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PO WO FR Absolute. y Pure. Thls powuer never varíes. A marvel of purlly.KtreuKlh and wbnlesomeneaa. More eco11 ui u u-al than the onllnary kliuts, aiui eannot beaoid In oompetlllOD wiih Uie maltitode of low test, sten [ welglit, iiliiin or pliosphale pow.lers. SoLl only In oins. Itoyal Kukliig !..% ler ¦ . IOe Wall st., N. Y. MSOVI IMKITTOHV. A.NV ,KRORfoM VNIlEltY, Nu IH meels (irst Tn.-s.iav f Meb raouth, W.ü Ooiy. E.O.; W. A.. Tolohar l, Baoordar. V VSII I'K VMr I'UWTKI!, Ni), (i, K A. M.- vi.-.-w rirsi Mm.lav eactb month. Isaac H ui ly H ': '¦- Bmrth, s.-.Tetary. BUSINESS CAROS. DR. H R. ARNDT, PHYSICIAN Omci Ovkk First NATIONAL Bask. lloiirs from t) te lla. nu, From 2 tü 3:30 p. in., Siimliiy fnim 9 to 10 a. m. WIIAIAM HEKS, House, Sijn, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Papertng, Glazlni;, Gilding, nn.1 Calciminine. and worV or every dencrlutio.i dom.' iu the best style, and warranted to give eatiefactiou. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. W. W. A C. MC HOI,., Roo:iis Over Aun Arbor Saviugs Rank, H.i-D-iic Temple Bloek. GASorVITALIZED AIR A'iiuiniotered for Ihe painles extract). in if HM. BABY HÏÏMOlRS And all Skin and Setlp DbetoM Sprcilily ('ured In ('utimra. Oar Ititlc son wlll le fonr yeare of ne on Ihe HtkloM In Mij, 188S, hr wu alincked wiilia very painlul breakm oot of the aklo. We called in a ptiygiclan wht treftted hira tor ¦ out four wetkn. The child received lltile or no Irom tbe treatment, as the bre:i k iitjf out, Myputaj hy the ph)4iciaD to be hlves In an agraraiea form, became larger in blotchee, ami mote and more dintresaisg. We werc irequetitlr obliged to l'.i ap in i .- night and rut) liim wiib loda in water ïtroiifl; linimento, ele. Finally, we called other pliyslclaus, untll no lens than gli had attempted to rtire hun. all allke lalUng, k. d th' chil.l pteadily grow inif woree and wi)ric, imtii aWonttfae 2Mli oi latt July, when we beüan ti givu liim CDTICURA KcSolvint inlernnlly, and Ihv CvncuRA und Oiitii l ka Soap i'xierinilli, and I Iml ol ADgmt be wm ao near y well thateKave him only one doHe of the Rk.soi.vknt ahoui erery i.-cond day for about ten days lonire , and h.' lum ver been troubled olnc.' witli the horrible lualady. In all w used lees than ooe half (r a D.itlle of Outtcwa Resolverá, a linie 1-hh th in one. tox oi Vuticurtt and unly one caIm of ( 'ttttriti i Snap 11. E. KYAN. Cayuga, I. rloi itone Co., III. Snbiwrined and sw.iru to liel.irc roe n lourth day o J mnary, 1SH7. C. N. KOU, J. P. SCORFÜLOUS 1IÜM0RS. Last prlng 1 wa very dek. beiDg cowred wl h iome kind ofierofnlt. The dociun couid not help me. l adviBd to try the Cniraiu lissolvïnt. I dld o, and in a day I ur.w betler and i.eiier, nntil I am as wel] as ever. I ihank you for it very much, and w má like to have it told to the public. KIJW HOFMAN, North Attleboro, Hal . SKI DISEASES Cl REI). Mr. Prank McOluska says Ihat wamt Cuticcka Kuki)IK8 cured hls b.iv of a Pkiu dineai-e afi.-r everal doctor had failcd to h. lp ihe lioy. Be "Pent over One Uundred Dollars wnh docto. Caticura Iiemediel cured him J. K. TlFPAHT, I-leaaant Mount, I'.i. Culimra. tbegreat nkln cure, and VhIU-uvü s,,ai prepared from It, eiternally, an.l Cuttcmra Btiol vent ihe new blood pnriflrr, Internally, are r posIttve cae for every fbrm of üklii ai.d blood dinease irom pimple to scrufula. Sold evcrywhere. Prlee: Cmiiriu, N Otati: Uholvint; 11.00; Soap, 25ct. I'repaied by roTTu Ukuu and OarooAL Co., BoKtou. Hedr.r"IIn to Curo Mkla UiaeaxpH PTTTl'l.KS, Blackheadí, Skin Biemlphes, and "A'l Haby Humor, une Codean Soap. A Word About Catarrh. 1 It I the muous membrane, thit wonderful eral (luid envelope (nrroundiii({ the delicate Ui,ues of the air and food pMsagee, that Catarrh maken lts stronichold, Onre extablished tt eats lnto the very vitáis, and rendere life bnt a long"rawn breath of misery and dlsease, dulling the enee of hearing, trammelllni; the piwer of speecfi, deitroylng the faculty of sm 'ILtalntlng the breath 'ld kllllng the redned pleasures of taste. Iiinidionly, hy creepins on from a simple Cold In the nead.H axaults th memhranoan llnlng and enve ops the none, e Mag throuh the delicate coats a"d causing Inflitmmation, Hlou 'hin" nd death Nothtn? ,hort of total eradioation will eecurc nealth to ibe patiënt, and all tileviaiea are simply procrajfnateil utv rini;-, leading to a fatal termlntlon. Sandforus Kadk'ai. Ccbe, by JnhaliUion na by Infernal adminitratlnn, han never fallod ; Kiven when the dleac ha made frlhtiu' iiimwI in dehcate c .nstitations. hearing. mell and tantus have been recovered, nad the dlseaee thoruuglily Kiven ont." Sanikki)N Raiuch. Ct'R cons'atu or one Imttie of the Itiuiical Uure, one box Ctitharral Solf'iu.mA one Jmprovni Inhalcr. neatly wradped wlth '"11 direttion; Prlce, 1.00. P0ITKK DRUO CUKMICAL CO., BUBI'ÜN. MY BACK ! MY BAC Jbl(i:i.ii..)i o.R 1IIMTK fí Achín ir back, hU,and Kldee, kidney üftt "terlne patna, weakneM an ii.ii.mpSjniRtiiin, rh.uniniic, oeonlgtc Külatl. , iodlV'len, nhurp and nervoun pain-., coughs nTv ,J"ld"nltrinH lleflnonr inlBÜ..M i . ' new' "r1-'1""1. elet-ant ml InfalliWe -intï ó ." 'V.'"1 toflammrtio, tba ¦nirii'a ntl-Paln Placer. aSc.r íre for 1 00 ; at B wíon" ' r ioH" órag alld chemic1 Oom Get your Printine: ai the Cornïer.


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