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V Sta pjiiMm, 'owüTSbn 'linie tabic tnkllif effect Nov. Uth, INSIi . ut r..l Staiidnr.l Time. CHICAGO To DHTKOIT. n-a fc. ü. .'.kt I II 8 f f Jl 3 jj 3j fe. Jj II _í i 3__ y í_ si U.H. á.m. r.a. i-, m. r.u. p. i ¦ Chicago. .Lv. i 650 00 8 10 4 40 815 in Kalaoiazoo. . . 1-2 17 180 0 58 50 12 31 a 86 '. i , BMtla Creek. 1 I 227 7 33 1 :i s TM Jackson 3 IS 4 23 8 4a 3 15 4 50 tu ürassLakc.... '!: 5 1:j ):), C'helsea 359 6&5 an Dexier 4 11 ..... 55O.1UW Delhi Millo... 4 21 I1UI4 Ann Arbor.... 4 33 5 30 9 45.... 435 (i ui 11) Li Ypsllantl 450 5 45 5t) 4 52 (24 1040 WayneJunc. 5 15 605 5 16 64711U3 I)etri)lt....Ar. 6 00 7151045.... 6 IJ 780120o Mt.Thomas 1115 245 100 9 55 345. FallBVlew 645.... 1 2i " N. Falla, 2 22 548 1 83 58 BlIllVilo 435 755 726 3 66 610.111' DBTBOIT TO cniCAGO. i I ".i i ÍT .i, t i ss i_f?HLLi A.M. A.M i M A. II A - ... Buflalo U30 545 605 800 1135 N. Fall 14 15 681 jn ...'. St.Thomas 415 100U 115 44.. A.M A.M. F.B P.M. P.M. p M Detroit.... I.T. 7U0 910 130 4 00 8 U0 915 WayncJnnc. 7 40 9 53 2 03 4 45 837 955 '" Ypsllanti ....I 8 01 1012 2 20 51 868 1020 AnnArbor... 81H1025 232 530 912 103 '" Delhi Mills .. 8S6 542 Deiter 835 550 9 34 " "'" Chelsea 8 48 6 05 952 GiaesLake... 10 647 1015 JackHOn 935 1135 8 32 7 10 10 52 120e"' BattleCreck.. 11 03 112 4 40 8 52 12 12 135 Kalatuazoo...ll 52 150 5 15 120 2 35 '445' Chicago.. .Ar. 5 15 40 930.... 7 00 S l5 10 20 O. W. KUOGLB8, H. W. HAYBS O. P. 4 T. Agent AKt.. Ann Arbor. Chicago. Toledo, Aun Arbor & North Michigan Rallway. TIME SCHEDULE. To take effect at 12 o'clock, noon, on Sun - day, June 19th, 1887. Trains run by Standard Time. GOINO NORTH. QOING SOUTH su u II m f H r..p. m. a. M. Lve. Arre a. . r. M p i; r, 3 IS 5 IS Toledn s 15 UU 8 5 6 40 3 20 5 20 Munh'tn Jane 9 OS 1 U5 8 Í0 6 50 3 25 5 27 Alexis I 03 1 im g 4U 7 lu 3 10 5 45 Samarla 8 45 12 4ti 8 21 7 i IS 6 02 Moiirne June 8 20 12 31 Km) 7 50 4 05 ti 15 Dundce 8 10 IS 24 7 50 8 10 4 lti ti 26 AMlla 8 00 12 II 7 40 8 25 4 m 8 H Mllan 7 fto 12 04 7 28 8 50 4 4', ti SO Urania 7 3". 11 50 7 15 9 00 4 5.1 7 00 1'ltt.lleld 7 26 11 4 7 t I. i ö 10 7 15 Ann Arbor 7 15 11 30 6 51) H 5 M 7 H LeHurt t, 11 14 em "¦" 7 4(ilVliittn'reIke .. . 11 011 (j lB ... 6 28 h 30 Howall 10 5 a 7 40 930 Durand I 30 4 3t 7 46 9 T5 Corunna 9 ue 415 7 55 10 01 Owixfo . . lt 11 lus s 10 10 ar 0&i.8).Innc 8 5i 4 w 9 15 11 16 Itha.H 7 4K 2 46 9 33 11 KT Su Louis I... 7 27 ÍS 9 41 11 l A'mi 1 7 20 IS r. m 10 M 12 30 Ml. a.m. 6 30] 1 80 South Lyon liram h. NOKTH BOUNI. SIATIUNS. Sol 1 11 BoIIND Train 0 fraln 1 ¦ ¦¦ y. m. 9 60 Lv. Lelands Ar. 45 III ) Ar. Worden Ar. 6 40 I" ¦! Ar South Lyon Lv. 6 30 Connectlon: At Toledo, wlth rullroads dlverirle; at MHiirmtlan Junctlun, wilh Whceltue Krie R. K.; at Alexis Junction, wtih M. c H. K., L. 8. & M. S. Rt. and F. & P. M. R. R at Mouroe Juuction, with L. S. & M. 8. Hy.; at Dnndee, with L. S. & M. S. Ky., M. O. Ky.; at Mllnn Junction, with Wabash, t. Lonli ft Pacific Ky ¦ at I'itttield, with L.S. & M. S. Hy.; at Ann Arbor with Michigan (Vntral lí. I.. and at South Lyon with Detroit, LanslnR & Northern R. !{., and Mich. A. I.. Div. ot Grand Trunk Ry. At Hamburg wlth M. A. Une División Grand Trank R'y. At Bowell wüh Detroit, Lanolng & Northern R'y. AtDnrnnd with ("h.c-igo A Gntud Trunk R'y and Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwmikee R'y. At Owo8O Junction wilh Di-troit, ( Haven A Milwaukee R'y and Michlenn Central R. R. At 8t Louis with Detroit, Lanein& Northern R. U. and Bgl naw Valley Jt St. Lonis R'y. At Alma wlth Detroit, IjinnlnL' A Northern H'y. At Mt. Pleasant with Flint & Pere Marqnette R'y. H. W. ASULEY, General Manaaer. V. II. HKNNKTT, O. (i. WALES. Geu'l. Pase. A Ticket Aeent. Local A;ei)t Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT bavlng been made In the conditlon of a certaio mortage made by Mury A. Irish, as executrlx of tbe wlll of JoHeph D. Irlsh, deceiiaed, of Ann Arbor, MlehIkhii, to Samuel P. Fuxter of the same place, bearlng date the eleventh day of July, oue 1 liiiusiuid elght nuDdred and elgbty-tw, and recorded In the oölee of the Heelster of leds for the County of Washtenaw on the saine day, In Llber 62 of Mertsaoai on page 9E8, nu whlch mortgage there is clalmeü to be due at the date of tliis notice, the Num of seveu hundred and ninety-flvo dollars and nlnety cents, and no -int or proceedlng, elther In law or equity, having been iustituted to re cover the moneys secured by the said mortKage or any part thereof: Now, therefore, By vlrtueof the power of sale conlalnvd In said mortgiige and the statute in such oum made and provlded, notice is ht-rely glven that sald mortgage wlll le foreclosel 00 Thursday, the elghlh day of September, 1887, at ten o clock In the forenoon, by a saleat public Huction, to tbe highest bidder at the eustdoorof tbe court Uouse In the City of Ann Arbor (that belng the place where the circuit court for sald county of Washtenaw is held), of the premlses described In sald mortgage, or so much thereof, may oe necessary to pay the amouut due on sald mortgage and tho note accoinpauyiug tte same with Interest and all legal costa, lucludlug an Atlorney fee of twetuy-flve dollars provliitHl for In sald morlgage. The premlxea belng described sald mortgage as follows : All that certain piece or parce of land, sitúate in the city of Aun Arbor lu the county of Washtenaw and State of .Michigan, and described as follows, to-wit: Cotumeuclng four (4) rods sonth of the Southwest corner of lot four (4), biock (4; south of Huron street, range fi east, Ibeucesoutn along the easl llue of Klfth street four (4) rotls, thence parallel wlth the south llue of sald lot elgbt (8) rod, theuce north four (4) rods. thence west elglit s rixls to place of beglnnliiK. QEOBOE C. PAQK, J.. Executorofthelast Wlll of Samuel V. Koeler, doceased. E. 1). Kinnb, Attorney for sald Exccutor. Dated June 11, 1S87. Estáte of Horace Coy. C TATB OF MICHIGAN. Oounty of Washtenaw, At a sesslon of the Probate Conrt for the ('onnty ol Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office. In the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the twentyseventh day ol July. in the year onc thousand elght hundred and eighty-seven. Preeent, Wllllam D. Harrlman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Uorace Coy, deceas ed. On reading and filing the petltion, duly verilled, ofLouisali. liamsdell prtyini; that a certain instrument now on file in this court nnrportinii to be the last wlll and tcstameut of said duceased, muy hv admltted to probate, and that Haunah Coy and Stephen L. Kamsdcll my bc appolnted cxiciitom Utereof. Thereopon it Is ordcred, that Mondaj, the 29th day of Auguat next, at ten o'clock in the fbrenoon, be assigncd for the hearing of satd petltion and that the devisees, legateet, and lielrs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested lu sald estáte, aro required to appear ut 1 -i'cr-iou ot said conrt, then to be holden at the Probate Office, In the City of Ann Arbor, and show canee, lf auy there be, w hy the prayer of the petitioner should not be grauted. And it is l'urther ordered. that said petltioner give notice to the persona interested In sald estáte, of the pendency of said politlón, and the heariui; causintr a copy of this order to be published In the Ann Arbor d,urtr. a Bwspaper prlnted and circuitted in said county, three successive weeks previoqs to sald duy ol' hearing, i A true copy.) W1LLIAM D. HARRIMAN, Juilt-e of Probate. WM . G. DOTY, Probate Reelster. 1362-1! THIS ¦-1'1? 1 nivi ifirhii kowkll co Newspaper Advortising Burean (10 gpruoe Biruf tfnni be made for lt to Hfclf I Ulll% $25,000.00" IN GOLD! 1V11I, DE TAID FOB ARBUCKLES' COFFEE WRAPPERS. 1 Premium, ¦ 1,000.00 2 Premiums, $500.00 each 6 Premiums, ¦ $25000 25 Premiums, ¦ $100.00 100 Premiums, ¦ $50.00 200 Premiums, - $20.00 1,000 Premiums, $10.00 For full partícula and dlrwtlonFi see Circular lu cvery pouud of Akul'CKí.s' Corrí1341-1393


Ann Arbor Courier
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