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WM ftUBL=S= clappe-1 wlth eraployment at houie, Ibfl wliota of the tiroe.or for t eir upare nioments. Husim-Hüht and prllixlf. Parlona of eilher sex easily nam irom EO tn $".no per evening, and u pruporMiMiul urn hy deviiliiiK all thetr time to the tnieinei-8. Boy uncí Birla earn earn nearly as mm n as men. 't hut aüwhi) na thli miiy -nd ttiulr ad¦i u, andteal the boilnea, we make ihli offer. To ancha tra. notwall tUflad we wlll m-nd one dollar id pay tm tba t.-ouble ui writlnir. Kuil part 'coluro and notfll frae. Addmaa GBOBflB Stisbin & ÜO. l'iirtluiiil M;tine. C. H. MILLEN, INSUftANO: AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., In Arbor. oliiest agency in the city. Estuljllsliod over a auartet ¦! i icntury ago. RepreHeuting the followiug tlnst-class conipaiiics with over $00,000,000 Capital mul iuetl. HOME INS. ii)., of Niw York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIACiAKA IN-i. ().. f Ntw York. QIRARD INS. CO., of Phlladelplila. oli.IK.NT INS. CO., of Hartford. OOM M BttCIÁL UNION, of London. LI VKRPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WABHINQTON F1HI-: and MARINE, of lioslou. Ratfi I.IHI as I liowi'st, f OTTTI Liborally AiljiiKtcd aml proiuptly l'aid. C. H. MIIJ-EN. THE ANN ÁRBOR SÁVINGS BANK, ANN AKIluK. MHHIOAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $50,000. OrnBiaed uiulir the General Danking Law of HllB Smtc, tbu tockbülüon iudivlduully liabie ur il.' HiiditiiMiul rtuiounl eqnal to th; atOCk held by tii.-m. ilu-ruliy crumtlBft a Uunrantee Fnnd lor the b.ii -li' uf l-po-it Tt of $100,000.00. por oeat InttfMl is ;illowed on all Savinps Depoett ol ooe dollar umi iipwardr, accortlin to al the Dank tod lntoret comptmnaed BOnd-aonoaU) Konoyto ixmn on uninctimluTcd PM] f-tütf ud othiT u'ood eecurity. DIBKCTÜB8: IMlilsriAN M (.:ü, Wm. I). I1A1Í1ÍIMAN, W. W. WINKS, DANIEL HISCOCK, WILI.IAM DKUIiEL, vn.LAKI) B. SM1TII 1JAV1U KINSKY. OFFICERS: C. MACK. l'res. W. W, WINKS, 'ci-Pre ,. Ü. ni8('(ICK.'ashl.T. ANN ARBOR ?mall Fruit Nnrsery! All Kinds of BERRY PLANTS. Fint' riüiits of the SHARPLESS, The Host Strawlicrry (irown. FIT UD mmi TREES Krom BLLWAKQSBa lï MïHY, Hooliesler, N. Y. Orders mtist'be sent eaily. WINES AND SYRUPS. Sc,l I [ . lii'-niaili' Winp for Iliv.-illds and Kucharisi. Boor Win.-, RaHpberr; Brap. iirnl) l'.-iir syi-up, un.l Plyinontll Koek Kni;. EMIL BAUR, W. HURÓN ST. we ir TREMAINE í. BACH, l'IKK AND UFE liWRM(JU(IMY ! Xo. l Kast Huron Slnot, Opposlte Cook House. Ten Flrst-Class Coinpillllis i .-iir.-i.ii 1 -i. Assetts Over $25,000,000. 1819-lMS. SUBSCRIBE for the COÜRIEB


Ann Arbor Courier
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