí Peoria, III., and the couple started for their future home in Peoría on the noon train, l'here is a bit of romance about this maniage, the couple baring been lovers early in lile. Each oue had been married and reared a family, but finding tlieinselves single ngain the old iiirectlou brought them togetber, and even at this late day lovx's young dream is to be realized. On Toeadajr ereaingol next week, August lOth, at 8 o'clock, Mr. Thos. R. Bours, of this city, will be unlted in marriage with Miss Eva A. Taylor, at the houie of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mr. W. H. Taylor, No. 2-_2 Tvventytlurd streef, Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. Bours, who bas beau a resident of the city for the p,st year or more, in II. J. Brown's drug store, is a son of Alian A. Bours. of Detroit, hite superintendent of public building! at the State capital, and is a young gentleman who bas made many trlends duriug bis stay in the city. After a short tour the couple will be "At home after August 28th, 25 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor, Midi. figures are somethiiig that bother a newapaper man morathan tramps do the arerage boosakeeper, and t s almoal lmmipoüslble to get them ri-bt. In our arucle about the court house last week we UOUld l.ave had the date of huildiii"-' the old oourt house 1884, Instaad of whioh it was 1844, an easy mistake for the compositor to make, hut very exaspcratlii" oU,,.n.M ot na. Judge Joalyn talla ui tnattli,. „ld court house was orected in 1WM, hut the county Wgtory givcs the Jateas 1834. The flrst jall wiserecled In iom, on what was known as " the old jan square," oow oceupied by hand-fome "esidences, but the o!d oöurt bouge toni town to glve place to the present strucr„e! w,aa bui" but 53 years ngo, accord'ng to that record Vacation sijjns don't stay on house long tliia year. The Co. A boys marched hoiue fron camp yesterday witli sunburncd faces. II. Kittredge expects to rebuild lil llvery and sale atables recently burned. The thereinometer went down to 80 recently, over which there was genera rejoicing. J. T. Sullivan eziects to build thre cottages on liis State Street lots north o North street. Wines & Worden brag a good dea about their great clieap cut sales the; liave instituted lately. ïlonday a young "kid" was reseuec trom drowning in the race near Swift' mili, just in the uick of time. "Saline was incorporated In 1800, and re-incorporated in 1877." Vo knew about this item last week, but forgot it. An eclipse of the sun takes place Aug. 18th. Don't feel so jolly about it, for only the Chinese can have the benefit of it. Dr. A. J. Parker, of the medical class of '82 has been nppointed nssistant sureeon of the 11. C. R. II. at hls home in Caro. It is understood that a new 10,000 residence is to be ereoted on the lot on the southeast corner of Fifth and E. Washington sts. In the circuit court, on August 4th, a decree of divorce was granted Elizabeth Haum against John Y. Bautn, on the usual charges. Co. A had 42 members in camp, which averaged well with other companies. When they returncd home the band met them at the depot. There is a lot of rubbish left in the street from putting in the drinking fountains on Huron st. It ought to have been carted off a long time ago. The Ann Arbor Coürier has been designated by tlie Auditor General as the paper to publish the tax sales for Washtenaw county tliis year. Mrs. V. A. Brown has purchased of Mrs. Barber the vacant lot next east of Ingall st., on the north side of Huron, and wlll at once have a fine house erected tbereon. Tliere are about twenty maple trees on State street alone which have died by reuon of the drought. If rains do not dcsiind bcfore long, our once beautiful shadcd streets will be denuded of trees. A certa in lady in the eastern part of tlie town offers to carpet her horseblock for a certain youne couple, providing llii'V will agree to vacate at 12 o'clock, itandard timp. She thinks that is late enough for auybody. A couple of fisherman caught nine speckled trout la Mallard Creek, a few miles east of the city, a day or two since, :wo of which weigued two pounds each. The law says no speckled trout can be caught alter September lst. If yon will take pains to note the date ¦f the silver half and quarter dollars lassing Uirough your hands you will note hat fully one-half of all of them are dated 1875 or 1876. The coinage those years must have been immense. This s the way an exchange puts it : 'The man who would order a newspaper topped thrimgli a postinaster when he U n arreara for the same can not be trusted lear n chteken coop. It is a cowardly way of refiisiug to pay an honest debt." We understand that the farmers along he line of the T., A. A. & X. M. K. H. residing ia the township of Ptits.'leld, vlio have suffered from the burning of fences, wood, etc, by reason of passing mina, are to combine and bring suit itgainat the company for the loss. A letter from one of our respected citizens at Bay View signing himself E. H. 3 , breaks "forth in poetic strains as folows : How -wiM-i to lle beneath the shade And qunff llie conllng lemonade, And feel the Ipstlve IlltleanUi Crawl stowly up your nummer pauta. "You may think it is hot tliis year, but ust wait until a year from now,"8aid a utll-known court house politician to ye cribe when the thermometer murkeil 97 innging on tüe cold stone pillars on tlie north ilde of the C. H. Wliich is the (irst oie boding we have liad of the coming jeneral election. A Mr. Watts, of Ann Arhor.was riding on a my-rake ft few days ago. He dldn't go off on iis t', ir, hut a buinble-hee dtd, and llke all mzzera lpft a stlng behlnd.- North Lake Cori 'sjiondcnt of the Dexter Leader. Now our North Lake friend should teil us what Watts. It is cruel to keep a stinger in Watts so long. Will you be nore (xplicit. A very pleasant party was had at the lome of John Itobison (colored) of the il'tli ward, on Wednesday evening of last reek. The occasion was made very lljüwnt by thn presence of Mra. H.'s notlier, Mrs. Margaret Taylor, of Laning. The 21 Huron cornet band serekaded the party during tüe evening. The candidatos for the position of secretary of the county board of school examiners are numerous. As far as ascerained the list i as follows : Mrs. Adele M. Garrigues, of Ann Arbor; Martin J. Cavanaugh, of Sharon ; Thos. W. Wall, of Northlield; Délos A. Townsend, of Saline; and H. L. Merrill, of Webster. Prlnter's ink can out-talk any salesman, out-argue any obstinate buyer. t can't be talked back to, and when lts opponent has expended every argument igainst the subject, comes up smiling every time wilh the same oíd statement, and finally leads him In tow, and willing o be convinced. Thafi why you adverIse. According to the annual report of the uperintendents of the poor, made last ruesday to the Secretary of State, 164 lersons have been maintained in the ounty house during the past nine months an average number of 89}. The exenseg of the poor house lor the past üne months have been $4,790.92, besides (il2.70 paid for improvements and $2,113.18 for the care of the insane. - Argus. The Flint Globe in a recent issue pubisbes a list of county fairs to be held hisfall, and puts down the Washtenaw county fair "at Ypsilanti, Sept. 27 to 30." 'Thanks, awfully, but don't cher know" hat the Washtenaw county fair isalways leid at Ann Arbor? There is a soit of listrlct fair held at Ypsilanti, we believe. l'hc Washtenaw County Fair is to be ïeld in this city Oct. -Uli, 5th, Oth and 7th. Tome over and see a (air as is a fair. Elizabeth Eaglesfield, the divorced vife of James M. Ashley, Jr., brings uit against her late husband for the payment of $100 every three months from nul alter the lirst clay of September, 88G, for a period of eighteen years. fhis amount he signed a written agreenent to pay she enyt, for the maineiMtnce of their child, Philip, now nbout seytn years of age, nnd he was also orlercd to pay the same by the court grantng the divorce. Prof. J. M. Schaeberle bas ncceptcd he position of Astrononier of the übservatory of the Univcrslty of California, and vill lcave for his new dutles about Sept. st. The observatory of which Prof. Jchaeberle is to have cliarge is the famons Liick observatory, localcd on Mt. Haniilon, soine S,(K)O feet nbove the sea leve], and 27 miles by roml trom San José, with whicli plací; it is conneeted by telephone and otberwlM. The University of Caliornia Ih locatcd at llerkley, about 75 niles (listant. TIip (eteKOpe in tlie Lick bsei viitory is the largest in the world ind lms heen öome ten or twenty yoar.s in imistniction. Whlle wu congratulate .Jrof. Schacbeile and the L'niversity of alifornia, upoo their good fortune, it is to be regrettiiil that su worthy a person nul go oarneit a student should be peraltted to leave our own University.