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Rev. E. A. Spence is down f rum Sagina w. Dr. Krehbeil's family are visiting in BufValo, N. Y. W. W. Wines went to Detroit yesterday on business. Mrs. Geo. Douglass is visiting frieiuls at Orcliarü Lake. Z. Koath left Monday for a weck's stay at Mackinac. Míe. Andrew Safe, of Manchester, is visiting triends here. W. H. Pottle, of Manchester, is a visi tor in the city to-ilay. Miss OUie Paul left last week for her home in Forest, Ohio. Mrs. N. 1?. Heers is visiting friends in Detroit for a few days. S VV. Beakes is visiting at his olil home in New York thls week. Miss Ediih Phillips, of Toledo, is visitiug old li iends in the city. Warren Wadhama visited his mother at Mt. Pleasant last week. Will Saunders, dent. '87, went last week to lócate in Manistee, Mich. Mrs. Wm. 15. Ciildart and children visted friends in this city last week. Rev. H. Plueddeman rejolccs in the advent of another boy at his home. Prof. Volney M. Spaidlng and wife ett last Monüay for New York City. Mrs. Bert Tremaine, of Cleveland, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas. K. Bach. Mrs. H. Rand.iU is visitiug friends in Jacksou and Euton Kapids this week. Louis Lutz, of J. T. Jacobs fc Co., eaves Friday for a ten days' vacation. Miss Ituth Kapp has been visiting at ur uncle's, Dr. Kapp's, in Manchester. Dr. J. C. Wood and wife leave Monday for a Lnke trip to Mackinac, Duluth, etc. Miss Julia L. Carutliers spends her vacation with lier parents in Tallmadge, Ohio, Ezra Bowtn tf lis us thnt he is going to Texas this week to visit friendl for a time. Dr. D. A. McLachlau and wife will visit relativos and friends in Ilolly, m-xt week. Mrs. Albcrt Dennick, of Detroit is visting Mrs. John Lindenschmidt, on 5th treet. I.B. Bent returned Saturday from au ex ended western trip, bavlng had a glorioü s time. D. C. Fall's fnn.ily expoet to return rom Camp Comfoit, at Whitmore Lake, his week. Miss Nellie Duryea, of Detroit, is the guest of Miss C. J. Reul, of this city, for a few days. Piof. B. E. Nichols has gone to Adrián o attend the Teachers' Institute now in ession there. Prof. Cady expects to leave the city rnday for Bay View going vla Chicago ml Milwaukee. A. L. Noble añil family luwe been out t the lake and to the state ene impmetit uring the weck. John V. Sheehan and Thomas D. Ivcarley lelt Mouday morning for a wcek's tay at Mackinac. Geo. C. Witherby has been to Chicago, 2au Claire, Wis., and elsewhere on busiess for i few days. Miss Mary L. Wood leaves for Milwuu;ee, Wis., next Friday to remain permaicntl v us a teacher. Miss Brama Hayley goes to Northvllle, 'ontiac, etc., Saturday to visit friends 6r a couple of weeks. Mis. Amanda Wood left Friday tlieHh 0 visit her daughter Mrs. Will Finnoy, near South Bend, Ind. Ed. L. Seyler and Martin Belser, of iiis city, acconianied by Hobcrt Traub, f Detroit, are camping at Portage. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Campbell, of Moenci, have been visiting Mrs. C'sbrother, [ortoii Uryan, during the week past. II. Handall went to Chicago S.iturday, to atteud the National convention of phoographers belug held there tliis week. Fred Gakle sets iip the cigars to the oys now - a daughter Sunday- f he oesn't offer you onejust ask him for it. Mrs. Gllbert Bllss daughter Birdie and on Beunie are going to the soiuh shore f Portage Lake, in coinpany with a arty from Detroit for a few days campng. J. Sprague spent Saturday and Sunday with his daughter Mrs. O. K. Williams, 1 Milán, from whenee he went to Bellcille. Miss Jeuuie Van Woriner of Monroe, was a very pleasant visitor among several f her frieuds in this city HM lalter part f last week. Misses Susie and Mary Moore have one to Indlanapolis, Ind., to visit tlieir rother Fred A. Moore, who is ass't chief pcrator in the Weítern Union ofllce ol lat city. Prof. W. 11. Fettee has gone to New "ork City, accompauied by Mis. Pettee, i attendance upon the sessions of the American Association tor the Advaucement of Science. Rev. II. Palmer of Lima, was a pleasnt caller at thls olllce this a. in., on his vay to tlie M. E. camp meeting at Belleille, under the muuagement Of Dr. Mc;idowney, of Detroit. I'rof. C.irhart is in New York vitsitin: is parents and frieuds and attending the essiou of tlie American Association for he Advancement of Science, now in ession in New York City. Artliur Sweet, Clurk Hawes, Fiank {iown, of tliis city, and Water Green, f Alma, stnrt nuxt Friday in two sailboats down the Huron, bound for L ikeide, Ohio, to be gone two weeks. A letter from J. B. Heal received toay reports hiinself iu company with kir. and Mrs. J. J. Goodyear at Beach laven, New Jersey, one of thu fumous valerlng place resorts of tlie Atlantic uast, and having a fine time. We see by the Coldwater Kepubliciin hat Mr. Freü. J. Schleede, of this city s contemplating removing with his biudery to ColdwaUr. We wish Fred sucess in his new field. Jerome Freeman lias rompleted his house 011 Ful Ier street, and it is a fine looklng residcnce. ' It is asserted that M. J. Bourke, the scwiug machine man, has gone to Port Huron to visit hls family. A. T. Bruegel lias bought the place corner of Packard and Fifth 8ts., and will erect a now house thereon. The School Board did not meet last night on account of the absence of several members of the board from the city. Will probably meet next Tue6day night. On Monday last, Eü.a J., wlfe of Jas. Allen, of Ann Arbor towoship, died 'fit cousumption, aged 55 years. Funeral services will be held to-morrow from residence on the River road. Thos. Ilotchkins of the 5th ward, died August Cth, 18S7, aged 68 years 8 months, of peritonitis. Funeral services were held yesterday from the family residence. Mr. Hotchklns had been i resident of the city many years. On Wednesday Aufc. 24th, the Saline Workingmen's Associatioa Is to give a dance, picnic and jeneral jubilee, at Basset'? grove, in that place, assisted by the Salina Band. Mr. August Gierschke of Detroit, is orator of the day. Maiy, widow of the late Hogers Matthews, of the second ward, died August Stli, aged 70 years, G months, of paralysis. The deceased was a native of Buckinghamshire, Kimlanil, and had lived in tliis city a half ceutury. Funeral service werc held Sunday. The council of the city of Ann Arbor tender to President Cleveland and his uniabto wife au invitation to vNii our city on their western trip. We should all be glad to entertain a live president mul show him the Chinese collection and Gov. Luce's $35,000 laboratory. Parties in tlie 2d ward are laying out iheir property witli reference to opening a new street parallel to and slxleen rods south of W. Washington st., with a view of running said new street from W. Third st. to Jewett st. Several parties are contemplating platting ground in the vicinity. The hinges on the back doors of the saloons are said to have comnienced swinging lively again on Sundays. It might be a pions thing to remember the re8ults of the list election. It was the total disregard for law by some that caused the general desire to try an impracticable law in the hopes of bettering the condltion of things. A man by the name of G. W. Madwig, of Mauitou Island, died August 5th, and was buried in Forest HUI Cemetery. He left a wife and family In Copenhagen, Denmark, but had been a lighthouse keeper on Manitou Island for several years. He canie here to be treated, but was beyond medical ald. The concert to be given by the Pliilharmonic Club of Detroit, Miss Wood and Miss Caruthers, pianista, Miss Ella Joslyn, of New York, contralto, and Mr. Wni. Yunck solo vlolinist, occurs tomorrow, Thureday evening at Hobart Hall. Adniission will be 35 cents. It is to be loped that there will be a good attendance. It is said that tlie water works company lave ordered auother boller and another ramp, which will make two complete sets, su that if one breaks down the city will ïot be without water or firo protection. Wliich is a correct tliing to do, for there s no qnettion (rat that the water company ihs luid itself Hable more than once to he city for non-compliance with conract. One of tlie lurgest excursions going out of tliis city for many a day left yeserday mornlng for Detroit and a ride on tbe river. There were thirteen car loads of excursionista numhering about 1,000 ers-oiis. Of this nuuiber Dextor contri)uted about 150. The excursión was given by the united Sunday Schools of he city and was a grand success. The berry business as shown by the )ooks of the American Express Company kis been quite a business this year. Com, mencing with June 27, when one bushei . was shipped, op to the present d.ite, ' hete were 2,006 bushels of berries handled at the Ann Arbor office, going argoly to Detroit, though some went to ' Toledo and East Hugiuaw. The largest [iiautity shipped in any one day was I79J4 bushels on July Iltli. Mr. Ames ' ays the figures vary but little from last ] ¦ear's shipnients. . And now we've got a snakc story. Last Prlday niglit a lady was passing a house on Second street, near Ann street, when ' 0 her horror shc espied ¦ nionstrous i lack snake coiled Bp under a window. 1 With a cry full of fear she cal led to a ady who was sitting by the window in he eecond story directly above the repj ,ile. The lady looked down and grew ale a9 she suw the horrid thing lylng In ' he grass. But her presence o( mind lidn't desert her, and as there was a man ( n the house she appealed to hlm for asI istance. He responded, and with a club approaclied tlie "varmint." Stealing . oftly up he hit t a powerful blow, and he biiake jumped up about two feet at 1 i in, and as the blow was repeated some of the polsonous Huid from the enraed ] reptile's mouui struck tlie man on the i ace, and wasquickly wiped away. ' ng the club he had, another, much ' vier, was procurcd, and a ylscious blow truck, at which his gnakeship sprang iuo the air farther than ever, and gave a , oud hiss and rattle. A fbot or two disant another snake was noticed, and the ] mm explained that where one gnake was 1 O be found another wa3 always near at . land; they went in pairs. Just ut tliis , )oint a bright light secmed to shine in i he eye of tlie lady of the house, a smile carne to her lieretofore pallid face, and she went in-doors, from whence peal 1 iuon peal of laughter was soon heard. 1'Ik' other lady joincd her anü the laugher increased. Tlie poot man, left so mddenly alone with both the snakes, Hdn't see anytlung to laugh at, hikI started in to kill the poiaonous reptiles or ( mow the reason why. Just as he was about to strike another ktlllnff blow he ' stepped upon soniething "snakey" and a Itream of water siurted out a few 'eet ahend of him. He looked down at lis feet, examined more closoly the ene ny lic was lighting, sudilenly dropped lis club iind departed. Ho didu't come lome tliat night, nor the two days followng, but on the third day thereafter a trayman catne after his trunk and property - he had chauged boarding houses. This is a true story. No rlghts reserved. It Ann Arbor people ciinnot nflbrd t boom the city, it will have to go un boom cd. Tlic infant cliikl of Mr. Beek, of tb 2d ward, whose mothcr was buried re centlj-, dicd öuuday. It takes about lifteen minutes toget cup full of water at the drinking foun tain. A largor strcnin sliould bc tunici on. Tlic new depot of tho T., A. A. & N M. U. H., Mr. Wales tells u.=, will bc commenccd very soon, and tliere will be a grand transformaron scene in tbat sec tion of the city. Jolin Schnelder, Jr., bas tried three monthg to run the Union Hotel withou a bar, and has found it impossible to makt it pay. He will open tbe bar again. Tomatoes in Detroit are quoted at 70i3 90c per bushel. Here in Ann Arbor tlit consunipr has to pay 5 cents per lb., or about $3.00 per bushel. But tben, our tomatoes are classic, you know. That's extra. We re8pectfully commend the report o Dr. Breakey, our Health ofücer, to tlic Council, and ask our readers to peruc the same. It will be found in the Couuci proeecding3, and is au abb and sensible document. Walter Booth, son of Nelson Bootb ol this city, has slgned as catcher of Ibe Petoskey base ball club, and is dolng good service for tbat Indian named organization. Since going up there he lias been mude captain of the team, and writCI that in the games played bis percentage is 500. It was rumored in the city yesterday that Richard McDonald, of Northfleld, upon returning home from Whitmore Lake witb bis family Sunday, found bis liouse, barn and farm buildings burned to the ground. But as near s we can learn a passing engine set lire to some grass on the Toledo road about l'í inile.-i south of the Lake Sunday, and burncei to witbin a few rods of the buildings of Patiick McDonald, and but for the quick work of a fiw neighbors would have bnrned said buildings down.