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Tiití's Pilis stlmnlntos llie lr;il livor, str. ni;lti. natbedljfestlveoryaaa, rcKuluics tuo bonein, umi ure unequuled us au ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. ¦ n malaria 1 ilistrlclN luir irincs are itlely raroiciiizcil. un i liej possess !- ii lm r .i(.m i 1 i) - in trvviiiK I si stlin I rom tlia i poiooii. I liunrl) snKur coalt'll. I-. sinali. l'riie, 25ft. Sold Every where. Office, 44 Bfoxray Hu, New York. BEAL ES1A1E ano MÚRAME AGENOY. J. 0. A. "SESSIONS. A.TTOKNKY AN'I) XOTAÜV PUBLIC Koal Bátate sohi or rented and rent colleotad 'n raaaoDabla term. Nonc bul 'iiil uiul Hrat-class Insurance Oompsniea repraaeated- wiih Insurance mitui oí' íhi.khi.ikhi. Batea as low as any other nsaranoe oom pan; and losse promptly pald. Offloeover Amerioao Kxpress omoe, Hala si reei . nn Arhor. Micli. I'AI T caí) Uveat home.and maku more moiiey at l'l I wcirk Tor as, iliun tí aiivlliintr etoe In thlx I ill world. 'iiMtul nut needed; yoa are yJ 9J starled Trei'. Buth aexrs ; allanes. Any one can do ttie work. Lare earnina eure froin irt. Ontt; outiit and terms free. Bettor not dchiy. Costa yoa nolhini; to wend us your udilrcns and flr.d oat ; if yon ari' wise you w'lll do so at once. II. H i,lktt A Co.. Portland. Mttine. TRAVEL VIA IrKTMflB íl Thr0"9h Trains tolth D'ming II 'n ITI ars 'w"'"w Palace Steep[llTIl lUll II "'' Carj, Modern Coaches. ¦MljJLJB Él Sure connections in Union I ' llniB II OePís a'. "s terminal polnts, H 1 1 1 I iflll ""' traína f rom and to tht ¦¦¦UBII f at. Weat, North and South. fVBBBH Cheapeat, Beat and Qulckeat Hjtífli II foute from Chicago, Peoría lmm 1 or St. Louis to DENVER, ST. PAUL, SAN FRANCISCO, IWINNEAPOLIS, OMAHA, PORTLAND, ORE. KANSAS CITY. ST. JOSEPH, CITY OF MEXICO, ATCHISON. F or Ticketa. Ratea, Mapa. 4c, applu to Ticket Agenté o) connecting linea, or addreaa T. J. POTTÉR, H. 8. STONE, PAUL MORTON. lat f. P. o. M. O. P. d T. A. „'"' ImnilKume Ilhmtrateii Burlington Route (lulde BH)k tend o.;e to the O. 1'. & T. A., Chicago. IU mm ' ;' ' I n D C? ITWC -- ' I Uívü ml. mK'1 THE superiorlty of Coralina over horn or wbalebone bas now been demonstrated by over six years experlence. It la more durable, inore pliablo, more comfortable, and NEVER BREAKS. The Immense sale of these Corseta U now over 7OOO dally. Beware of wortbless lmitatlona bonec' wlth varioua kinds of cord. None are genuino unless " Dr. War ner's Coralino" íaprintad on lnsidaof tbe eteel cover. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MEBCHAKTS.


Ann Arbor Courier
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