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The Smart Boy Vs. The Dull One

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We older people can well remember a boy in our classes at school who was very smart naturally; one wtio had luit to read hls lessons over to recite them pcrfectly, and always liad a ready and intelligent answer to queetions askcd; in fact wlio was endowed by nature with superior gifts. And we can all remember how everybody predlcted for such boy a brilliant future and great success in life. And we have watched the progres3 of that boy with much interest, and have been astonished to sce him fail entirely or greatly outstripped by otlier boys who were considered "dogan-heads," or very ordinary boys in school. The trouble bas been that the smart boy relied tirely upon Lis native ability to take luí tlirough, and did uot apply himself. Now it is much the same witli village and cities as it is witli boys. Some o them wlU fall back on the great advan tajjes they possess and say i " It is no necessary for us to makc any eflbrt. Our advantages will build us up anyway. People can not ignore us." I5ut as the years pass by, otlier places forge ahead iiikI the place with its "great advantages" stands still. Why? Because the people of the other places pushcd their towns uhcad. They more than made up in energy, in cnterprl3e, in industryj what their location lacked otherwise, and got to the front. Now, what will Ann Arbor do? Will she pattern after the smart boy or the energetic one ? Shall we let other places outstrip us or shall we pul our shoulders to the wheel and forge ahcad ? It cost the pcople of the state of Michigan iipvardsof$GO,000 to have lts soldiers camp out ten days at Island Lnke. Young-Mon-Afraid-of-Clarkaon is a good name tbr tho Detroit base ball club. Tlifi author of " Gramlfather's Cloek," E. C. BeRrand, lias taken lila ticket to etornity, dying in a Lomlon boapltil. The clock is still keeping time to the muite. The Detroit Evenin; News has jiist pot hold of Senator Palmer's BefDl-Ceotennlal speecli at Uie recent l'niversity Commencement, and it don't like it ! V rv strangeü! " Thompson1! ooit" iá traditionally creü ited with infflclent horse sense to lennw cuongh to '"conie in when it rains," but the rangrwnmpt don't know enougb toget out aflcr bcinj; kicked nut lv llic iulminstr.ition. Wbether or not the people care for the growth and niosperity of their city re mains witli thcm to s;iy. 'l'licy can boom or thcy can sit down and do nothlag, whtcherer tliey cboose. TTben we lind a pension granted to a mm by the name of Amos Ashkebugnebay, we ean hardly Mama President Cleveland for vetoing the pension blll. That name should have had the "bug" at least, shot out of it. The verdict ot the jury tn the case of Dr. Weir, at East Tawas, is sickening to public moráis, and a sad blow to public deceney. Il is also a club in the hands of those who belleve that the jury systcm is a frauil and oujrht to be wiped out. Tlio foHowtng taille rtlOWl tlio stuud, ing of tlie longue clnlx np to date: on. I.ost. IVr cent Detroit 51 i.' .11] I Cbleaeo mi 83 eu2 New Yoik 1 ::: .504 Bof ton I". TB .SM Phlladrlphls M .641 Pittalmrïh 34 íS .4IJ Washington 32 4I .110 IndluupoUa 25 w .301 Tulk about northern polltlolnns bt'lng sliarp Otfurer. Il tükes 011 1 ƒ 04,571 VOtrl in the soutli on :n tTcrajrc t clcct a congressiniin, wliile in the nortli it takos S5,616. A ilitlerence of 11,0481 Is UlU politicül boiit'stv ? I-i Hiere not a monster vote in the soutli whicli h kept entlrely awaj from the polls " The Long Islam! potato erop tlus Mason will be largor tlmii for 19 years. One farmer at Flatlands is gettinf; 450 Imsliels to the acre, and otlicr sections are iloing nearly as well. The potatoes are very large and perfectly sound.1' Doesn't this pieos of news sound encouraginj; even if it is way (U)vu in New forkf Tlic Adrián Times, for somc tinexplained reason, continúes to whack awiiy at the l'niversity and smooth Oov. Luce's back hair down the right way, miich to the delight of the cnemies of our entire scliool systetn, and of popular education generally. Espeeially one great enemy, which receives its inspiration from Italy, whieh inspiration reads : "America's free schools must be suppressed." ix living presidenta luive visited Detroit during their term of office, viz: Presidents James Monroe, in 1817; Martin Van Uuren, in 1842; Millard Fillmore, in 1849; Fnuiklin Pierce, in 18C1 ; Andrew Jolinson, in 1866; and Rutherford B. Haycs in 1879. It is now pretty well settled that Grover Cleveland will not vlsit the city of the straita in 1SS7- consequently lie never will as president. " The group of sun spots," says the Rochester Democrat, " which was first otserved on Saturday mom ing, having formed withln the preceding twenty-four hours, has now attained enormous diraensions. The gronp is probably 150,000 miles long. A long trail of smal! spots has developed since an observation on Sunday." Of course these in no way refer to the black spots with which the New York Sun is dccorating Cleveland's administration. The man who wuu't work for hls town and lts lutcrests Is very mach akin to the lazy shlftless man who won't work forhlsfamlly. Nelther one Is of much acoount and Bhould be " flred."- Harbor Sprlugs Kepublican. Where will you "fire" liim to? Send him awny to anotlier community to prey upun tlie people thereof ? Or send Mm to juil to live oft' the people of the county in idleness with sure lodg!n;s and mealg proviüeü? Wben will the people provide some method by whicli the vagabond and petty criminal classes can be made to work for tüeir livin ns others have to do? I lie Michigan tnilitia, f rush froin a ten days' encampment, lias had its eyes íilled with lire and its hand on its hip pocket, looking anxiously toward Canada's war ships on the fishing grounds'in tlie liope tliat some overt act miglit be avenged and Michigan covered all over with glory by the valorous deeds of her brave soldier boys. 15ut the warlike report was untrue. Canada's navy dldn't do it. In fact Canada's navy "dassant" do it. Commercial union and annexation vvould follow any attempt our neighbors might make to chastise our flshermen, so quick that our dear oíd paternal, Johiinie Buil, wouldn'tknow that he ever had a chlld over here in America. Our boys thlnk tliat Canada wouldn't ind it lüul fun to pitch into U. S. The sigh of relief yesterday p. m. whon tlie news tliislieU over the wires th;it the Detroits liad beaten the Chicagos in the last of the series was painful to witness- in Chicago- bat rathcr pleasant n iml about Detroit. Let it be recorded hat G'larkson bas becD beaten once by he Detroits. Thls provea that he could e beaten oftener did the inembcrg of he Detroit club have the grit of a pediIllllS C(tlitis.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News