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BABY HUMORS AimI all Skin and Scalp IHseasos SmIily Cnred l ('iitlmrn. Onrliitle son wil I be tour jmn of w oa Ibe IStblnrt. In My, IHUi, heww itnckad wHb ¦ VMJ painlul hmikiiiK nut oí tllf i-klll. V. i' rallad In a physiclan who treated htm lor alom lour weekn. The chlld recelved Hule or no Rood Iroin the tteatmcnt, aa the brcnkliiK out, mpposrd by ttitr phyilctan 10 be blvm in U iircraTatcú forin, rxcame larirer In blotchea, and more and more ilitrc6sln({. We were ireqiiently obllxoi ti ir- op In tl e ulght and rnb hlm wlth soda In water struint linimento, cic. Ftnally, wb cailed other pnyslctnis, untll no iess than slx had atlcmpted lo cure him. all nllko 'alllnt', ni.d the chlld pteadlly (,'row lnc worse and vrone, untll about the 2Uth ol last jiily, hen e hi'Ktn to i_-lve htm CniruHA Htioi.vsNT Interim!!} , "d the Tutu uka lid UUTi(uka BOiPtxlernully.aod by 'he lusi ol Aujuit hu u so near y wcll tliat ¦ gav hlm n)y one done ol ihe Hk.siii.vkm aliont iv..-ry sic.ind duy for about ten daye louei.and he hae n ver let-n troabled Kínor 'wlth th horrible mslsdy. In n w iisei! lees than oue hall ! a huttle ol Cutlcura Hesolvrnr, a lltile lo than one box o. C'allcurn and only one cake of Calleara Soii. II. B. KYAN.CijriiKii. I-ivillnntonc Co., III. SuliMiTlhcd and hwnrn to be foro me thli fourth day o. .1 uuiiiry, 1887. C'. N. KOK. i. I'. SCORFDLOUS UUXORS. Last eprlng I wag very elck. belng covered w h ¦OBI kind of scrofula. The dociorn could not help me. I as advlsed to try the Cüticuba Ke9OI.VBNT. 1 dld wo, and In a day 1 jtrew beller and botter, nntil I am as well us ever. I ihaok jiou for it very uuch, and wuld ltke lo nave tt tola to the pnbllc. KDW. HOFMAN, North Altlelwro, Mas . SKIX DISEASES CÜRED. Mr. Frank McGluaka says that your Cutici'ra RsMDEniBa cuied hls boy of a Hkln diftease af" r aeveral doctors had failod to helu the boy. Uu spent over One llundred Dollars with doctors. Cuticura liemedift cured him. J. K. TirFAMT, I'leaaant Mount, I'n. Cutioura, thegroat skin cure, and Cuticura Soap prepared from II, externally, and Cvlicura ltttolvent the new blood purtller, Internally, are a poaitivecu e lor ivery fonu of sklu and blood dlsease from pimples to scrnfnla. 8old evorywhere. Prlce: Coticuba, 60 Cents; Resolvknt; èl.OO: Soap, '2.rcti. Prepired by I'ottkii Duin and i'miKii. Co., Boston. Mrmlli Umin Oarr U In HincawN pTTUri'l s, Illuckheads, Skin B:cniishcH, and X XJHL Itaby IluniorH, use Cuttcura Soap. A Word About Catarrh. It ts the muc us raembran", thit wouderful scml Huid onvelope snrro.indiu the delicate Ulsues of the air and food jftMÊgm, tint Catirrh ni-ikei lts stroni:li')ll. Once ootablished it eat nto tlie very vitale, and rendern ]i!e but a Ioriri rawn lireath of mlsery aod disease, dullint; the en-e of hearing, triimmellln the p #-er of speerh, deilroylot; ihe faculty of m ;11, talmiog the breati ard killini; the rcflaod picasares of taste. IneldiOQatT, by creopin? on from a imple Cold Ín the licnl, It aiisaults lli membrauous lltiin and eo ve ops the twnei", eitln;; throuh the delicite coats intd cHiisinir tnflammation, ploa?hlng and death. Nolliins; ptiort of total eradicatlon will secare healtf t the palient, and all alleviates are slmply procrast natea suffrlnsr leadlntr t-i a futjil termination. Sandfokd's KadicalCure, by Inhalatlon and by Inftrnal admlnietmtlon, Ims uever failetl : fftVfm when the dlsease han made frlhtiul tnroail in del cate c nelitntions. hearlnp. smell and tastes have ieen n covered, nud ihe ulseate thorouphly giren nul." Sasdf.h{I) ¦ Rmucal Ct'RE cons'sli of one bottleofihe Hadh-nl Cuir, onfl box Catharral Solvent, and oue Improved Inhalcr, i.eatiy wrnHperi In one packaen. Ith f uil dlrictlon : Prlce. $1.00. PO1TSK ÜHUQ A CUKMICAI. (.. HüSioN. MY BACK! MY BACK. jY IIKMKVKD IX ON K MIMTK sttP Aehiu k backn. hipt-, and lódet, kldney A n"'l(i uterlne pairs, weaktu ss an iiifUm7SV matlon. rh Ie. neunlgic scitic, sud i--den, sharp and nerveus pain-, cnnjrhi, Vrrr cold-and strains Kc lief In min me fty that new, orleinul, elegant hikI inlallliile auildotc to pain and inft immnfon. the iili-ii a ntl l'.iin Plaxter. 23c.' jl cm : al all "Inii-i-, or Potter driiL' and Clieinical Cj., Boston. WHITE BRONZE MÖNUMENTS Muníenísv; .- Státúarv. THE ABOVE GOODS CAN BE SEEN AT NÜ.53SOUTHMAINST., OPPOSITE KECK'S FTUNITURE STORE. BENJAMIN CULY, Agent B-Si w RUPTURE. tEGAN8 IMl'KRI.W, TIUISS. spiral Spring, gruiled Ironi 1 to (i ponndl in pressure. WORN DAY AM) MUHT, byan lnfant a weok oíd, oran adult SO yi'ars. J. ml les Trnases n perfection. Kiu'loseHtRiups fur testimuulalH of cures, etc. EOAN IMPERIAL TRUSS CO., AN.N AKKOK, HiOB. "$25,000.00 IN GOLD! WIU UK PAID FOB ARBÜCKLES' COFFEE WRAPPERS. 1 Premium, ¦ $1,000.00 2 Premiums, - 8500.00 each 6 Premiums, ¦ $250.00 " 25 Premiums, - $100.00 " 100 Premiums, $50.00 " 200 Premiums, - $20.00 " 1,000 Premiums, $10.00 " For fullparlKMilnrsaniIdiri-ollmis C'iivu lap in every poiunl of AttiH'CKi.Kg' C'offkk. t!Ml-lM d fT Tl fiiMi tri MN bnt tboM whn wrtt U I I SuuionACo ,1'ottUnd, Mln,will iccnr. I T I I II tit, f uil luformiitloD about work whlcb I I I I 'b7cD do. tod livflat bom,Uiftt wil) py VI J JlJU ihem froni f lo fB V' """ ''" rrni.l overJ.V!iii ft ilüj Eltbfir Fex. 7OtinK or eld. CftplUl Bot tiiilrf] You ftr0 tlrtrl fiee Thonfl bo Hart Bt ODO ut aijsululely aura uf fuu lillla Turtuoea. Ali la Dw.


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