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Mvgaret Moran by ndm'r to Chus, mul Dora Weger, Manchester f 310 Felix Douelly to Joseph Donnelly Ann A rbor S 300 Wm. (. Kuruett to Peter Swick, York. 2000 Helen M. Whedon to W. C. CarHOn, Ann Arbor Eraillne A. Johnson to Hose A. Speechly, Ann Arbor ' ;j:r0 F-J' . W' ' Wallace to K. W. VVallace, Sullne James P. Wallace to E. W. Wailace, S;i 1 i 1H' ...... Martin li. p. P. Wallace to "w. Wallnce, Salino Bliss Allen to E. W. Wallace, Saline! Jos. Seckinger to Dorothea Mcrriman Mauciiewter 43 riiiix. II. Wlnes to Eddle S. Spaldiim 8flTn ' 875 Don D. Davls to L. D. Allcy, Ypsilantl, 1,100 Jolin Boeker to Mnry Uecker, Dexter.. 1 Wm. Burke to Thos. Kelley, Ann Arbur 1 Thos. Kelley to Miiülda li. Caldwell Aun Arbor 2 jqq D. C. Ueilman to Julia and Orville Moe Anu Arbor (jl Jcnnle U. Wullace to F. Newton Klce, YP8"antl 4109 ' Henry Vannattaot alto Juiu Van natta ' Dexter ' jqq Ilobert Shaw to Wm. A. Shaw, Saline.. 1,(100 O. A. Wall to ChrlBllna R. B .lt, Snaron. 1,800 G. 4 E. I.uick to Auijust Schneider. Ann Arbor 935 Th..s. Wllkinson to A. W. WilkliiHon, , ('lu'lsea 500 Gov. Luce layi lie ie not a two term governor. Win. II. Freiich, wlio ilid mor to iiiíike Mr. Luco governor tlian iny Otber live man, ftgroei witli tlmt sentlment exactly. Probably no man lias vci boen treated more shabbily tban Uov. Luce treated thla man who made i i Hl.