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J. C. Watts of East Snglnaw, is in the city. E.B.Abel starts for New York toni orrow. Prof. Reighard aml wife have rcturnod to the city. Judge Kinnc leaves tlie city Thursilay for a trip to New York. Miss Allie Langing of Howell, is visiting Miss Lottie Henion. Herman Hutzel has heen home for a few days during the week. Miss Lottie Henion has returned from an extended visit up north. Dr. W. F. Breakey and fumily are visitingfriends In Marshall. Miss Susie Clark of this city, is visiting Miss Irene Mirwin, of Detroit. Mrs. U. E. Ward, of Detroit is visiting at J. Sprague's in the 5th ward. Ambrose Ke;micy has moved back lnto liis old home No. 27 K. State st. L. W. Briggs, of Dexter, called upon his Aim Arbor friends Mouday. Mrs. Mozart, of Washington, D. C, is home for a few weeks' vacation. Louis D. Taylor is home from Chicago for a few days' visit wlth his mother. Boa. C. J. Pailthorpe, law '75, of Petoskey, was in the city last Thursday. Mis8es Nina and Jennie Davlson, went to Toledo Mouday fur a few dnys' stay. Mrs. G. R. Williams of Milan, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sprague. Dr. and Mrs. Martin returned home last SaturdHy evening from their vacation trip. F. E. Walker, lit. '83, of Massachusetts, was looking over the campus during the week. Miss Dollle Phillips, of Kalamazoo, is visiting Miss Allie Curtís, on Washington st. Miss Bertha Batir of the Cincinnat' Conservatory of Music is' visiting witli her parents. Mrs. O F. Webster anü daughter Flora of Owosso, are rWttng Mrs. W.'s father, Chas. Spoor. Geo. EL Miles, of the Detroit Tribune was a pleasant caller at the Couiuee ofBce to-day. Mr. Condón, of Houghton, who has been visiting his family for a time returned Tue8day. John J. Robison returned from his Star Mountain trip last Saturdny, having had a splendid time. Eagene Oesterlin, Fred Rentscliler and John Koch are camping at Whltmore Like this week. Geo. Jacohus, of Toledo, has heen in the city during the week shaking hunda with old fripnds. J. J. Goodyear and wife are expected home from tbeir eastern trip the bitter part of the week. Mis. Traub, who has b-en visitlng her mother, Mrs. A. M. Bross, returned home to Detroit Monday. Prof. A. II. Pattengill and mother went over to Cavanangh Lake to-day to vlsit the campers tliere. John Manly, of Toledo, Ohio, has been u the city duriiiK the week, stopping with Sheriff Walsh. Mrs. Ida Wheat nee Clemente, has been n the city for a short time, on her uay home toLeavenworth, Kansas. Dr. McLachUn will goto Ilolly again to-morrow and when he returns will bc accompanied by Mrs. McLncblan. Delos Newcombe, of Flint, bas been visiting bis brother Fred Newcombe and family, who reside on E. Hurón st. Master Louis E. Giles of Detroit, is visiting his gramlniotber, Mrs. B. F. Giles, on Fuller st., for a few days. Prof. JIcLouth, president of Brookings Atrricultural College of Dakota, has been vlslting at A. M. Doty's during the week. Jay Kcitli, of üexter, visitcd friends in town Uut week, and took in the Cbelsea and Ann Arbor bal] game last Fiiday p. in. "ii me iuiu ínsc, a ten ll. Doy was boni to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown. (Mrs. Brown was formerly Miss Aniy Orcutt.) Woltor Mack rcturned Friday erenlng from lii stay at Oharlevoix. His sister Amanda will remain a OOBple of weeks louter. Mrs. Or. Kose has retnmed from a vlsit of several weeks in South Beiid, Ind., accompanied by her motlier filrs. Hobinson. Elmer Brown and wlfe of Ypsilanti, accompanied by MissMary Edmund?, of Tonawanda, N. Y., wereguests of DeputJ Co. (Jleik Brown last Friday. Mrs. Geo. Hadzeits and children of Detroit, wlio has been spending the summer with ber father David üepue, has rjturned home. Misst'8 Hattie and LuelU Swift are viüitinfí their aunt, Mrs. Lutz, ne:ir Lonilon. Out., and will also visit frieiuls in Detroit for a few wetkf. Gus Brehm, deputy county treasnrer, whiled away last week in the stubble lields of Freeilom. He report! haring a g'iod time just the fame. l'rof. Slawson, who has been (pending the slimmer in the city, has lett for hls schools at Uou".'hton, stopping on the w:iy at Harbor Springt, to iiUend a teaehei's meeting. Miaa Lizzie O. Morgan 'iirtist of Cincinnati, and Miss Minnie Morjjan of the Uaiversity of Virginia, were visiting last week with Mr. and Mrs. E. Buur W. Huron st. Mrs. Chas. Le Seur and son Frank, aeconipaniird by Miss Edna L'icke, of Toledo, who have been visltinj friends in fue city for a couple of weeks, returned home Monday. J. C. Shattuck, lit. '87, has secured the position of superintendent of the 8t. Clair schools vice W. C. Streeter, lit. '82, who resijfned to accept the position of agent of the Coldwater State Scliool. L. P. Joci'lyn, who has attended the university the past four yqjirs, graduating last June, goeg to Mutkegon as teacher in their public schools. He is an DDtiriog worker, incessantly climbinji up and helpinfr on somc gnod cause. The peopic of Mnckegon 11 soon lrn to Kn.nv and apprcclute him. J. 15. Gediles and family leave to-niglit for Gambies, Ohio, at whicli pliicc Mrs. Qeddes has the posltion of DMtran of the Young Ladiltt1 Heininary. Mrs. Geddes is one of An:: ArboiV most estimable Imlii's, and hIic has a host of friends hcre who will rcjoice at her jood fortune. Miss Nellie, her daujfhter, will enter the scininary as a pupil.


Ann Arbor Courier
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