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MA O. VU' DIRECTOUI. AtfS Akiior Oomuandkry, No. 13 meets flrst Tuesday of eacn moutli, W.G üoty, E. C; W. A. Tolchard, Recorder. Wvsul-knwv OHAPTBR, No. fi, U A. M.- Meots Hrst Monday 'ach inonth. Isaac iluudy, II. P-; ''¦ Koath, Secretury. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. H. R. ARNDT, PHYSICIAN Okfhk Over Fibst National Rank. llours front !) to 11 i. ni., From 2 lo 3:30 p. in., Suiiday from Í) to 10 a. m. V. II. J.VCKSOX, r iEïiirüT'iiiiisiiTiL OFFICE : Orer Bach & Abel's Dry Good Store. Entranec next to National Bank. HII.I.IIU HIK.. House, Sig-n, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperlng, OlazInR, (Jildlog, and Calciminlnp , and worlt or everj d.'scriitioo done in tho best stylo. and wsrrauted to give atisfactiou. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. W. W. & A. C. NICIIOI-.S, Rooms Over Ann Arbor Savins Rank, Masonif Temple lílock. GAS or VITALIZED AIR lalalaterad fr urillMi extraction of l.-eth. CLQTiï CASKETS, METALIC And Gkaxmoa i'nilliiH. Callsaltented toPay r Nlalit. EmbalmlD a. speclalty. storeroom o E. Washington street. Uesldence Cor. Liberty aud KlflU. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Secorlty held Tor the protection of the pollcy CHRiSTÏAN MACK lievtesenu ihe followinK r?t-ca9 cnmpnnie, of whlch one, the JStna, liiw alono pid ?5t,UU0,U0U Ure osees in sixty-áve years : .tna, of Hartford $ 9,102,644 Fnuiklin of Philadelphia 3,11,71:! Gemíanla, N. Y 2,100,729 Germán American, N. Y 4-(M};'.'?( I.Miiiloii As8ur:ince, Lontlou. . . 1,41(!,7S8 Michigan K. & M., Detroit . . . 287,808 N. r. UnderwriterB, N. Y 2,9,678 National, Hartford 1,774,505 PktMlx, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Losses liberally adjusled and promptly paid. Polieies issued at the lowcst rates of premium. lliMtf BABY HUMORS And uil Skin and Scalp l)isease Speedili Cured bj ('utlcura. Ourlittle son wil 1 be fnnr yeara of a?c on the iólh Intt. In My, lJiS'i. wan atlacked witli a very painlul breaklug out of the skin. We called in a pliysician who treated him lor at out loar weeks. Tliu chilil rccuived llttle or no j,'ood from the treatmcnt, as the breaklng out, eupposed hy the physician to be hives in mi aggravated form, became lrier in blotcbee, and more and more distresslng. We were frequently obllged to eet up In the night and rub him witb soda io water strong Jinimentí, etc. Fmally, we called other physlcíuds, untfl no les? than six had attempled to cure bim, II alike ruiling, and the child eleadlly t;row Jny worse and woree, mitil about tho 20th of lat Jilly, wheu we begin to glve him Cuticuba Kiöolvïnt internaliy, aud the Cuticura and Cutii l ka Soap externally, and by tbc last of August he was go nearly well ttiat we gave him only one dose of tbe Resolyknt about every second day for about ten day longer, and he has ver been truubled Mnce with the horrible malady. In all we used lees than one half of a oottle of Cuticura Retolveni, a lic t le lese than one box 01 Uuticura nd only one cake of Cuticura Soap. II. B. KYAN, Cayuga. I.tviriKetone Co., 111. Sobcritwd and sworn to before me thie fonrth day or Jinüary, 1887. C. N. KOK, J. P. SCORFULOUS HUMORS. Last spring I was very s1ck, belng covered wi h some kind of scrofula. The doctors could not help me. I was advised to try the Citioüba KistiLVKNT. 1 did so, and in a day I crew better and better, until 1 am as well a ever. I thask you for it very much, and would llke to have it tola to the public. KDW. HOFMAN, North Attleboro, Mas'. SKIN DISEASES ( MM I. Mr. Frank McQluska eays that your Cuticüka Kkxukdies cured bis boy of a skin diaeave aft r several doctors had failed to help the boy. lle pent over One Hnndred Dollars with doctors. C'ittcura RemedUt cured him. ¦k jJ.Ï. T1FFA.N V, I'leassnt Monnt, Pa. Cutivura, the great Bkin care, and Cuticura Soap prepared from it, extemally, aud Cuticura HttoU tent the new blood purifler, Internally, are a positive cure for every form of skin and blood dlsease from pimples to scrofula. Sold every where. Price: Coticub, 50 Cents; Kksolvent; J1.00 ; Soap, 25ctt. Prepared by I'OTTEH DROO AMD ClIEmcAI. Co.. BoStOU. Hpnl for "H ov to are Hkln Ii8eaes PJIUTPI-ES, lilackheads, Skin Blemlehes, and í ilVi Baby Uumors, use Cuticura Soap. A Word Atout Catarrh. "It is the mucoiiH membrane, that wonderful cmi'fluid envelop.' snrroundtng the delicate tissues of the air and Food passages, that Catarrh Juakes lts atruut'liold. Once established it eau into the very vitáis, and renders life bnt a lonff' r in breath of miaery and dlxease, dullioi; the ense of hearing, trammellin tbfl puwer of spech, deslroying the facnlty of smell, taintlng the brcatk and killlng tbc reflned pleasurcs of taste. Instdiusly, by eratjplu on from a simple Cold in the head, it assaulu (na membranous lfnlng and enve ops the bom, eatrog throus;h the delicate coats 'iml CMiising inrianimation, slouifhing and death. Nothini; short r total eradicatlon wlll recuro hcaltb to ihi' uatiint, and all alleviate are simply procrast'natM iutivrinis, k'sdini; to a fatal tcrmlnation. Handpokd's Kadicai. Ci're, by fnhalatlon and by lnlrrnal admlniBtrutlon, ha never failed ; L'lven wiien the dineane has made friahtml inroail In del CAtfl C'ri-titut iont. h'-ariny, nmell and tasten hi'en recovered, nad ihe dlsease thoroughly given ont." SAsiif.mnN Radical Cure consiste or one bottleofthe Jiatlical Ourt,ee mx Catharral Solrent, and one hnproved Intiaier, ueatly wradped In one packaeo. with full nlrcctlonn: Prlce tl. 00 PO1TKK DKUü & CHKMICAL CU., BOSTON. MY BACK ! MY BACK. it i i,i i: i i i N ONK him n; 7T Achln backf, hips, and cides, kiríney émdf P'"" utcriue pains, weakness an ïiillamfffUmation, rluumatic, neurnlglc sclatic, andLVilfn, plmrp and nervonn pains, coughs, rTIT coldannd tralnn lle II-f In one min ft """ "ew' "f'fliial, elegant and infallible antlrtotc to imIii and iullammatlon, the 4'ntlriiril Antl-Pain IMnnter. ''x-.; flv,. for tl 00 ; at Bu„l„21H!i"U! or J'tter drut' aud Chemical Co.,


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