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TiiKiir. woro etgbt tiioendlary flros oo tho ath at Muskc jon, Uiob , wli.cli causoii a loss of alxuit WX),0(K). Nimsoii, Fay & Co. lost 2,3'JO,0JJ leut of by ono ol tho lires. The entirc southern porlion of Augusta, Ga., wai flooJod on the th by a riso oí water in tlio nvor. A fikb on tho 9lh at Grand Raplds, Mich. , destrovod a planing-mill and cight restdencea. Total loss, $145,000. The whoat erop in Minnesota and Dakota proved on tho 9th to be tho largest on record and superior in quality to any gattierod sinco 188& Tbb forty-llrst annuul session of the Templars of Honor and Temporáneo was oponed on tho Uth at Cleveland, O. Building oporations in Mihvaukeo wero (jenerally suspended on the 9th, owlng to a strike of hod-carriers for highor wagos. Tiib Unlte.1 States Land Oölco on the 9th gave official notico that twenty-ono thousand acres of the land of tho Sioux City & St Paul lamí grant wttl be thrown opon to public entry on and af ter September 13, but that all rights an 1 claim3 of actual settlers on this land will be rospectod. Mr8. Sionie, an old lady of Fiudlay, O., agod cighty-sevon years, was fatally burned on the 9th while attompling to lig ti t a gas liiv. Forest lires wera rapiJly spreading on tho tlth in Northern Michigan and Wlsconsln. A vast amount of tlmber and other property had been consumed, and many towns and villages wero in danger of dostruction. Thousands of men wero fightIng tho fíame. Uuless rain soon feil the losset would raaoti an aypalllng agfreg-ato. The village of Sandusky, Mich., had been nenrly wipei out of existence. In portions of Illinois prairio flres wero dolng immense damage. Jekhy Paoels, a condemnod St. Louis murderer, cheatod tho gallows on the 9th by cuttin? an artery in hls left arm. Near WUkesbarre, Pa, on tho 9th a mob of striking miners attacKoi tho meu who had tuken their places, and before peaco was restored Üf toon p irsons had boen iujured, twoof them fatally. Several of the rioters wero arrestoJ. Tiib mayor, stroot commissioner and fourteen councilmen of Wilkesbarre, Pa., wero arrestod on tho 9th and hold to bail for faillng to keep the streets in ordor and to abate nuisancos. The Lincoln homestoad at Sprlngfleld, 111., wai on tho 9th transferred to the Btato, la compliance with tho provisions of a law enacteJ by the last General Asscmbly. The American Agricultural Association bestan its first session at Columbia College, New York, on tho 9th. Thb cost of the silver bullion consumed In the dollar coimize during the fiscal year ended June 30, VSSt, was $25,349,274, and the number of silver dollars coined was 33,266,831. The slaughtoring department and tankroom of T. M. Sinclair & Co.'s paekinghouse at Cedar Kapi Is, Ia., were burned onthe9th. Loss, $100,000; insurance, $S3,000. Excitemcxt was caused on the 9th among tho farmers in Jefferaon township, Ind., by the appearanco of a diseaso thought to be pleuro-pneumonia. Many cattle had died an 1 numbers wore slck. G. E. Rich was killed by lightning in hls place of DU3iness at Minnoapolis, Mlnn., on the 9th, and several buildings were struck and consume.1 by flro. Charles WiLLiAMs,arre3ted on a charge of assassinating James Aldridge, surveyor of Logan County, V. Va., was taken from the jail of that cjunty, at Logan, and lynched on tho 9th. The eighth annual convention of the Photographers' Association of America began In the Exposition building in Chicago on the 9th. Türee persons wero fined in Washington on tho 9th for swearing on tho streeta. The fallures were announcqd on the 9th of the Kentucky Lithographing Company, of Louisville, and of the LouisviUe Huiiday Argos. Thomas S. Baldwix, an acronaut, jumped from his balloon at Rockaway Beach, N. Y., on the 9th, and feil a distance of eleven hundred feet in safety by the aid of a parachute. At variou3 points in Wisconsln and Minnesota on the lOth wind did a vast amount of damage, unrooflng buildings, carrying away bridges, killing cattle and ruining the corn In huudreds of flelds. A number of persons were killed by lightning. Three firemen wero crusiicd to dtath by falling walls of burned buildings in St. Louis on the lOth, and four others wers injured, one fatallv. Thb forest flres in Northern Michigan were extlngulshed by raiu on the lOth. The aggregate losses were very heavy. Rains had also broken the drought In the Madison (Wis.) and Cedar Rapids (Ia.) districts. The Rocky Mountain locust was oo the lOth destroying crops in the Northwest Territory. The imports of iron and steel to the United States during the twelvo months endod July 1 amounted to 1,524,604 gros tons, being the largest on record except during the fiscal year terminated July L 18S0. The building at Concord, N. H.,occupiod by Monroe & Co. and Cropley & Co., shoe manufacturera, and nine dwollings were burned oo the lOih, creating a loss of 8.25,000. Charle9 Williams, at one time a popular lawyer, was taken from the jail at Charleston, W. Va., on the lOth by a mob and hanged for killing James Aldridge. It was announced on tho lOth that anew secret society, to bo known as "The Brotherhood," in many respects similar to the Knights of Labor, had been formed in Boston. The organization does not believo in Btrikos, but favorslightlng with the ballot. Chkistias Badm, of New Philadelphia, O., on the lOth attempted to rescue his deaf son from in front of a railroad train, but the locomotivo caino upon him too rapidly, and father and son wero crushed to death. James Retxolds, a tramp, who nssaulted a woman noar Loon, Ia., was captured on the lOth by armcd men near Docatur and lynched, after confeniing the crime. Advices of the lOth say that the recent freshots in South Carolina destroyed üfteen thousand acres of rice on the Carolina side of tho Savamiah river. A riiAiitiK flre on the evoning of the lOth dostroyed tho Weber works, a school building and several houses at Auburn, a Chicago suburb, causing a loss of overíl50,000. Near tiio Stock Yards another flru burned over a district threequarters of a milo wido and a mile long. Mks. Stephen Kands, a widow, and Mr. Joyco, a farmer, both over sixty years of age, were thrown from a buggy on tho lOth near Madison, Wis., receiving fatal injuries. The Order of American Firemen was op ganized at New York on the lOth and a constitution adopted which restricts the membership to white men. The color line was drawn in order to meut the wishes of Southern tiramen. The National Agrloultural Popartment on tho UHh reportad n ruiling off of aoven points in cofn durln-g the pust inonth, owing to drought. Spniif,' whoat was In low condition, anJ oat woro slightly under tho average, whilo barley promlsed uu avorago yiüld. ïho loss in jotatcos during tho past thlrty days was flgurod at twcnty por cent of the prospectivo erop, whilo tho fruit and hay crops were vory poor. Earlt on tho morning of the lOth two Bpringfleld (HL) oflicers puraued a supposod horse-thief, and Edward Maner firod at him. Tlie baü struck a brother ofllcer, Henry Dofratos, who was mortally wounded. The horso-thiof provod to be a countryman going for a doctor. Thhee mon were killeJ and three others fatally injurod on tho lltli by falling three hundred foot into tho shaft of the Cleveland mino at Ishpoming, Mich. At a crossing ncar llurinotte, Wis, on tho llth Ed McDufT and Hugh McDonald wero killed by a train. A cavein on the llth of shaft No. 1 of the Ashland mino, noar Hurley, Wis., killed throo mon uncl fatally wounded a fourth. Thiige nogro proachers in a wagon were struck by a train on tho llth near Newman, Ga., nnd all were killed. Dispatciiss received in Chicago on the llth from points in Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Indiana and Missouri announced heavy rain-falls, breaking the drought that had provod so disastrous to erop. Ojíb of the most apptiüing railway disasters on record oocuried at a lato hour on tho night of the lOth on tho Toledo, Peoría & Western railioad, near Chatsworth, 111. A special train cousisting of six daycoaehes, six cara and three baggago-cars, and oarrylOR SWJ excursionista bound for Niágara Falla, went through a burning wooded culvert, and in a flash the wreek was in flamea. At last accounts 118 dead bodies hui been recovered. The number of injured was statod approximatoly at 3 (0, man y of whom wore fatally hurt. A inajortty of tho victims lived at Peoría. Kenvillb, Minn., was vlsited by a destrucüve tornado on tho 1 ltb, almost every building in tho town suffering. Mrs. Haan was instantly killed jnd '4ustav Kriger was fatally injuro.l. Asuell exploded on tho llth atthe Waxholm fort, in Hwedon, whioh commands the approach to the city. Nineteen men wore killol and many othera, including threo ofticers, wero wounded. Wituin tivo hours on the llth four ores broko out in Lima, O., and vicinity. Evidences showod that oae at loast was incendiary. Tho dam ico was great. Haxxa, 111., the center of a great hay market, was almost destroyod by flre on the llth. Tho flames startod from a spark from a locomotivo, and burnod thousands of tons of hay, hay prosses and other implements. Kaïns feil In tho northern half of Iowa on tho llth, breaking thj drought ttiathad proven so dtsastroui to crops. At Des Moinos, howovor, no rains feil, and the suffenng iu that ncighborhood was intense. The Giant powder works at West Borkley, six miles from San Francisco, CaL, were destroyed by explosions on tho llih. Tho shocks were distinctly feit at Ban Francisco and other points. Eleven workmon were injured. Daniel Pleasaxt (colored) was lynched on Wio llth at Franklin, La., for the murder of his stepdauhtor. TnE value of breadstuft" exporta for the soven mon ths endod July 31 was $100,395,047, against $81, 430,190 during the correspondmg perioJ of 188 . IIkxhv S. Ives & Co., of New York, brokers, made an assignment on the llth, the announcement causing intenso excitement on the Stock Exchange. The liabililics were figured at betwoen 10,0U0,(WÜ and Í20,ü00,00ü. Two youxo ladies, Miss Miller, of Fulton, Wis., and Miss Henderson, of Northern Illinois, were drowned on tho llth in Lako Kegonsa, near Stoughton, Wis., by thelr boat capsizing. Fred Hopt, alias Welcome, a murderer, was executed by shooting on the llth in tho yard of the penitentiary noar Balt Lake City, U. T. Nbar Norway, Mich., a railway watertank burst on the llth, killing slx men and badly injuring six others. A fike on the llth in Hargadine, McKittrick & Co.'s drygoods warehouso at St. Louis caused a loss of $150,000. Pleuko-pn-humonia was discovered on the llth at King's cattle yards in Detroit, Mich., over a dozen cases existing at pres; ent. Quarautino would be instltuted immediately. KiciiAiio Eïjglestox, an elghty-yoar-old farmer of Madison, Wis., wasattacked and almost squeezed to doath by a spottod adder on tho llth. Neighbors killed the snake. The White Kivor Utes wero on tho 12th said to have gono on the patb, and thero wa a panic among the settlers in Bouthwestern Colorado. CnARLE.s Appel, of New Orleans, La., shot his wife fatally on tho 12th and killed himself. The couplo had not lived happily togother. Tuirteen persons wore more or less iojured in the wreek ot a passenger train near Albany, Ou., on the 12th. Tiiere wore 151 business failures in ths United States during tha seven days ended on tho 12th, against 1(53 tho previou3 seven days. Advicp.s of tho 12th say the recent rains throughout the West have aaved a large portion of tha crops, although much of ths damafte Inflicted by the drought was beyond repiir. l"he general tenor of the advices tr.m Missouri, Kansas, Ohlo, Michigan, Indiana and Wisconsin pointed to a short yield of corn, potatoes, grasa, f ruits and vegetables. The exact loss of life by the recent railway disaster at Chatsworth, 111., was stlll in doubt on the 12th, but it was probable that the numbor of killed and fatally injured would reach one hundred. More than that number were seriously hurt, and many more sustamed slight injuries. The theory that the bridge was flred by incendiarles for tho purpose of wrecking the train and robbing the passengere had improssed the minds of the railway officials very strongly. Holmes R. Pluyeak was hangod on tho 12th at Princo Georgo Court-House, Va., for wife-murder; Sol Conyer.s (colorod) was executed at Columbia, 8. C, for the murder of Jordán Kobinson, and Frank Wilson was baaged at Prnscott, A. T., for the murder of Samuel Clovenger and wife. Gírdner & Dudlet, hat mauuf acturerg at New York, failed on tha 12th for $123,785. At Fort Wayne, Ind., on tho 12th flfteen young ladies took tho vail as Sisters of Charity and fourtoen others took their vows as novitiates. Tiib State Treasury of Indiana was reported empty ou tho 12th, wlth no prospect of receipts enough to pay expenses. A fike which originated in tho Masonic Hall building in Pittsburgh, Pa., on the night of tho 12th, destroyod manystructures in the heart of the city, causing aloss of ovor il, 000,000. Kon the year onded June 3) tho land ij. units number 5,000 more thau for tlie prevlous Bsoal yoar, tho total numbür boiutf 24,558. In thoir weekly trade reyjew on tho lüth R. G. Dun & Co., of New York, estlmatod the loss to farmers by tho drouglit at over f300, Oüü.Oüi), and predictod thit gonoral business would suffer sovrely in consoquonce. Senator RlODUHMRéM was on the 12lh fined and committed to jaü at Woodstock, Va., for eontompt of court. 'Ihjaffair had eaused partisan feeling to run high, and troublo was fenn'd. A canvahs of coloree! sentiment of the Bouth on the school quostion revoaled oa the 12th a strong prcpmidorance in favor of separate schools, althouifh the foeling was that tho sepuration shou ld always be made by mutual i-onsent, and nut by law, as proposi'U in ( icin-iii. TnE fund In Hrooliiyn. N. Y., for a monument 1 o Hrmv Ward Boeehcr, amounted on tho 12tli to ÍJ",00). It was re porto J on tho 1-th f rom the northwesteni part of Iowa that erops were going to waste for lack of lubor to harvost tliom. PERSONAL AND -POLITICAL. GENERkL A. W. DoSIPIIAN, OUO Of ttl most prominent attorneys of tho State of Missouri, dled at his home at Richmond, Mo., on the 8th, ngod sevonty-nlno yoars. Rvsseli. H, Knuvai.s. son of the law partner of Iho lato ex-President Arthur, dlod in New York on the 9th from excesslvo cicarctto smoking. Rnv. J. M. MaiHai.f, a Cathollo prlest who cama from iMUad to the Brooklyn (N. Y.) dlocoso last Decomber, diod on the 9th in that city of starvation. Ho was homesick, and refusei to oat. Henry Hastixiis, a merchant prlnce of Boston and the hoad of a family whlca dates from the colonial period, died in that city on the 9th. The State ion ven tion of the Now York Labor party has boon called to moet In Albnny September 28. Alexamh'.k Walker, a colored Prohlbltlonist orator, d:od on tho 9th from tha effect of Injuries recoived in Prairie Grovo, Tex., at tho hands nt a mob oí Prohi bit ion ists John ClaT, the only romalning son of Henry Clay, the gre it polltioian, dropped dead at hls farm near Lexington, Ky., on tho lOth, from heart-diseaso. Ho was slxty-seven yoars old. Miss Makt Sntder, of Columbla, Pa., diod on the II tli ifter au illncss of seveutyiive years' duration. Official returns on tho llth from all Kentucky counties in the recent election except live givo Buckner (Dem.) for Govornor a majority of about 13,000. Fued Douui.ass and wife arrived in New York on the llth from an exteuded tour In Europe. FOREIGN. At Montreal a Ure on the 9th caused a loss to the Montreal Warohouse Compauy of flOO.OOa Honolulú dates to August 3 report the new Ministry iu complete control. Most of the norainees for nobles and representativos undor the now constitution ars of American birth or parentajje. The milis of M. & J. O'Donnoll, situated near lirlgden, Ont, were ignited by brush lires on the lOth, and bef ore tho llames could bo extlnguishcd damago to the amount of f150,000 had been done. A BRisK Uro was ragiugon the llth over a large tract in the Calodonian ludían reservation in Ontario. Soveral Indians were supposed to have porished and much property had been destroyed. Tub centenary service to commemorate tho establishment of tho flrst Episcopate la America was jiven In Westminstor Abbey, Loniion, on tho lL'Ui. Pkincb FmtDi.vAND issuod a manifestó on the 12th in which he stated that, having boen electod sovereign of Bulgaria, he considored it a sacred duty to set foot at the earhest possible moment on liis new country. He had cmbarked for Widin. The water famine in Manchester. Eng., was lncreasing on the 12th, and water was belng serve-l only twelvo houra out of tha twenty-four. It was announcod on the 12th that Canadian oföoials wero growing tirod of American crimináis, and were anxious for an enlarged extradition treaty. LATER NEWS. Advices of tha Hth give a total of 85 persons killed in tho recent rallway horror near Chatsworth, 111. Of these the names and residences of 76 woro known, loaviug nine bodios to be irientiüed. Ia additiou to the killed thore were 129 persons dang;rously injurod. Two hundred more receivcd minor cuts and bruiges, making a total of ovor 4W killed or woundei in tho wrock. About a dozon or more were expjcted to dio of their wounds. Ex-TJxrD Htates Senator Barobnt, of California, dioi at San Francisco on the Uth. At twenty-slx leadinj; clearinghouse! In the United States the exchanges during the week endod on the 13th aggrogated I8O7,3S1,347, again-it 11,042,677,210 the previous week. As compared with the corrosponding week of lid, tlia decrease amounts to 9.5 per cent. Bixtt doaths from cholera wera reportod on the 13th from various points In Italy, also a largo number of new cates oí the diseaw. Rev. Sm Jon-k. who has charco of tha ten days' camp-mojtini at Round Lake, N. Y. , preached hU tirst Bermon on the 13th to an audience of ton thousnnd peopla. A tornado swept over Leu County, Ia., on the 13. h, dostroyinpr property worth thousands of dnllnrs. A Catholic Church at St Paul worth I3i).00ü aad otlior structuren were demollabei. Twen rv-TFiiiüR persons were poisoned on the 13th in l'ittsburgh by eating confeo tionery. All would probably recover. As attempt was made on the 13th to wreek a passen ?er train on tho Burlington & Missouri r.iilroad by Uring a tretie bridge ten miles from Nebraska City. Tue train waj a light ono, howevar, and got over the buïinns struoture in safety. Tühee young men, Frank IJyram, Frod Evans and Tliomus Collins, were lost iu tho lako near Chloago on tho 13th by tho oapBizing of their y acht. Pkince Fkhdixand took tho oath as ruler of Bulgaria in the hall of the 8obranje at Tlrnora m the 13th, and issuod a manifestó proclaimiiig ni accession, in which no ttllusion was mado to Russia. TnE Massaclmsotts Demoorats wlll hold their conv.'ution at Worcester Beptombor 20. Tns Hanlan-Tnemer boat-raceatToronto on tho 13th for tho world's champlonshlp was won byToeiner by throe lengths. U.tiTEn States Sknatoh Riddlebehoer, who was sent to jail at Woodstork, Va., ior contempt of court, was roleased on tha 13th by a party of his f riends. A oano of murdernr who wero sald to have killed sixty persons during the past two yeara was broken up at Pierot, Servia, on tho 13th. Bianop I'krkt, of Iowa, has been olected to flll tho vacant Bishopricof Nova Scotla. Thb record of thj baso-ball clubs In tin National Leaguo for tho week ended on the 13tb was as follows: Detroit (games won), 51; Chloago, 49; Boston, 45; New York, 40; Philadelphla, 44; Washmtoo, Í2; Fittsburxh, 33; ludlanapoli. 25.


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