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LTJMBER! LUMBEH! LÜMBER! It you contémplala baUdtagi u" lU FERDON Limfecr.Yaii! Corner Koiirlh and Depot Sts., nni) po our ligurca for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Luinher and guaruiiteu VERY LOW PRICES 48-Give "s a cl" an1 we wi" makt U to yur ntercst, as our large and well pradi-d stock lully kustains our asscrlion. Tclepfionc Connections r!l! KBKCH Supt. JAMES TOLBKRT, Prop A. DoFORESTT Fire Insurance Plate GHass Insurance. Steam Boiler INSURANCE ! Lowcst Itut.-s Honorable Adjnstinent and Lossen Promptly Paid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS HriíCIAL ATTKNTION OIVEN TO COLL.KCTIO.N or Rknts and Manaokmknt ok IIkat, KsTATK INTKKE8T8 FOK NoN-ltK8IlKÏTB. KNTIBE SATIMKACTION TO OWKBItS OUARANA. DeFOBKST. l?i UüliYKItSAL hJjb LL-j % LLjL4YTflfetfUCIHJdflatfMflW E f hEwíií.Va'i,W. 01.1 lUlhi B"iÍ 8nJ tor cirtoUn. E. J. KNOWLTON. nn Arbor. Mich. A COXPLETI AKRAXUKMKNT FOK Piysiciin and Families, Neiter and Cheaper AND MIIRF. CONVENIENT THAT A 9TATIONARY BATtITUl! W1T1I NO EXPENSE OK BATII UOOM AND FIXTURE8. 89-83 "INSURANCE" KAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENOY OF A.W. HAMILTON Ofllcc, No. 2, Klrst Floor, Hmnllloii lüork PartleRdesirlng to buy or Bell Krul Ksliiti' will Umi lt to their odvnntage to cali on itie. I represent 15flrst-cli8S Flre Insurancfl Coto' pañíes, havlng au aggregate capital over J30,000,000. Ilutes Low. Loases liberal ly (ljuslid und promptly puld. I also Issue Life and Uivestment Pollcies In the New York Mutual Ilfe Insurance C'ompany, Assetts, t75,000.0n. Persous deslrlng Accident Insurance, can llave yearly pollcU wrltten forthem orTraveler'H Coupon Insurancf Tickets lssued at l-ow rates. Mm" tn I,.m:i ;it Curreut Kates. Ortlce liours froni s a. m. to 12 m. and 2 to 5 p. in. ALEX. VV. HAMILTON, Hamillon Bloeit. WÏiiTÏBMzTMÜiÜMËiTS McnumenlsLa Siaiuary. THE ABOVE GOODS CAN BE SEEN AT NO. 53 SOUTH MAIN ST., OPPOSITE KECK'S FTJRNITURE STORE. BENJAMIN CULY, Agent 81-81 n TJ I TU FL E3. tBQAIPB IMPERIAL TRUSS. Spiral Spring, graded froni 1 to 0 I mui n ds ín presKure. WORN BAT AM) I(JHT, liy an lnfant a week old, or an adult S0 years. LiullcH Trnsses a perfectlon. EucKwe stamps lor testimoniáis of cures, etc. EGAN IMPERIAL TRÜSS CO., As Akiiok, Mich. n at n n.idi m mhm, kt tboM wlu whu u I I SUiiKintl'ii ,rorl!iKl, Mln.,wlMrrri'lT. I T I I I I fr'8, f uil toformfttioo boul work wbich I I I I tliry cftB do' rcl ! ' boma.tbat will py U KJ UU Kiem from S lo f25 ler itj. Som 1it. ¦rnd over %ÜO In ft dar Either x. yoang or eld. CaptUl Bol ttqulrsd You te ¦(¦rtrd fiee. TboM wbo tart at uuca ar abiolutcly uro of autic Utria furtuoca. All 11 naw. Driinkennes, or Uqnor Hablt, oau be ( iircil by Admhiistorine: ]r. Haiues' Golden SpecIIlr. It positively can be jiiven in a cup of eoffee or teu witliout tho knowledge ol'tlie pcrson Uklng it; is absolutely harmlcss inil will cflect n ici iiiaiiciii umi 8cedy ourc, whether the patiënt is a ámdérete drinker or an alcoliolic wreek. Thous:iiu! of drunkards have been nuuk; tempcrnte men who have taken Qoldug Specific in their coffee without their knowledge, and to-dy believe they quit drinkiuif of tlieirown free will. IT ÑEVEK FAILS. The sygtein once Imprégnate with the Speclflo it bccomcs 1111 uttcr iinpoR8Íbility for the liqiior appetltc to exift. Por full particulars, address GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 185 Hace st., Cincinnati, Ohio. _ A tinsmith noiir Exeter hus n sipn wliii-U reads: "Quait mesures of all shapeg and sizcs sold here." - Toronto Globe. The man who tried to corner the world's wheat erop now has a corner lo him.self in an Ohlo - Philadelphia Times. ( 'onsii nipt ion Ciired. An old physician, retired from practice, haviiifí liad placed in his handt by au Enst India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the epeody and permanent curo of Consumption, Bronchitis ('titarrli. Asthnia, and all throat and lung Afl'ections, alsoapositive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and and all Nervous Complalnts, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cuses, has feit it his duty to make t known 10 hU sutfering fellows. Actuated by tbia motive and a desire to relieve human sufferin, I will send free of charge to all who desire t, this recipe in Germán, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by sddroulng with itamp, namIn tT Ibis paper, W. A. Noyes, 14!) Power 's Block, Uocliester, N. Y. Oh, yes. Every hot day from now is oing to be the hottest day of the season. - Boston Post. The republican party is not reduced to "One candidate Party - and no others ueed apply." - ínter Ocean. Ku'lés. for the care of the sick. How to cure dKate, its symptoni8 and causes, and other inforniation of great valuc will be found In old Dr. Kiiufinann's great book; 100 pages, line colored plates. Send threo 2cent stamps to pay postago to A. P. Ordway & ('o., Boston, Mass., and receive a copy free.


Ann Arbor Courier
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