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Jeff Davis wrote down to bis fiientls in...

Jeff Davis wrote down to bis fiientls in... image
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Jeff Davis wrote down to bis fiientls in Texa3 that prolubltion was a denial of bis beloved doctrine of 'Vtnte rigtaU," and TexM responded with tbeut 100,000 (the usual democratie) majority Hgn'n-it I r iliibition. Je.fT still hoMs his grip. The following equiiie cxploit is related by the Norlh Lake correspondent of the Chelsea Herald : "A horse owned by Prof. Monis, of Ann Albor, hitched to a scraper being used to improve navijjation on ttie lake, ran away fter giving a mile on the road. He ran throayb Mr.Woods' b irn and junipcd out of the back door niue feet down without Injury to the horse." The new Series ot postaite stump soou to be issued will vary very litile from the desi}in8 now in use. The vtynettei will not be changed at all, umi the portraits on the new stnnips will be with those now In U9e. The chief object of the chnn;e will be to niake the new series of adhesive stamps cou forin to those embossed upon the envelopes now used from the department. To this end there will Le several changes in the colors employtd. The most noticeable of these will be In the 2 ci'M stamp, wh c'i i now brown. Iu the new series it will be of milori green. The S iline Observer nun.havii.g had the same experience that all new.-p iper men lnc, portrays it well in the following: "St:ange as it nmy MMB, there are men who fe.l ugly towurd the newspapcr man when he speaks well of an advertiser or patrón who may chance to be in the same business as hiniself. Newspapers are run (we were goin to say to niake money) but we will modify by sayinjf - to mike a living; and t is as nnich the newspaper man's business to take all legHtaatfl ailvertiseinents as it is the business of the mercluiiit to sell his goods for cash to the man wlio may peiehai'ce vote a dillen ut ticket, or sleep in a chuich of anolher denoininatiim." Thera are hundieds oí sm.ill jobs (irruida, etc., that people desire to liave done, by whicu very many poor and deserving ones mtgbl MID a few pemiles or 11 few dimes If they knew about it. The di.llculty lijg ia obUining the inf rmation. Wheii i man wants 11 chore done litMHiiiiot lind any onc, and when a person de!re work he uiijjlit search h Uay and not strike the one traatteg htm. VVoulü t not pay tornt one to eatablbh an emplyiunit office, 01 perbapi tomethlag in the line of un iutelligeuce ollice ? For iu.-tince, 8ome liouseholder wants a tree trimmed op, 01 a cistern cleaned out, or ;i tove pot up, or ;uiy .-ncli odd job. Instead of speuding a hult' duy in gettiug some one to do it let hlm step to the oearest telephooe and lufortn tlie keeper of tlila propowd ofBee what he wants done, and bare hini send a penoo to per fonn the work. Then again any one out ot woik could apply here for jol.s, and o botli would bmeflted. As a mere matter of dolíais and cents, do.-s Iliinsy railroad building pay? Hou niany wooden brides, only about six leet Mgh, could have beeu repluced by store culvens and carth embankments for the 8um which the Toledo, Proria & Western Rallroad wül be torced to pay damages in constquence of the awful wreek near Cliatsworlh How many mil.g of rickety track could lie fnrnislied with the best ties and rails, cleared of all gran and inllammable material, and ballasted withjstone for less money tban the Illinois horror "11 eosl the company in loss of business during the ru-xt ten ycars? These are the questions which rallroad builden and capitalists may ask themselves now. Are we not skimming the country too fust aod too carelessly In railroailliiR as in firmin)í and the use and abntfl of forests? If railroads wete COnatrsctod only where honest, subetantial work pld, would not then be plenty of tenilory developed, and would not the economie waste of our reckless use of capital and labor be immcnsely lessenod? Considered from all points of view, is not the .ountiy worse Bil, rather better, for the existenee nf sucli a rallroad line as tlie Toledo Peoría & Western.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News