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A i.AR(ii: MOttOO (T land ncir Golden Puiul, Ky., sanka half-doxeu feet during an earthquake 011 tho 2d. Thedistrnt Wl slowly llhing with water, and dwoüers on the land had been compcUed to move out. Nfau Ilomor, Mich , on Iho 21 Goorde Burtou shot aud killed his wife, irom whom ho had been leparatad, noxt fatally shot lus mother-ln-law in tho back of tho hi';i i, and thon blow out his own brains. A ukavv wind and ruin-storm on tho - 1 at Charleston, W. Va, blow down trees, unroofod larga buildings and wrecked small houses. Tho damngo to cropi in tho surroundlng country was hoavy. Jou.v Beali., thirteon years old, wbo has been in jall at Eaton, O., sovcral weeks for tho niurder of lus inothor, confossod tho crimo on the 2d. The lad olaimed at tho time of the tragedy that his inother had been killod by tramps. An eurtliiuakc shock was foltin portions of Illinois, Missouri, Tonnesseo, Indiana and Kontucky oarly on the morning of tho 2.1, but no serlous damage was done. The Indlans on the Millo Lucs reservation In Minnesota wore on tho 2d reported to be on tho war-pulh, aud serious troubla was approhended. To ixsuRB roceiving a copy of tho journal of proceoJlngs of the National Bduoa tional Associution, recently held in ( liicago, members aio requostod to notify the secretary, Junios H. C'antielil, at Lawronce, Kan., at onco, by postal card of thcir present addesses aud tucirdesiro to securo the volume. A col-sterfeit silvor dollar niado its appearance In Chiciigoon tho 2d. It is a beautiful]y-niiidü cola, with fuultless outUnes, a proper weight und a deceptivo ring. A novei.ty in strikes was reported on the 2d from Fulton, Mo., whero tifteen femalo nttendauts in the State insanc asylum stopped work on account of aa incroaso in thoir hours of labor. One of tho oldest Luthomn churches In the country was destroyed by UghtniUg on the 2d at Xtoiichsburg, P.i. The edifico datad from 1743. Sevexteex prostrations from hoat occurred on the Sd In UhioagO, aud sixteen, were reportod in New Yorlt. Advices of the Sd say that tho recent election In the ( herokee Natlon, Indiau Torritory, resultad in iho overthrow of Chief BushyliiM i's part, which had long been in power. Tur. lwo babea of PhUUp Littlo, a minor In California Qulch, Col., were burnod to death In tlieir futher's cabin on the 2i. At New Brunswick, N. J., on the 2d a hvrrioane, acoompanied by tho heaviest rainfall m many years, did tnuch damage. buildings were struok by lijjhtning. A law designed to prevent girls under (ha ae of flfteon years from begging or peddltng wat on the 21 admitted to tho statutc-books of Massuchusetts. DruiNii tlio inoiith of July there was a net deorease oí 16,668, 748 in tha cash in tho Treasury and a net mcrease of $4,047,133 in the cirrulation. A TKitnmc rain an.l hall-ltorlB and oyclono oocurrod on Cha 2d near ICnobsvlUo, l'a., Leveling troea and iinnvmg crops. Advili:s oï the 2d say that durin; the recent election In Keutucky a Jttght occurred m t'lay County, iu which six meu were Itilleii. George W, Kei. i. is. Ju., reaohtd Ban Francisco on the 3d from New York, having made the trip on a bicycle. He left New Vork May 24, averaging flfty miles a day. At Evansville, Ind. , fire on ths 'Si destroycd $250,000 worth of property, principally lumber, on wtticb there was $100,000 Insurance. At a meeting at lSath on the 8d of the trustees of the New York Soldiers' and Sailors' Homo Treasurer Robie was oustd, his books showini; a shortage of f9,000, wliieh his friends uould make good. Fobest Bres were raiig on the 8d around Howard City, Tustin, Cadillac, South Boardman and othcr points in Michigan. Considerable damage had been done to crops and timber and fences. A necklace of oleven human tlngers, captured from a Cheyenne Indian in 187Ö, was received at the War Department in Washington on the 3d. Each flnger represents a life taken by the savagd. Bix laborers wero killed and ono dangerously injurad at Minneapolis on the 3d by the ialling of one of the walls of the recently burned St Anthony ele vator. A cbazt Irishman tried on the 3d to blow up the British steamer Queea in New York harbor. The lare manufacturing house of Fazor & Jones, at Syracuse, N. Y., was burued on the 3J. Loss, over Í10Ü.0J0. Ths drought was on the 3d causing stock men to sacrifico thoir cattle, and they were arriving in Chicago with a rush, tho bulk going at extremely low prices. The street-cmr employés of the United States and Canada on the 3d, at Buffalo, N. Y., perfected the formation of an International Association under the auspices of the Knights of Labor. A gano of unión sailors attacked nonunlon men on a schooner at Toledo, O., on the 3d, and in the battla William Colton was fatally shot. The Illinois Llve-Etock Commlssioners on the Bd reported that pleuro-pneumonia among cattle in the State had been stamped out. At Bunker HUI, Ind., on tho 3d four desperadoes boarded a train and rescued one 3f their gang from Deputy Sheriff Stanley, of Logansport, who was taking his prlsoner to that city. John Ladneb, of Bay St Louis, La., in a fit of jealousy on the 3d fatally beat his wife and then killed himself. The two children of Henry Waneer, of Belleville, 111., were killed by lio-htning on the 3i. Daniel Desmond, a salesman for lie Boutillier Brothers, dry-gooJs merchant of New York, was arrested on the 3i for embezzling $12,000 from his employers. At a large meeting of colored citizens at Joston on the 8d resolutions were adopted rotestlng against the passage by the Jeorgia Legislatura of the bill prohibiting ho attendance of white and of black tuplls at the same school. Lionard Boyd, chargod with murdoring ils wife, was taken from the Jail at New)ort, Ark., on the 3d and lynched. A fire, supposed to have been caused by ncendiaries, dostroyod a considerable portion of the business district of Clarksburg W. Va., on the4th. RETREsniNo rains feil on the 4th in 1111nois and Indiana, doing tho crops a world of good. Farmers wore hoping for an average yield. At Baltimore on the 4th Mrs. Prajak, a Bohemian woman, drowned her baba in a bath tub, and then cut her own throat. A wind storm on the 4th demolished a number of buildings and injured maiiy people at Coryville, a suburb of CincinaU Twentt-two buildings in the business portion of Bowling Green, O., wure deHroyei by flre on the 4thu At Tam pa. Fia., thirty-llvo bul firma ore burned out on tholtli. 175,000; laiurance, l, ],U!ci: trfcotl .-I pasturaga in Graad] County, III., hal on the 4th boen de stroyel by 11 ro. Tlio fenOM had also been burned. A nKK-Kc'Tri.K n Kahr's browory nt GrOAD Hay, Wis.1 exploded on tho 4th sealdint; seveu men, six of wboin diod o tli 'ir injurie. Tuk American tishing boat Gold Dusi was seized on the 4t li by a Canadian cruiscr for vlolatlon of tho customs lawa, At Baltlmore, Md. on the 4th a flro doatroycd Mhhoii & fckm's oraoksr bakery Liobraiult, IfcD iwell & Co. 's stovo factory nni other buildings, cnusing a loss o teOO.OOO. Ciiicf Knglnoer Horrick and an other llreman were killed. Ir a druiiken qunrrel on the 4tU at La fayette, Ind., Duniel fntally injurod li is wife and killei John Muckossoy. Tizas fever was sproading on tho 4th among ca Ulo at New Lonox and Florones, DL, and farmers woro losiug heavily. At Wooster, O., on the 4th Austin McQlenen llrod live shots at Miss Jlatilda Weidrich, a young lady of twcnly-two years, who rofused to lot him kiss her. She wtll recover. 1t was reponed In Chicago on the 4th that the stirrounding country was in es al danger from lires. The long-con tinued drought had reducod buildings to tho dryncss of tindor, and largo areas o! vegetation WAM in not niuch botter conditlon. Fcil'r persons woro suffocated on the 4th by the burning of a home noar Dayton, O. Tiru 'xth attompt in six montas was made on tbe 4th to burn tlio office of tho Zeitung in Now York City. Jumaa Cuaig, of tho Illinois Suprema Court, said en lüe 4tli that uo statement had boen made to any ono in regard to the result of tho case of tho Chicago Aliarchists now pending In that court. Tuk atelllon Norwood Chief, valuod at Uil, OJO, feUdead at Elmira, M. Y., on the 4lli. Mat, Mahv Wii.som and her two children wero struck by an engiuo in Chicago on the 4th while, crossing the track, and tha Hiildren woro killed and the mother fatal ly injnred. Kdiii (rcenwood. Va., on tho 4th a coacta and two sleopers of an expresa train were thrown from the track, ainl tho baggage-master was beheaded and a dozen passeniiers wero badly woundod. It was annonncod on tho 4th that the lossos of the buil clique at San Francisco, who had been manlpulating the wheal market, would bo belwecn JÖ.IOJ.ÜOO and ti;.K,ooo. A whit of error was on the 4th grantnd by Assoriato Justice Millcr, of the United States Buprenft Court, in the caso of Urooks, tho St. Lciuis mtirdorer. wlioso exeiution had boen fixed for the 2l'th inst. Ateiiiiifio wind -storm on the Stb at Hastian, Neb., did great damaga to outhuildings, shade trees, telephone and tclegraph wirei and growing crops. Fivk tatal oaM O1 ann-troite woro reportod on the 5th at Pittsburfrh, I'a.. where, with a liuinid atntosphere, üh' lln-rmouieter registerd 93 degroea. FitANK Henky. aoarpenter, feil l'X) fee( from the steeplo of the naw s:. Uary'l Catlmlie Churoh at Furt Vayne, Ind., on the 5".h. and was kill' I. Eaui.ï on tbemorning or tho 5th lereral vándala gaine l admitianoa to tli" oompouing-room of tho Indianapolis ücii'iiicl and piel all llie tyiio in tlio casos and matter in the forms. The St. James and Eustcrn l.oiels at Duukirk, N. Y., wero dastroyed by an mcendiary lire on tlie 5th. Loss, 175,000 A TiioLSAND men were idle on the 5th In consjqueuco of a tiro In the Calumet and Heela minu at Houihton, Mlch. A wind and hall-storm on the 5th r.ivaged coru ü "lds in the BVUtbern nortion of Carroll County, In 1. 'ir, es were leveled and banu wero unroofed. By the capsizing of a ploasure steamer on tho 5th at l.a ie Manawa, Ia., livo persons lost their livos. Heavï rains foll in and throughout Kansas on tli 3 5th, and farmers woro male glad, as much of the lato coru will be saved. Fouk little childron wero fatally scalded on tho 5th uoar Etna, Pa., by an explosión of coal-oil. ¦inr. trial of the Cook County (Hl.) "boodlers" closod in Chicago on the 5th with a verdict of guilty against all of tho di'feii lants, the jury ttxing tho punishmeut of Leyden, Oehs, Van Feit, Wasserman, Varaell, Wreu and McClaughry at two years' niprisunnient, and imptsing a fino of $l,0OJ each upon Cassolmau, (ioiit, MeCarthy and üliver. Eleven uu.vdhed workmen were on the 5th busily BnHajtti re building Marshfleld, Wis., which waa almost deitroyei by lhj June 27. WiLFoitD Wooukupp, prjsidont of tho twelve apostles of tho Mormon Church, issucd an address on tho 5th in which he assumes charge oí the Mormon Church. Mii.i.iiitOüK, Kan., a placa of five hundred inhabitants, was ruined by a windstorm on the 5th. Bat ono house in the town esc aped being damaged. A boy was killed and twenty-five othur persons were wounded, none fatally. Theuk wero 168 business failures in the UnitoJ Statosduring theseven days ended on the 5tn, against LOS tha previom soven days. Foib men wero killei and several injured on the 5lh by tho falling of fllty tons of rock in tho Casoadei tunnel being built by the Northern Pacific railroad at Ellensburg, W. T. Slits. WrixiAM Keun-, of Elkhart, Ind., went to her door on the 5th in ansvver to a knock. Some friends stood thero, and In the excitement of greetine them sho feil dead at their foet. Heart-disease was the cause. Thb sloop Sara and tho steamer Valle were reported on the 5th as lost in the gulf of California. The two vessels had eighty people on board, all of wliora wero supposed to ba lost Wilmam J. McUamqle, it was said, was seen to leave Queboc on a stoamer bound for Gibraltar on the 5th. Crown Prosecutor üreeiishields, who att. nipt ¦ I to arrest him on tho Baxter warrant, said ho acted in the matter for tho Washington authorities. Statements to the effect that the salmón catch this yoar will be light have been verifiod. A canvas of tho oannories on the Colunib a river, Oregon, showed on the öth a total of 325.4ÖJ cásea, 30J.0OO cases loss than lastyear. The story of trouble among tlvo Mille Lac Indians in Minnesota was pronounced untrue on tho 5th by the son of the agent at White Earth reservatlon. THOU3AXD3 of acros of land in Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana had been burned over on the 5th. The drought was unprecedented. Men wero organizad as fireiighters and womon were oltorlng prayers for rain. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Rev. William Hazen, 1). V., of Boston, a prominent Baptist minister, feil dead while walking the street in that city on the lst He was soventy-nine years old. A bii.l which makes it a penal offonse to teach whito and colored children ia tho ¦ame scbool pasud thg Georgia L'glsloture on the 2 i. H. W. Wjlkiss, editor of the Wnltehnll ., iin-ii at (VhltehaU, N. Y , on tb alter ¦ few honra' Illneaa, COtOSBL BDWABD BOBIfimOX, i t "i tlgressinan from Loulslana, diol ut It.iton Rogne "" tl"' '-' li -'''! itxty-four years. The Mnryland Prohlbitloniata met la Si. it" convontion on the 9d kt ( ion au l uominated n foll Btate ticket, wiih Buminertie! I Ualdwin, of lialüinoro, for Govcrnor. NW Voiik Ropublirans wlll mJ!t in Slate convention at Baratoga 83pt3inbor 14. 'J'im National CtrU-Bervloe Itcfortn League met In animal sestlon at Nowport, on tho 8il umi re-elected deorge Wiiiiiun Curtti president The lattor, in lus aildress, erittOiaëd Hie condoct "f the Administraron touchlng appointments to ofttee, remarking tliat it was Bot, In any slrii-t si-nso or the worJ, a Sorvico reform Ailministration. Tuk New York Democratie Btate conven tiiin luis I) -on culleci to moet at Saratoga August M. Jnsr.iMi H. EUnrcT (rolored), ex-Congressman, dicd at Georgetown, S. U., oa tho 3d. Tuf. death of Vico Consul General John B. Miller, nt Rio de Janeiro, was reported to tlio State Dapartaeot at Washington on tlie 4th. Ho. Allen' FraiCCIs, ünlted States Consul at St. Thomas, O;it., died on tho tth, nged seveiity-ix yeurs. "Uhankma" Tykk, the oldost person in the Wabash vulloy, oèlébrated h ir one hundreth birthday on tho 4th at Wabasu, Ind. Ia New York City on the 4th tho County ('mntnittee of the Unltei Labor party deridod that no Socialist is entitled to mombership. Texas voted on the 4th on several aniiMidinents to the State constitution, all of which wore successful exoept that in favor of prohibition, whioh was defeated by uearly 5),U0J majority. TnE death was announced on the 5th of Pardaw Warsley, the "Union Spy of the Bhenandoah," at his home at Foster Brook, N. Y., at tlio age of slxty-seven ycars. FOREIGN. James Baxteh, a welHtnown ünancial broker of Mjntrjal, sworo out a warrant on the 21 for the arrest of William J. MoGarigle, charging htm with conspiracy, the causo of action datinjback to the tima hou the boodier was chief of pólice of Chicago. A FiHB on tho 2d in Slontreal, Can., made lifty famlliw homeless. At Nauklng, China, a plague of sudden death was raging on the 8d, and the mortality was fearfuL R one thousand lives were lost by r 'cvnt fiools at Chu Chou Fu, on the Wenihow river, in China. Kiiunv-EionT persons were recently summarily executod near Shanghai, China, for belonging to secret societies. The population of China is 88'2,0OO,OO0, as Bgalnst 413,(X)),0UJ at the time of tha la-t i'i'iiaus. 1'Mii.ipiE Xavieu Tehssier, the eminent French soldier anJ statesman, died i I' iris on the 31, at the age of seventyiivo ye;irs. ten thousand doaths from cholera pocurrad in tho last six months in Chili. A FiHE on the3d on the outskirts of Essox Coutor, OuL, spread and consumed overy tinne on an área three miles long b}1 halt a mile in width, including two dwfllings. It was announced on the 4th that faulty management had caused $400,000 of tha money of the London (Ont ) Investmont Association to disappoar. Cliarles Murray, the manager, had left Many poor people WOnld suffer. At a moeting at Toronto on the 5th. the Executive Committeo ot tlie Central Farmers' Instituto of Ontario declared themselvcs in favor of unrestrlctod reo iprocity with thi United Staten. Four tiiol'sand men on the Midland railroad in England struck on the 5th. Mediterkanean porta on the 5th established a quarantine against Malta, whora cholera prevailed. LATER NEWS. lun record oí tho base-ball club m tns National Leaguo for the week ended on th 5lh was as follows: Detroit (gauies won), 49; Chicago, 46; Boston, 43; New Yorlc, 44; Philadelphia, 4'J; Wasluugtoo, BO; Pittsburgh, 29; lndianapolis. 23. In a quarrel on the Gth at Nashville, Tenn., over two cents, Green Foster stabbed William Ferguson to death. liEi'oiiTs on the Gth from various sections in Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin showod that copious rains had prevailud aml that crops wore greatly luiproved. Kor.r.uT M. McLane, United States Min. ister to Franco, arrivod at New York un the 7tli. Alpüius Hardt, of Boston, died in that city on the 7th. He was president of tlie Detroit, Lansing & Northern railroad, and v;i9 noted for his benevolence. ABehlin dispatch of the Sth says the late Alfrod Krupp bequeathed $25),000 to his employés. Hii son Frederick had added tl5),000to this for the people of Essen. Wiiitei.y's cnormous drap ry and general wjirehouscsln London wora destroyed by flre on the Cth, jausing a loss of $1,250,009, with no insurance. Eieht porsons were killed by falling fifty feet and other were injured. Fierce prairie tiros were rafilng on ttieïth north of Hammond, Ind.. just over the Initiiiui line, and much damago had boon done. At Milwaukee on the 8th two hundrd peoplo were thrown into tho water by the oollapsc of a coal-shed on whlch they firora standing to sce the launching of a new rteamboat, and young men were killed and thirty other persons were wounded. Th returns on the 6th from the recent Texas elcction indicatod the defeat of tho Prohibitiou amendment by ovor ÏOO.OÜJ votes. Nti:r Macnn, Ga., Captain Richard AVoolfalk, a tacmsr, his wife, four children, and Mrs. West, an aunt of Mrs. Woolfalk. werd found deaJ in their houso ontheüilt with the;r throats cut. Tom Woolfalk, a son of tho captain by a former wife, was under arrest A white frost coverod tho pround ia the vicinity oí Wellsville, N. Y., on the morning of the 7th. Amos Reed, at one time Actlng-Governor of Utah, died on the 7tli at his ome near Branchville, Md., aged sixty-four years. A TERitiFic storm struok tho town of Franklin, O., on the 6th, and a portion of the place was inundated and an oil-tank of üfteen thousand barrels was dostroyod by lightning. A HHOE American bank with connoctions In England and Franco is to be eslablishod at the City of Mexico. At twenty-six lcadlng clearlng-houses in tho United States the exchanges during llio week ended on the 6th aggregatei 11,042,677,216, agalnst 1853,895,088, the previous week. As eompared with tho correpooding week of JSSti, tho incroaso "iiioimts to 20.3 per cent


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